Feel the idles hear the idles
They are reaching out to catch you
Feel the rhythms hear the noises
You are beating all the visions
Is it angels is it devils whispering in my ears
Is it emotions is it illusions
I need to be with you
Aikatsu and Pripara thread
Other urls found in this thread:
I want to fuck Lala.
First for memememe and cuckmeme to do shit this season and for cuckmeme to finally get the mainmeme. Can't wait for elisa to cannonball the school because it's so childish when nothing bad ever happens, we need serious stuff to trigger memememe to rekt rinmeme while hetmemes get blasted from this animeme.
I haven't seen the last six episodes but I hope memememe finally got a personality not to be confused with popcuckmeme who has a personality but is a meme.
Less than 12 hours till more SHALL WE MAKE TOKIMEKI.
12 hours till more Yui fap.
Me too dude
I want to make daisuki with Yui.
Why are they digging? Are they making a tunnel into DanPri? And why did Yui have wings in the preview?
Thank you, now I hope we've all got it out of our system and will speak to each other like kind little girls.
>Are they making a tunnel into DanPri?
Most likely.
>And why did Yui have wings in the preview?
Probably one of her delusions.
TWEWY OPs are my favorite, but they also hurt me by reminding me that sequel never.
I've heard only the very strongest idles have wings.
You're underestimating people here.
You're a big fat stupidface.
Yui isn't chubby.
If they tunnel into DanPri from outisde PriPara it will raise new questions.
My wife
That so many good designs are wasted on sidles is a crime. We will never get to know them nor we will ever get to see their Aikatsu. It's really not fair at all.
Me on her shoulder.
Cease this. Tsubasa would never cheat on Hime.
No, she's fat. Fatty fatty Yui.
Hime started it by cheating on her with Yume.
Would you rather all the sidles be plain?
I think YuriLily is better than YuzuLily or TsubaYuri tbhfam
I'd rather all the sidles be in my bed.
Yume x Rola
Yume x Hime
Yume x Subaru
Mahiru x Yozora
Ako x Kanata
Lily x Yuzu
Lily x Yuri
Hime x Tsubasa
Tsubasa x Yuri
Pick your poison
I don't think that your bed is big enough. Many sidles would be crushed and die.
My dark skinned fellow companion.
You forgot Koharu x Yozora/Mahiru
Everyone forgot Koharu
Survival of the fittest.
Do you really want 50 rotting sidle corpses?
Ako Subaru
Come fight me memes
Ako x Yume is clearly the best.
Um, yes.
Patrician Roller x Mihara coming through.
I heard Yume and Yozora are dating
Me x You
She was the best sidle by far
You have good taste, Ran would be my wife if I wasn't already married to Michiru.
No idle will ever marry you.
A cricket a cicada and what kind of bug is into BDSM?
Is anyone is up for a Pretty Rhythm collage?
You take pics of whatever PR merch you have, CDs,BDs, posters, magazines, manga,games etc. Along if possible, some kind of fun message or drawing to explain the country you're from. Even better if you can show it with the background, for example taking a pic of yourself cosplayed as a PR character in front of Eifel Tower.
Then we make a Twitter account specifically for it, to avoid necessary popularity/RT credit feud and tweet it to the staff on twitter saying "from pretty rhythm fans around the world" in Japanese
I asked this around a year ago and didn't get answers but I really feel like doing it. Well, I say "I want to do it" but I've never done this before and have no idea how to deal with the photo's various different resolutions, if someone wants to do the collage instead feel free to manifest yourself.
>Ako x Kanata
Best and best deserve to be together.
/ai/ is full of neets, poorfags and thirdworlders who can't buy merchandise even if they wanted to.
A few of those get obvious preferential tretment.
Fireflies are into anal no BDSM.
Fireflies throws themselves at fire. That's kinda M, if you stretch it somewhat.
What do you mean user? Can you explain further?
Just realized something that ugly only can be a moth.
That some of those are almost evidently pushed by the staff itself while others are meant to be "purer". Like, they definitely know what they're doing with YuzuLily compared to YuriLily.
It's clearly cause we're little girls with no income, silly.
Well, it's quite obvious some of those will be much more prominent considering that some characters are also much more prominent than others.
We humans all throw ourselves at fire in a sense.
Could we do separate collages for Aikatsu and PP too? I don't have any PR merch.
I don't know why PRfags try to pretend their series is popular with anyone but fujos.
Why is Fairilu so lewd?
That's rude user, without PR we wouldn't have KoP or PP, I presume.
Flying onaholes.
Yeah. We might as well do one for Aikatsu first as this is the most popular thing here, and will definitly get people. And if it ends a success it'll rouse people to do the PR one and other series.
I don't have the motivation to organize an Aikatsu one though, and I don't even know staff members' twitters, so someone else will have to do it.
Nice meme.
Maybe now, but things were different in the past.
Just because those more popular series wouldn't exist without PR doesn't make his claim less true.
That's a nice idea user, but
>a pic of yourself
is the recipe for failure.
Any recommendations for this season's anime shows? I have looked at the previews and nothing really stands out.
Good thing I'm talking about the now, perhaps I should have specified.
Idol Time. But I admit I haven't looked at what else is on.
Strawberry love!
The cosplay thing was just an example, I'm not asking people to pose with their merch. And in the event you do you can always wear a mask.
There's many guys who discovered with Kinpri and became fans now. It's not just fujos. I literally have a list of JP tweets of people saying they started watching PR after seeing Kinpri. Though I stopped doing it recently.
Alice to Zouroku. Its comfy and cute.
Uh I mean Frame arms Girls, it's my favorite toy commercial this season
Just how soft is Ichigo?
Renai, Frame arms girls and hinako note.
Watch everything you'll never know when will a new KF pop out.
If I were to try one season of PR, which one should I pick? I like PR and Jewelpet more than Aikatsu.
>I hope more people watch Pretty Rhythm, litteraly saw lotsof people say it made them rethink their life and get happier in general.
Aikatsu had that effect for me.
Only one season?
Then watch rainbow live
Always start fom the beginning and go in order, so Phantom Blood.
Matsuura Mai is asking what she should draw for An's birthday which was on April 2.
TV version Ann and Kinpri version Ann together
Ann and Wakana together
Ann alone
Hey, little girl.
Rainbow Live is probably the better one to start with, though I personally prefer AD.
Sort of how Idol Time is pandering to fujos now as well?
Aurora Dream if you want comedy first
Rainbow Live if you want seriousness first
Dear My Future is AD sequel and can't be watched first.
I recommend watching in production order.
Yeah, AD is the patrician's choice. RL is more accessible.
Except its not.
Then what is WITH?
Pandering to little girls starting to go through puberty.