>stronk witch hunting mercenary
>somehow still a beta faggot



How do you answer?

the blushing needs to fucking stop

he's a beta faggot just like all the other smegma collectors that watch this disgusting furry shit

I can't wait for the doujins.


Would probably be a decent show otherwise. They could have still done a beastman but make them less animalistic.

Have you been to /fit/?

Good vibes, good show.

Best ending of the season.

Have you? The odds of a fitizen popping a boner, awkward or otherwise, at the sight of a women are laughably low

>We want the kemonofag audience

Underrated post.

Would you rather
>gangbang by humans
>banged by tiger

well does it have a human shaped penis or a barbed sheath animal penis

That :3 face. They are both cats?

>Zero demands to be lewded throughout the episode

Stop toying with my emotions, Japan.

I've been waiting for a vanilla bestiality porn. Usually beastiality=rape or ntr. This should be a new experience

this furfag shit is going to make drop this anime

Come on, the guy doesn't even want to be a furry. His entire motivation is to go back to being human.

>Come on, the guy doesn't even want to be a furry

This is important. Real world furries have that "muh inner animal" bullshit and want to be the furry.

This is just a cursed weretiger, more or less, and he simply wants his human form back.

It's going to end with friendship and rainbows and how he doesn't need to be a human blah blah.

>I don't like this shit because someone will fap to it

Read the LN.

anime original ending.

Gangbanged by tigers

>source: my ass

Seeing this bara furry blush really disgusted me.

The show would be completely generic and boring without the furry bara.

I hope MC bangs her in the end. Her design is so good she deserves canon sex.

It would be a cringeworthy "hero in black" 15 year old right out of SAO.

The tiger works better.

Seeing an Arab disgusts me. I wish we just had acid spraying drones who'd wipe this filth from the world

This is much better than I thought. Much better than the sequel for this.

She is not cute or small enough, and I'm really not into these kind of shows anymore, but I have an obligation to watch it because Yumiri is voicing her.

He is not a witch hunter though.
Just a mercenary.
That how they call him throughout all of LN - Yohei (mercenary)

My ass is a world class diviner.

I bet

When I get home I want to make a webm of him throwing her off after he wakes up.

That roll she did and how she got so cold was adorable.

I tried to give it a shot, but i despise furryfags too much to be able to enjoy it.
Now i know how Miyasaki feels when watching moe shows.

Justifed. Zero was the first women to ever treat him nicely.

His mom seemed pretty nice.

Family excluded, obviously. The only reason he agreed to protect her without a contract is because she said the same things as his mother.

it doesn't work if i dropped it ep1 because the mc is an autistic furry

That was the comfiest ED of the season.
I don't think I will like this though. Will give it two more episodes


>was in production before Kemono Friends took off

>Shota actually a girl will join the party
>It's not Tigerbro and Zero's Excellent Adventures

kemono not kemono friends retard

No, he's just a typical beta faggot ln MC disguised as tough furry mercenary to not make it so obvious.

No worries, tomboy later left the party and went on a power trip, I was like literally WTF when I read it.

>No worries, tomboy later left the party
YES very good.

kemono is japanese furry you dumb weeb

That's stupid. It's like calling catgirls for furries.

Tom a better cat afterall.

Where can I find this cologne? I already got the basement one.

Grow some weeds in your basement.

Zero is a spooky witch

How many people have fapped to Mercenary already

i think by cellar he means vagina

and vagina's stink

>already edits of him with his pants off and a massive dick

Spooky witch.

i want to play with squishy paw pads

With righteousness. Suffer not a witch to live.

>loli bait
>almost everything will be bara instead

Barafags coming out the woodworks.

Bestiality porn is only good when it's consensual, but this isn't bestiality.

I know fantasy world and stuff, but I was fairly bothered by the church actually doing the burnings and shit. The church never doled out capital punishment to criminals, heretics, or apostates; they always acted through proxy by handing jurisdiction to secular governments after judgement was cast.

Blame the filtered history that Japanese consumed about Western culture.

What is this furry faggotry?

Does she look like an asanagi shameface to anyone else?

>10 times less production value than re creators
>somehow 10 times better
How did they do it?

