>your favourite anime will never reach up to 6 seasons and counting
how does it feel Sup Forums?
>your favourite anime will never reach up to 6 seasons and counting
how does it feel Sup Forums?
I think it could catch up with the manga's ending with just one more season so that's fine.
> 6 seasons of nothing happening
oh boy my excitement has become unleashed
>implying my favorite anime isn't Natsume
Well, it had a good run.
Are you blind as well as deaf and retarded?
Isn't the manga still ongoing?
But my favorite anime is Precure
You don't even know what chinese cartoon I'm talking about.
>His favourite anime has breaks
How boring.
The only anime I watch is Sazae-san.
Well no, it wasn't clear if you were referring to NY or some other series,
Great! no point in dragging on a good story
I mean, Cory in the House wrapped up pretty well and kept to the manga so... No need for that many seasons anyway.
At least my favorite short anime got to 9 seasons and counting.
>He doesn't even watch Teekyuu
this. AOTS all 9 seasons, how can anyone else even compete
>sixth season
Shorts no matter.
All I needed was 6 episodes
Six seasons of most things would be too many, but you can never have too much Natsume.
My favorite anime is 110 episodes long and is the perfect length as far as I'm concerned.
>already has 5 seasons
>sales are great
It's just a matter of time, user.
>anime with more than 12 episodes
Feels bretty good, mate. Even though I liked the manga, they already fucked up two seasons of the anime and are currently fucking up a remake. I can't handle any more shitty cash-grab attempts at adaptation.
On a side note, fuck you OP for reminding me that all the manga I like will never be made into good anime.
Natsume is my favorite anime and I'm very glad we keep getting more of it
Vento Aureo never ;_;
>implying the manga would end
The ride never ends user
I agre