The other new thread is /u/shit. We must resist.
Little Witch Academia
Is Akko a Japanese Imperialist?
Communism will prevail
Lotte is the worst.
I'm sorry, but 毛祖国 is the Chinese Communist Party Chairman. She will be the one to rewrite the world's history in red using the blood of the capitalist.
Why is there no webm of Diana getting more and more triggered? That was the best scene in the episode. Still, .mlp.fags need to go and take .d.fags and /u/fags with them
I can't wait for Akko to have tokill Diana
>"stop talking about my butt user!"
Occasional reminder that all witches are special and cute in their own ways, and that we should respect every user's choice of favorite witch because under communist rule, we are all the same.
If you wanted me to stop talking about it you shouldn't have been waving it around so much
But I like your butt Barbara.
New moot should just give in and make a (You) counter already since that's what everyone really wants desu
Now do the opposite of communism.
You have a great butt though
>mlpfags need to go
But nobody else is watching this shit.
What's HER fucking PROBLEM?
My favorite little witch!
What's the next step in Croix's master plan?
She smells Kurwa's shit, and she doesn't like it.
oh my
why do I want to bully Ursula and Akko so badly?
No one realizes that's she is right.
Extra comfy
Stop liking shoehorned characters and shoehorned romance!
>Of course i chose Croix over you, Ursula. She's not some washed up has-been unlike a certain person i know.
Isn't it funny that in order to fit Akko into a "Japanese protester" stereotype they would make her eyes like that? I mean, she's already Japanese, why the squinting?.
The TRUE hero of Little Witch Academia
she's going to end up saving the day
or die trying
Will Akko think it is time for a great leap forward?
super comfy
So what's the probability of Croix calling Ursula Chariot in front of Akko?
She is Miriam for LWA. Everyone hates her at first but then we realize she was right all along.
Not very likely. They're going to drag this out as far as they can. The next episode's title is Chariots of Fire though.
>This episode
Where was Constanze this episode?
How did they not help her create alternatives to magic usage for things like cleaning, hot water, and the like?
I'm genuinely confused
I will destroy all you Barberabuttfags once I remember what is the name of that optical illusion when two shapes overlap against a light source.
>ywn track Diana down during the strike
>ywn corner her in her room
>with no magic, she will never be defenceless against you
>she will never beg you not to do what you're about to do
>ywn launch a full on tickle assault on her
>ywn explore every inch of her ticklish body with your fingers, making her laugh and spasm trying to get away from you
>ywn have to clean up all her girl cum and change her clothes once your done with her
>ywn tuck her into bed after an exhaustive 3 hour long tickle session
Because in more than one way they are like peas on a pod.
But the real answer is that you're a horrible person that wants these two cinnamon rolls to be bullied instead of being protected.
>That pic
This artist is awesome in drawing Ursula.
>"Diana, we're going to go bribe a fire fairy so we can have a hot shower. but we'll have to shower together ha ha."
>"I-it's totally okay thought because we're all girls. Come on Diana you have to stay clean!"
>Diana blushes furiously and silently goes into her little boxed-off side of the room where she keeps thinkin' about how infuriating Akko is.
The B team will get their episode eventually, and then Constanze will finally get a 15 second scene to herself.
Will Ursula be running in the Olympics as a colored woman?
Denial isn't good for you, Akko
I have such competing emotions.
I want the next episode to hurry up and get here, but I don't want to the series to be over.
These threads are turning into /c/ generals.
That is kind of adorable.
Super Satan has a point. Her problem is the little retard witches who can't understand shit
Why did Trigger think furry was Ok?
Comfy sleeping witches
What did Ursula have to do to get all that energy?
You say it like it was a bad thing.
Don't you have to practice spells right now, Akko?
Audience needs to be reminded Asians have slanted eyes and the big cartoony eyes are just for showing a wider range of emotions
she had to ask nicely
Age gap triggers me just as much as /u/fags
the comfiest kind of witches are of the sleeping variety
What do you mean?
It's not fair! I want to sleep with Akko too!
I know the thread doesn't like tumblr, but this artist is easily my fave for Akko/Diana fluff and angst
With the Luna Nova Nationalist causing the academy to come to a halt in terms of financial and industrial development, there needs to be a three year plan introduced right now.
She had to do a lot of tedious fetch quests for old witches.
>Age Gap
>Akko and Androyu are at most two years aparr
the age gap is only a year or 2 at most, the boys just look more accurate to their age than the girls
this show has the benefit of having both good yuri and het pairings in my opinion
>That ending
Not even LWA is safe from NTR?
>ywn snuggle with Akko
Kill me
It's more like a size gap than anything.
>yfw Diana was getting molested in her room when the fairy uprising happened
>She was completely indefense without her magic.
Tumblr had a big part in funding and making this show a reality, why should we hate them?
>Super Satan
I'm inquiring about potential future business partnerships.
Low quality bait. Not even going to give you a (you).
I thought it was us?
Will Akko call for a general strike and win the election? Will the capitalists send expiditionary forces to over throw Akko's government? Will Orwell fight for Akko?
the last word is LOVE
I get the feeling Akko is going to foil Croix plans simply by fumbling everything up and accidentally stopping her schemes.
Diana is for gangbangs
it was us. user was just baiting.
Not really, the big whales were all from tumblr
I like this plan. I am behind this.
The love shared between friends is the strongest magic of all
Diana's means of reproduction must be seized
>Reddit quoting
wew lad I sure hope that was unintentional
Way too little
Do witches do lots of exercises?
I think she's ready for a little magic trick
People use it to avoid (you)s. Lurk more.
Me too user, me too
>loli diana in a bonnet
>Diana will never be beaten, stripped and tied to a pole that is paraded through the academy.
There might be a somewhat interesting episode to work with here given Consanze's own use of technology but I doubt they'll do anything with it. If they can prove me wrong and actually pull off a Constanze or even a Jasminka episode I'll be impressed.
Tarred and feathered?
>This is your room Croix sensei?
>Whooaa! What does this button do?
>Research lab explodes
>avoid (you)s
What the fuck is that? Is that the new upvoting?
You know she's 100% right, Satan.
It doesn't matter if Chairman Kagari has allies or is totally alone, as she will be the one to lead the CCP to victory. Afterall, 她是我们的带路人. Our Yousei Liberation Army is the only force we need to rely on. And if we all do our parts whether it is cultivating the fields or mining for coal, we will be supporting the state's effort in overthrowing the western capitalistic dogs.
It's a past reference. Back when manga had people looking all dour, samurai and WW-era japanese soldiers for example. Heck I should, but can't, manage to put my finger on an Tezuka manga with that face.
Why smiling Diana is a goldmine anons ??