That's intolerant user. Without Islamic multiculturalism we'll never finish killing the homosexuals like the based chechens.

>The church never doled out capital punishment to criminals, heretics, or apostates; they always acted through proxy by handing jurisdiction to secular governments after judgement was cast.

Tell that to the Anabaptists.

>Then a priest said to him, “Friend, you err greatly, that you so readily confess your faith, for it will cost you your life, if you do not change your mind in time.” Thereupon David sweetly replied, “I am ready to shed my blood for the name of Christ, even though it should be here in this place; for God is my salvation, who will keep me, and preserve me from all evil.” The priest said, “It will not be as good as though you were put to death secretly here in this place; but you will be burnt publicly at the stake, for an everlasting reproach.” He was then brought into the court, where he was condemned to death, and his sentence was read, namely, that he had fallen from the true faith into heresy, and was therefore, according to the imperial edict, sentenced to be strangled and burned. David said, “No one will ever be able to prove by the Scriptures, that the faith for which I must now die is heresy.”

Technically it was a court that did the churches bidding, but the priests had the final say. They were there for the interrogation, the confession (if any), and the execution.

When it came to witch hunts and bullshit trials the church was less involved, but when it came to hunting, torturing and killing heretics the church was the driving force.

>We want the kemobara audience

I hope more furry bara characters get introduced so anons will lose more of their shit

>all the people who will pass up on a fun fantasy adventure show just because they're afraid of being called furries
Whatever, the smaller amount of superficial people like that around, the better any thread can be anyway. Their fucking loss.
ケモノ is how they write what we call furry over here, while the actual word for animal is written けもの, or more accurately 獣. If you think about it it's just as dumb as using an adjective for having fur as the name of a fetish.

>literally nobody here or in the last thread watched (or apparently even knew about) Gingitsune
The newfag invasion is real isn't it

Do I need to watch Re:Zero to understand the world building?

>all the furfags in denial posting in this thread so terrified of a show with an anthromorphic character because It makes their pee pee feel funny.

I bet they all act like the blind man from Drakengard.

This is the prequel, that's why the other one is called "Re":Zero.

Am I the only one who subconsciously replaced her with Lelouch whenever she started shouting her name and giving chuuni speeches?

Title in hiragana:
(ぜ)ろ (か)ら はじめる (ま)ほう の (し)ょBrilliant.

That a furry right?

As much furry as Akko is furry.
He's just transformed.

Nice catch. Does Yoshinori know it from the beginning?

>hear Zero's voice
>wonder why it sounds so familiar
>mfw I realized who it was

Fucking glorious

That's the point. The church itself always kept its hands "clean" in the final step by handing it to secular authorities. Its just a small historical misconception that's ultimately meaningless since the same end is reached and there's only a single degree of difference, but it always catches me regardless

>When it came to witch hunts and bullshit trials the church was less involved

Almost completely uninvolved really. Witch hunts were shut down completely in Spain and Italy, while trials were treated as little more than formalities to respect the rights of the accuser. It was primarily in the protestant countries with no centralized church or state structures (as well as in regions of catholic France where the authority of the crown didn't hold much sway) where any of that happened in any appreciable number.

Stop this meme it's not related to re:zero in the slightest

It's great hearing nearly every season now.

Don't forget to watch the spinoffs Re:Creators and Re:_Hamatora

Who would win?

Or the Tokyo Ghoul tie in and the sequel set in the future after when Subaru under a different name returns to highschool to redo his final year and engage in adolescent hijinks.

It's entirely possible that's the reason Dengeki hired Shizuma to do this.

It wasnt a popular one in its season either, cant be helped.

All these exposures are great! I hope we'll go far enough to meet the eagle bro and Sup Forumsnons will have a field day losing their shit over.

Anyone else get a slight Spice and Wolf vibe or am I just a tasteless pleb?

There was a tiny hint of it. It's really not on the same level though.

I don't even know why. I was searching for a reaction pic and I found this, this is terribly fitting for the situation at hand.

>premise is furry wants to not be furry
>people triggered by furry even though he wants to fix it
Autism on Sup Forums in a nutshell.

Fuck off