>piano kicks in
Piano kicks in
Other urls found in this thread:
>tumblr kicks in
>this shit happens
>anons will STILL defend Shinji
I don't particularly like Rei or redheaded bitch but fuck Shinji
>this shit happens
Are you sure about that?
shut the fuck up, Shinji
The entire scene is one big metaphor. It's not really happening, even in instromentality
>piano teleports behind you
>"Back the fuck off?"
*gay piano noises*
ok not so sure about cutting in the original audio
kind of a bigger fan of just having the song and the visuals
>piano kicks in
Well Asuka has always treated Shinji badly for no reason at all, karma got her when she was glad he was dead by the worm hole angel.
I know, I know I've let you down.
Asuka is honestly a fucking scumbag. I get that she's fucked up and all, but she kept aggravating a guy who clearly had issues. At least Shinji attempted to keep his shit together.
Bitch had it coming.
Cause she desires his cock
that's how tsuns behave
She treats him badly because he won't act like a man, which is what she keeps telling him to do. When he does something manly, like when he saves her in Magma Diver, she acts differently.
I personally like the idea that she devolved a fetish for pain/strangling after her traumatic experience with her mom Satan
I'm like absolutely sure Asuka would have just laughed at Shinji if he pulled his pants down and asserted control
the only exception to this is in the occurence of a situation like where she'd probably jump his bones because of her mental instability
>Shinji strangled her
>Asuka Caresses his face
>Shinji cries
>Asuka insults him
Really makes you think
Shinji admit he likes being treated badly and made fun of. I do wonder how would Asuka would react if he grew some balls and started to bully her and call her nicknames.
"Asuka Hentai Soryuu"
"Princess Asuka"
She gave him a few chances to man up with her but he didn't take any of them, like the scene where she kisses him.
Shinji a shit, he expects everyone to understand and love him without any effort on his part, and always plays the victim card when anything happens. I still like him though.
It's a good representation of both of them wanting love but not understanding how to get it. Via a lack of communication, but in the last seconds of EoE you can see them caring for each other even if only for half a second where Asuka does embrace Shinji showing her willingness to love him and inturn herself and her new resolve to live. As they emphasize "how can you love someone else if you don't love yourself"
Here is a thing that nobody knows, it was point out on some fan site that Asuka is going through depression of being rejected, the tv plays soaps which probably convey Asuka's feelings "a bad kisser never works out"
Google "evangelion a bad kisser" and you'll see what I mean.
If you're referring to the scene in your pic, I checked it and unfortunately the TV in the background isn't subtitled. I found a post on EvaGeeks referencing it, though, but no translation.
I'd laugh too if I saw a boy try to fuck me with this
While I don't think it's related, Asuka always struck me as the kind of girl who's only that mean and domineering because she never found someone (besides Kaji) that she could respect.
If Shinji took charge, she would've wilted instantly.
pink guy is always right
Yeah, its not subbed but a couple of sites reference it.
>inb4 evageeks
Someone would have to be Japanese to confirm or deny if its true, but it would be stupid to lie about it.
However, I found it from here
Its actually a pretty good summary of their love/hate relationship.
Well yeah, she believed she needed to have a purpose so in turn she did/thought she was the best everything she could to be
Also something something superego Freudian dead Mom something something
Thanks for the link, it was interesting.
Just what you'd expect from eva fags.
NGE is garbage.
I tried to post the actual link but Sup Forums thinks its spam, you'd have to go there yourself. On the site there is toolbar you can go to for a full summary on the intricacies of their relationship.
This scene singlehandedly made Shinji the best character in Eva.
There's gotta be a doujinshi where he gets both and they compete to see who can make him cum first.
Good. I don't understand why so many people like a psycopathic cuntrag.
Did the choking really happenned? Was it in the mind of Shiji? Was it during instrumentality?
i'm confused
Of course, there is even a doujinshi where Shinji has sex with Asuka, Rei, Mari and Kaworu all at the same time.
> It's not really happening,
No, it actually happened. It wasn't revealed so until EoA, but this is likely the trigger for Asuka becoming suicidal depressed in the show. Not everything in Eva is a metaphor.
No it didn't...?
It's a metaphor that is shown through instromentality
no, I remember there were scenes in the TV show that foreshadowed it. I don't remember exactly, but it was definitely there.
Well it IS prior to Instramentality and it's debated if that's actually Asuka
*pan flute solo*
Inb4 fujos
Reminder that Shinji is canonically heterosexual. He only ever had sexual fantasies about women. Everyone knows this simple fact yet fujos seem to have problem with it.
Is this the Japanese version of Ooooh what you saaayyy?
Stop picking on Shinji just because you hate men, fujoshit.