I'm pretty sure a comet the size of an entire town would destroy all of Japan.
I'm pretty sure a comet the size of an entire town would destroy all of Japan
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Depends on what the comet is made of.
If it's made of shrimps, it would be no problem.
Comet the size of a mountain could easily devastate most of Earth.
Further strengthening my point
Not if it was a small town of the tiny ikas
>ywn never see a comet the size of Jupiter pass through the solar system and irrevocably fuck up all of the planets' orbits
Why even live?
>a comet the size of Jupiter
I don't think comets can be that big.
I'm sure the universe has a few mysteries left that'll baffle the mind and contradict current understandings of physics
Why is she so smug?
She's a Japanese Kraken, reason enough to be smug.
I guess-so.
delet this
pretty sure any meteor larger than a mile in diameter would fuck up most of the earth
Why is Kaede's sense of humor so bad and why do I still want to marry her?
Dumb ikaposters
the universe is a big place
like really big
I don't think you appreciate just how big the universe is
More like "dumb kiminowanaposters"
I want to eat ika's tentacles
waaay ahead of you
At that size its own gravity turns it into more of a sphere, and therefore it is classified as a planet.
Sure, the rock can be that big, but by definition it is no longer a comet.
But is it as big as an xbox HUEG?
Checkmate atheists.
Then what if its just the size of pluto.
past a certain size it would collapse and explode, or become a small star
It isnt the size. A planet must orbit a star or something else, just like a moon must orbit a planet.
Anything just running around space freely is not a planet.
People like you are the reason why Remina is coming to us
A comet also orbits the sun, nigger. The size / shape / etc. are what distinguish a comet / asteroid from a planet.
If you switched bodies with Ika Musume, how would you spend your day?
So how did the manga end
Pleasuring myself with my tentacles obviously
>It isnt the size.
is right.
But it's not a comet the size of an entire town. It's a comet big enough to destroy an entire town.
Adult Takeru returns to the restaurant after his boss tells him they need to demolish it to make room for construction development. With his sisters having moved on to other professions, Ika runs it on her own and he soon finds out she's been whoring herself out to pay the rent in the hopes that everyone would someday return. After a night of passionate love with her he decides to quit his job rather than take the restaurant away from her, but she already found out about his reason for coming and removed her hat, ending her life.
That was a sad fucking doujin.
Did you get off though?
Of course.
ika a shit
I love the ikaposters.
Squiddians always make good threads.
Is this a Miami Dolphins thread
>squid pun
If it doesn't meet ALL of the criteria in #1, it is not a planet.
>ink pun
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Rape the Ika in my body.
As long as Jupiter-san is watching over us nothing bad can happen!
Yes, but a comet meets some of those criteria. The only difference between a dwarf planet like Pluto and a comet is the mass-shape criterion.