Raildex NT18

I don't think Aleister would be defeated in this volume. He wouldn't be defeated that easily in 1 volume.

I bet this volume is only about exposing his secrets.

its just me or, the pict is upside down

All I want is for Touma to whip out the dragon dick and fuck Laura in front of Aleister, probably not going to happen but we can dream and we can meme.


That's what you think. This is the beginning of my tale.

Who are you sure you are not the one upside down?

Aleister looks like he doesn't give a damn anymore
"Why am I in space? Ah Fuck it"

It looks more like he's rising into the sky, ushering in the new Aeon.

Misaki a pile of shit.

Reminder that if you bully Mariydi you die.

You were made for bullying, stop posting Mariydi.

js06, you got the raws?

How bad will NT18 sell?

>Dengeki page is filled with all those colorful covers
>Then there is this old man in space doing a silly pose

It'll be slightly above NT17, and then things will change when s3 gets announced.

Next time when you're in the camera, show a little bit of fanservice with your cute little butt

>made for bullying
>bullied once by a half dead guy after slaughtering half of his fleet
>murders everyone standing in her way

Yeah, made for bullying.

This is as bad as Fre Nda.

If S3 annoucnement is in it's promotional sleeve then probably triple of NT17


Call me "Oni-chan"

Delusions. There is nothing to advertise. Everybody already knows that Index exist.

Look at other LN's that got more anime after years. It did nothing to sales.

The only blonde lolis not made for bullying are cute Russian princesses.

The only example is DRRR, and no one cared about it right after it aired because it was mainly fujos.

That volume had multiple layers of Keikaku

One of the best volumes Kamachi has ever written

Probably better then NT17 if it lives up to the hype of being a awesome volume. If it drops the ball I don't see Index recovering from dropping in sales any further.

Princess Stavia is for rape!

>t. Dimiksy
What's it like hanging out with Kakine?

>those fucking innuendos Heivia and Quenser kept on throwing at her and the maid

>Mercilessly murdering the fuck out of the guys phisically bullying the maid
>Start sexually bullying the maid as soon as they save her

>“I don’t know for sure, but my guess would be a giant battery filled with power from the Object’s reactor. I doubt that’s enough to use that main canon, so that sky saber probably also generates power via megasolar or chemical oxygen iodine!”
>“You’ve gotta be kidding me… So what do we do? At this rate, he’s gonna repeatedly slap that delicate princess’s teary face with that giant, rock-hard cannon he’s so proud of!!”
>“Please do not say such vulgar things about Lady Staivia even as a joke!!”
>“Okay, Heivia. Let’s fight back before he can shoot his white stuff all over that innocent girl’s hair!!”
>The two idiots ignored the screaming maid and continued their conversation.



I don't even think that matters, Kino no Tabi survived for 17 years with 1 season of anime and is still ongoing apparently, plus it just got a manga adaption and is getting another one in like June? Pretty sure a S3 would increase the sales of the main series or at least boost the sales of the spin offs. The important thing is it'll be back in the spotlight for awhile.




Embarrassing desu


Not her you degenerates


>implying there's an end to this madness

She's tanoshii size and blonde to boot, that's all you need

We'll find out where all this is going soon enough. I feel like in the unlikely event it's yet another ruse or something that doesn't keep it's obvious promises, it'll be the limit of a lot of peoples' patience with it


Can't help it, they're literally asking for it by putting measurements to help with your imagination

I'm sure everyone expects the ruse already, it just depends on how it goes.

If this really is a ruse again a lot of nips are going to freak out, I wouldn't be surprised if one tried to dress up as Touma and punch the shit out of Miki. Good thing we have so many manga spin offs and the LN coming soon to keep everyone cool for the meantime.

While I admit there could be one, I personally don't expect a ruse. I think we are genuinely entering some serious shit

The ruse arc ended, I see no reason to think otherwise.

He should really end the series in 4-5 next volumes.

After that it could have spin-offs or even continuation about some other characters depending on the ending.

I'd like to say it isn't a ruse because Dengeki backed up his word but there was no Raildex character on the 25th Dengeki website thing which was honestly pretty surprising. Who knows but lets keep meming and continuing to hope.

I can't see Index ending before pretty much anything else he writes.

That's because almost everything else he writes is an extension of an idea derived from Index.

There's plenty Kamachi can go for as has been discussed several times. The word you're looking for is "could"

That said I'm sure Kamachi would at least make a statement of some sort if he was about to go into Index's last arc. Since he hasn't I'm assuming there's more to come, a ruse, or what have you

He can't keep doing this shit forever.

3/4 of the fanbase already left.

There's only characters from recent adaptations/sequels on there.

Kawakami says hello.

There's a number of nips that have stated they'll pick it back up when it's something big/new season comes. And if s3 is even a possibility over at Dengeki, that means they have every intention to bring in new viewers.

I'd walk around the house looking for high places to leave her on that she can't get down from alone

That final arc announcement could always come with this novel you know. It also be the end of the series as we know it

I'd be more inclined to believe that if a new spinoff didn't just start, or if Railgun/Accel got that announcement as well.

Like I said, the word you're looking for is "could" the series "could" end and we could get that announcement, I don't think we will, but we could.

Why do the spin offs have to end just because the main series does? Unless the MCs of the spin offs die or cease being human, theres o reason they can't play around with the spinoffs. Hell even they do die or stop being human spin-off can continue till that point

I'm not the original guy you were talking to by the way

That's not really relevant

It is when I never said "should"

I was reiterating that I covered that eventuality in my previous post.

I hope the series ends around 22-23 mark like OT and stays finished. It's been ongoing for years now, It's time to hang it up and give it a proper finish Kamachi. At least there's the spin offs and even more after that probably.

