The wait for the new ova will be literally a hell

The wait for the new ova will be literally a hell.

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>will be literally a hell
>post ends in 66
Really makes you think

In all seriousness, It wont if you have other things to do. College, work and other shit will keep my mind busy until then.

Season 3 when?

Reminder that Megumin is literally perfect.

Never, they left out stuff that becomes really important later, and they're far along that they cant just add them in.

next year

Maybe they don't want to do a S3 based in the LN

They should just make the anime completely independent from the novels


I want to anal fist Aqua.

Megumin pads her explosions

What do you mean? The dialog with Wolbach? It can't be worked out in a different way without affecting the plot.

Impossible. Kadokawa decides the overall direction of the anime, and Kadokawa wants to promote the light novels. It's completely impossible for S3 to be anime original.

oops... meant to say can*

Never, anime is made to sell manga and LNs.

I just got 100% on the Konosuba game on very hard. I got a few tips to those still playing.
All of the health and mp upgrades (there are 10 in total, 2 of each on every stage except the opening stage)

For the Cabbage minigame
200,000+ is always an S
190,000-199,999 is an A
180,000-189,999 is a B
This minigame can destroy your hands. You basically want to run a circuit grabbing the 5 second time boosters whenever they spawn. You want to go from center to top right, top left, center, bottom left, bottom right, center, repeat. Don't worry about getting hit because it almost doesn't affect your rating. You want to be spamming snipe and occasionally using a fully charged regular attack.

Boss Rush
anything less than 4 minutes is an S
anything 4-5 minutes is an A
anything 5-6 minutes is a B

By far the hardest part of this run was running through Darkness' stage in under 3 minutes. The second hardest may be the final boss.
You can steal everyone's panties including the final boss but it doesn't do anything.

The game was good but my main issue was that it's freaking grindy. The monster slaying quests were way too grindy to be enjoyable. Other than that it's a fairly good challenge. 7/10

>link to the game and a translation of all the quests

If you liked the anime and you want to know how the story continues then read the LNs. There wont be another season so there is no point in not reading them now since you wont get yourself spoiled anymore.

B-but I don't want Megumin to win! Anime original is the only way to go!

why are names like megumin, yunyun and lalatina considered embarrassing or cringey by the japs?
is there something to do with the repetitions? then why is the cat's name too?


There are good things for aquafags too, like the epic fight between Vanir and Aqua

Megumi is a real name in Japan, but the "n" adds a casual, cute feel to it. It's like if someone's real name was "Mikey" instead of "Mike".
Lalatina sounds very feminine and cute, which contrasts with Darkness' strong, knightly manners.
And Yunyun just sounds fucking retarded.

>drinks all day
>lazier than Kazuma
Why doesn't she look like this?

Fucking saved.

Shes a godess

She was eating snacks and seating in a chair all the time in that room that had time running slower than in the mortal world. Her metabolism probably is so fast now compared to then that she could eat an elephant and still look thin.

Is it just me or is it a megaman clone?

>If you liked the anime and you want to know how the story continues then read the LNs
But I already read the LNs including spin offs and now I don't know what to do.


All of us are in the same position, sadly.

The author and publisher work is slow considering the lenght of the novels is something I could do in less than a week.

You can still re-watch the anime and re-read the novels. If everything else fails we still have tractor-kun.

>Have a fetish for crying girls
>And dumb girls

I will wait for you, my queen.

Oh shit, the game is actually really good.

Too bad she is mine though

Learn to draw and then create lewd Yunyuns.

Hai, Kazuma desu

Fuck you Kazuma, You failed us

Imagine Aqua having sex with Kazuma and destroying her anus
>Hai hai, Kazuma dayo

Did you read explosion 4?
Do you have it?

If anyone has a copy please upload it. I got Konosuba LN 10 if anyone wants it just tell me and I'll upload.

>Having a retard fetish.

The first 3 chapters are translated, the 4th is on the way now that yuNS started to translate again, should be out any day now.

