Donald Trump is a fat ass with no impulse control.
how do you expect a fatso like that to manage his body let alone an enitre country?
how many failed business plans has this guy had? probably just as many secret heart attacks from his fat clogged arteries.
the stress of the presidency is taking its toll and the cravings for foods for president piggy is going to go up. he'll end up 400 pounds soon. How much does he weigh now?
Every fat fuck I have ever met has been miserable, sad and a complete waste of life.
God save the USA, God save fat ass trump, God save the Americans.
Anthony Hall
Eli Garcia
>more successful than you >more wealthy than you >more noteable than you >"he's retarded"
What does that make you
Christopher Cook
>jewlectoral jewllege; shitty approval ratings and track records; everybody knew this in business before he got in >tax returns >fiat money; illiquidity >he's "not retarded" >you blow him; he blows rabbis
Justin Sanders
>gay Oh, mentally disturbed; the post.
Andrew Wright
>synagogue of satan >not a whore bag and projecting shit disturber done blowing kids yet and giving them herpes? muh pizza and matzoh
Asher Cruz
Not an argument. Also you have to go back. Pic related.
James Ramirez
70+ are typically frail and weak. Trump is like butter bean or tank abbott.
Leo Rivera
>gay >talks about Satan >talks about STDs Like pottery.
Matthew Cooper
George Bush did ok as president and he was a brain damaged crack addict.