In essence, I'm agreeing with you on the "could". I personally think just about anything could happen right now.

The spinoffs are just supplementary material to the main series. A decent number of people would drop them after the main series ends.

If the recent volumes weren't still fun I'd agree but Kamachi experiments with the series so much it's still been fun for me so I don't mind however long he decides to go with the series.

If Kamachi goes this route I imagine he'll have Aleister shitstomp anyone and everyone who opposed him, including his own toys, and have Touma eventually agree with him and end the series with an Aleister win.

You might call it the end of an Aeon

They may not be buying the base novels anymore, but the Index manga still sells well enough, Railgun sells very well, and the characters themselves consistently chart high on polls.

They're probably holding off on either an anime adaptation or something big in the novels that doesn't deflate into a big nothing after a bunch of build-up (see: Misaka's flirtation with Thelemic magic, the magic gods, every single thing about Kamisato and Yuiitsu).

Why do people this this? The MC is such a Gary Stu for having that arm and he somehow manages to beat EVERYONE by punching them. Not only that his personality is generic as fuck that makes the nun look like a well written character. And how come nobody just shoot him? Seems to me like everyone in this story is too retarded to counter someone using their fist. This series is a shitter version of Fate desu. Even Shirou is a better MC than this tool.

Mikoto's issue is still up in the air. While it's not guaranteed, it's entirely possible she ends up as a hostage or Aleister attack dog

>Why do people this this?


DRRR is still going on without any sign of it ending and the current volumes sell like 10% of what it sold at its peak, he can very well keep doing this shit forever if he wants to.

I imagine that Mikoto being a hostage or attack dog would be the same thing unless she's truly gone mad for power and willing to abandon Touma for it

I'm quite interested in seeing how other Aeons work.

Would anyone be able to become a Gemstone? Would the laws of physics and causality change?

Wait, is Narita also writing the sequel? I'd like to see him and Kamachi collab again for some SS/crossover.

Doesn't Dengeki usually announce final arcs when the volume is announced? In that red text that comes with the synopsis. I know I've seen it happen a few times there, although I haven't seen a series with arcs as big as Index's ending ever since they started doing that.
He is, yeah. Don't count on that anytime soon though, Narita has been enslaved by Nasu in the Fate franchise dungeon.

Well he probably has to take it slow with SF so he doesn't write something that contradicts GO.

There was that Extella/Million Arthur crossover, maybe it'll do the same with GO someday.


I want the series to last long too but when people jump ship after ages I get worried so it's probably best he ends it soon. If S3 drops I'll be "alright" but otherwise I hope he wraps it up.

There's always HO & Bloodsign leftover too so eh.

>but when people jump ship after ages I get worried
user, this is like saying Kawahara is a good writer because tons of teens buy SAO.

I just don't want Kamachi to sit around doing nothing. Despite how people feel about Kamisato's arc, it at least set up some things. The worst possible route for this series after it was to go into ANYTHING but a major arc. Even if it's not the end, we need to push things forward at least for now.

It feels like Blood Sign will wrap up before Index anyway.

I really want to see an anime of Blood Sign as well. it's too interesting too not get one.

The first volume is an obstacle. Most anime fans can't seem to stomach huge info dumps, unless it's done in some really creative way. I do understand that mentality though.

Here you go my man.

I actually liked the Kamisato arc, it just went on for too long and people got shitty. After this next upcoming arc which seems to be a final since Aleister (or maybe Laura) seem endgame as fuck, I hope it ends and doesn't stretch into a Part 3 or anything.

I don't stay updated on Blood sign but at least there's Heavy Object.

>when people jump ship after ages I get worried
Literally who cares? Worst case we stop getting adaptations and extra material but if Kamachi's willing to make more volumes I'm sure they'll be published unless they're truly abysmal sales.

I read Kawakami's stuff and other extremely long series like Jojo, so maybe it's just me, but it going beyond here doesn't worry me. I mean, we don't even know the outcome of this arc. If Kamachi goes all out with Aleister, he might be a villain to extend beyond even a major arc.

It's unlikely any of his series will ever fall that low.

There are series out there with over 15 volumes that people have never heard of, and sell less than 3k per volume. Unless it's costing them money, they're never cut short.

>If Kamachi goes all out with Aleister
I feel like if Kamachi's going to go all out with anyone it should be Aleister. If he wants him to be the villain and not team up with the heroes, then I at least would like for as you say Aleister to get through a major arc, maybe make this the introduction of Aleister getting more into the thick of things, and then have other major arcs with Crowley in the background still as a menace at large that they can't deal with yet. Either because Touma and Tsuchimikado actually do escape Academy City, because Aleister gets his Aeon and people have to adapt, or what have you. There's his blasting Rod, the Archetype Controller, the new Aeon and Aiwass. Aleister has a literal funhouse full of toys he can throw at everyone I'd actually be kind of disappointed if we burned right through all of it in one arc.

I agree. Kamachi has almost limitless potential to play with here, and originality is one of his strongest points as a writer.

Rather than "and Aiwass" I actually should have said "etc" seeing as the moment I posted I recalled a bunch of other things Aleister has kicking around like the imaginary number district which includes Kazakiri, he has the Will of the Network for whatever the idea for that is, why he had Faulein in the Windowless Building, whatever Mina was up to in there.

I'm probably not remembering everything either. (granted a few of these likely overlap)

>Consider the following

Didn't Aleister have some AI rigged into the Windowless Building?

>Yorokobe Shonen

Let's consider for example how much of a set piece the AAA has become in the story as just one of Aleister's toys. I don't think each toy should become a full arc maybe, but certainly more than one large arc here.