Fite me

I need a girl on my level.

And I just got butt raped by the golem

Did anyone on youtube make a compilation of Aqua's crying faces yet? Her tears sustain me

It's not how body works user

The first thing that really made me almost quit was Lizard runners in the beginning stage in very hard mode. It's nearly impossible to beat them in a brawl when you first start the game on very hard. It gets even worse after the opening stage when Verdia removes all of your spells.

The trick to them is to use charged beams to kill them when they are at the edge of the screen. This way you can actually kill the runners before they start running towards you. It also helps to do as many quests as possible and unlock Snipe level 2. Snipe is by far the best skill in the game and spamming it is even stronger than the Freeze+Explosion combo in boss rush.

For the first Golem boss you just spam attack without charging anything.

Not really a compilation but
>14 minutes of Aqua whining and crying

>Aqua video has more views than Megumin video
What did they mean by this?

I want to marry Eris-sama

Doujin in the making


The wait for the OVA is almost as long as my girlfriend asked for us to be on a break for

Fuck off.



>He does the creepy hand gesture

Oh my God, yes.

Eris pads her panties

>this much Aqua posting
The fuck is happening?

>90% of the video is Aqua sufferring
I can see why

Aqua is best girl thats what

Megumin's time was like cavemen gawking at fire they didn't understand

This is the age of higher thinking, and strong faith.

I've been playing through it, does leveling up do anything at all?

It increases your damage and I think it may reduce your damage taken slightly (not sure about this). It makes the game a lot easier especially when you do crazy ass stuff like time trial in very hard.

>Imagine Aqua having sex with Kazuma and destroying her anus
I don't have to imagine

The author has stated Aqua was born to suffer.
Just like us ;_;

That's lewd-

Prove it

You fool

The truth is self evident

So you can't, huh?

You can't prove she is not, brother.
All knowledge is based on what we can't ultimatly prove
All knowledge requires a leap of faith. She is a goddess, the embodiment of that faith.
If that is not best girl, what is?

>You can steal everyone's panties
Including Aqua's?

She has striped panties like the Light Novel.

>applying human biology to a god

wtf is this shit?

>striped panties
That's actually... quite nice.

Is this the face of pleasure or dissapointment?
How big is kazumas dick?

>You can't prove she is not, brother.

I just think it's the face of "lol your towel fell off and you're naked now"
she is not judging his dick size, more like smirking at his shameful situation.

I've finally read all the novels
Ask your inane questions

Dorkness is such a cutie sometimes.

Do Aqua and Kazuma get closer?

no, he doesn't even think she's that cute
there's a situation with a lie detector acting funny so Kazuma tries it out by saying that Aqua's beautiful, it detects a lie

she on the other hand sees herself as his "guardian", a sister figure

Not that user, but no. It's never even close to being a ship.

I love Aqua in the anime and want to make demigods with her but she's fairly insufferable in the LNs.

Do you agree with the opinion of some people that claim the quality of the story in the last novels declained because of the romance?

What's your opinion on Iris as a character?

Have you seen or noticed any changes regarding the role of Aqua and Darkness in the party compared to how it was in the begining?

Whats your opinon concerning the demon king? Do you think he is the real root of all evil?

Did the story lean towards what you expected after watching the anime or you found something totally different of said expectations?

How close does the anime follow the source?

1. yes but the romance itself is an on-and-off thing and not very consequential, wouldn't be surprise if the author dropped it at some point
2. tedious
3. Aqua's pretty much the same Aqua she's always been, Darkness has more real duties and gets patriotic at times
4. I am beginning to believe that the Demon King didn't do anything wrong
5. I liked the anime and the early books for their episodic, fun-loving nature, unfortunately recent volumes get the good old plot treatment all of a sudden that appears fairly boring to me, as Konosuba's plot isn't even that good

it doesn't shy away from being creative in intepreting scenes and dare I say it's funnier that the books
S2 finale is original

I see, then, we have very similar opinions with these subjects.

It's hard to disribe their relationship.
They happy as it is now. Too little attention was on Aqua in LN, only volume 4. Meanwhile Darkness have 3 Volumes and Megumin even have spin offs.

I'll drop some more questions because I'm bored:

Do you think that Kazuma deserves his bad reputation?

What's your take on the whole Wolbach situation? Dead? Escaped? Something else?

Which was your favorite light novel album? What's your opinion on the spin offs?

Which part of the whole story did you find the funniest? and sadest?

1. I may be biased because Kazuma resembles Rance a lot and sometimes acts like his family-friendly parody but he dindu nuffin and even his acts of scumminess are just charming antics as compared to Dust
2. Chomusuke absorbed her is my take on the situation
3. 6 (for Big Boss) and Kamen are pure gold, I didn't like Bakuens at all
4. the anime hijacked by attention when it comes to the funny parts, outside of the portrayed material Kamen is the funniest (and pretty much any Vanir scene)
Buzucoily's romance is the saddest shit for me because he's so hopelessly deluded (somehow wins in the end what the f)

I agree with number 1. As for Wolbach it seemed fishy to me she would just let herself be ended that way. I think she has an az under her sleeve, because we don't know for sure how the whole thing with her other half works.
My favorite moment was when Kazuma captured Aigis during the festival and Vanir disguised himself as a succubus who was about to get naked in the stage, everyone was so mad. Even both Kazuma and Aigis started to throw shit at him. I swear I didn't see it coming.
Buzucoily makes Dust look like a decent guy because his stalking is really fucked, I can't say much about him winning because crimson demons make weird choices with couples (see Megumin's parents).

Last two questions:

Which character(s) would you like having more development and characterization?

Would you remove the ship? change it for better? Change it for someone else? Leave it as it is?

In WN their relationship progressed only near end

And forgot the sadest moment, for me it was when Darkness' dad was lying in bed waiting to die. The first talk he had with Kazuma felt very sincere and the second one was ruined by Aqua saving him by breaking the spell.

1. Aqua
Megumin already have more development than other characters.
2. If it won't ruined series.
Beingsurounded by girls and no romance progress - that strange.

if Iris stopped being such a paper cutout character the whole LN would benefit from it immensely, other than her the ratios of development are pretty sensible, just subdue Megumin and let other characters shine as well

the ship is unbearable and needs to be removed ASAP, maybe vol 11 and yet another bout of Crimson Magic Village hijinks will settle this issue for good (who am I kidding)

I never really understood the opinion that Iris is generic. She does start the bog standard cute princess character, but she does wear the weight of her role while also developing. Her itneractions with Kazuma starts to bring out a sneaky and rebellious side.

I think people are just buttblasted that she made the volume where she traveled with the party because the solution to every fight was "let Iris handle it", but honestly, I just saw all of this as potential jobbing.

Iris is a proactive competitor in the Kazumabowl, anyone who wants to get with the Hikineet will have to content with Iris at some point.

I believe having a chapter of Iris being an insolent chuu2 bullying her onii-chan a bit would be nice enough and would infuse her character with much needed mischeviousness

unfortunately it would most likely end up in a Megumin-Iris bully duo which I would shun

The problem with Iris is she doesn't bring anything we already don't have. She is a mix of the qualities that we have in other characters but enhanced:
Darkness is a rich noble, has money and authority but now we have Iris that outshines that.
To one-shot enemies we already have Megumin but Iris' sword doesn't have Megumin's weakness of once-a-day use.
If you want some naive cute/shy girl we already have Yunyun, but Iris beats Yunyun in these qualities (except maybe for shyness).
Now she is also learning from Kazuma's advises so the more chapters she has the more characters she will keep hogging. At the end of the last novel she even defeated the bad guy.

the yunyun bullying is why we aren't going to get season 3

to be fair it was the anime who started it. Most of the bullying is anime original.