>there was once a time when weebs ruled Youtube and were at the forefront of internet memes
Oh how the mighty have fallen
There was once a time when weebs ruled Youtube and were at the forefront of internet memes
Other urls found in this thread:
>there was once a time where OP wasn't a faggot
Oh wait...
No there wasn't
>things that never happened
I hope you are enjoying the Sup Forums and Sup Forums memes
I didn't like that show.
never forgive
never forget
never surrender
Remember when Youtube allowed anyone to annotate videos? youtube.com
It's not about the show, it's about the meme. You'd know this if you weren't 15 or younger.
And now here we are, contained to a board like ponyfags.
There's an OVA
Normalfags were a mistake.
are jojo references and kanna videos not "weeb" enough for you
>remember when youtube allowed annotations
I will never not be angry. The last bastion of old youtube is dead
There was nothing we could have done
The future sucks
Or maybe I just want to get people talking about the show and not the OP.
After seeing all the ironic waifufaggotry, I'd rather have an anime-free Youtube.
No, that was never the case. It had its moments but was never in the big memeleagues.
I remember it perfectly.
I was in my parents' car, on the passenger seat, back when I heard the radio emit those horrifying sounds
".... Google has bought Youtube for the amount of...."
On that day, I knew.
I knew we had lost something precious.
I shall remember that day until I die.
>clicked about 20 squares to send this
Google should be annihilated.
The whole waifu concept on Sup Forums began as an in-joke meant to drive away newfags, same as Boku no Pico. Irony is its original form.
Phoneposters should be gassed.
Joke on you, I'm not on my phone.
OP on suicide watch
Then why the fuck aren't you using legacy captcha?
>The whole waifu concept on Sup Forums began as an in-joke meant to drive away newfags
No even true, it was just a westernised version of the nip oyome-san.
Because I don't know what the fuck that thing is?
TV series
No more than Sup Forums is just "westernized nipchan" (I can never recall which one, was it futaba?). Inspired by? Sure, but its own thing.
Right, and I'm not saying it wasn't partly in jest or just for fun and has now gotten somewhat out of control, but it was never because
>newfags stay out reeee
Using it to creep out anyone who wasn't in on the joke, under the assumption they'd be a new or normalfag, was definitely its primary function early on, again the same as Boku no Pico.
I dunno, I think back then people had waifus just like they did now, although they were on the whole a lot less autistic about it and were more tongue in cheek. Being creepy and keeping people out was just a side benefit really.
I perceived it differently, but then again, talking about it back then was seen as killing the joke, so I suppose it's just about us arguing our hard-to-prove perceptions. It was definitely all of this, and probably more, so maybe the exact ratio isn't that important. Either way, the current use seems to have lost most of the meaning or purpose it used to have. Again, as I perceive it.
God fucking DAMN I miss Youtube Poops.
They never went anywhere.
But I did.
They don't really make them like they used to, too.
That's true enough. What you really miss is the young internet humor, which still happens today except only where people haven't really caught up; so more-or-less just facebook/9gag.
Yeah, it's pretty hard to prove one way or another, and it's definitely been bastardised beyond recognition today anyways.
>remember how I used to watch episodes of lucky star and dokuro chan on youtube and thats how I got into anime
>all of the edits like Capricia and Pattendorf
>youtube poops
how times have changed
The internet was a simpler time back then.
I remember Slayers being the first thing I ever torrented. Not first anime, first thing. I watched the whole series about a year before Lucky Star aired on Sup Forums's request.
Lucky Star and TTGL shitposting honestly feels like yesterday.
I them too.
Youtube poops are now actual poop. Fucking kids that give videos with shitty cgi more traffic than an actual old fashioned poop with little to no visual enhancement.
Remember when you could upload a video without fear of it either getting muted or taken down?
I downloaded FLCL on lime wire because i was to stupid to figure out port forwarding and couldn't use UPNP because i was using an apple airport. Burned that shit onto a DVD using like toast or something and played it on my ps2.
Did this after seeing it air on Cartoon Network. I thought wow this is so cool i want to watch every episode found out that i watched them all already
you mean YTMND?
>Haruhi YTPs
It feels like was yesterday.
>ywn experience fresh azudaioh memes again
it hurts
>mikurus bukake gangbang
>all of this talk about anime poops
>all in eng dub
O god mein ass
>eng dub
The sentence-mixing thing doesn't really work with japanese.
Not him but I don't like legacy captcha. Fails on me half the times I use it.
Even when I do post on my phone when I'm out, I still stick to the Google captcha.
I heard my normalfag friend and his girlfriend joke with "notice me senpai!" when we were playing a game together.
Weebs still have great influence in the memesphere.
What the fuck happend? Nowdays YTPs are pretty much shit and all the good youtubepoopers left or stopped in 2012-2013
I don't think your friend is the only normalfag here.
Yeah his girlfriend is too.
Wait, Youtube doesn't have annotations anymore?
>Starting in May 2017, you won't be able to edit annotations or add new ones. All your existing annotations will continue to show on videos.
What the fuck?
Remember when you would get told to fuck off to reddit for using that word?
We got MLG videos though.
>mfw pathetic friendless Sup Forums faggots steal credit for my memes because I was a weeb back when I made some
You have done nothing and will continue doing nothing.
Niconico's system is better.
>2007 was literally 10 years ago
Holy fuck.
The bad thing about legacy captcha is you can't just fuck off on the words anymore. I remember it used to be one real word you had to type, then one string of letters I would just type "a" for and it would register.
There is still a fake word, it is just much harder to spot it now.
Cirno is dead.
Too bad everything else is worse
If you don't fork up that dough
Epic comeback, bruh! How many hours did it take you to think that up?
Pot, meet kettle.
Still here.
Eventually normalfags will find something else to bastardize, and anime will go back to being the weird subculture thing. It's only the "cool" thing right now because the right people of influence are into it on a tertiary level. Once they lose relevance normalfags will find something new
And it'll be glorious. Once normalfags go away, no more ironic weebs and more MOU IKKAI and OC to be had.
Now Now, Gather around children.
As I tell you the true story of how waifus TRULY came to be, Let grandpa user tell you this tale, so you may keep it for posterity when the last of the oldfags are gone.
> LONG AGO, more than 10 years ago in fact. In this very board of Sup Forums,A revolution in trolling was beginning, for anons discovered that as long as an OP was slightly anime related they could post whatever they wanted even if it wasn't anime, and back then MODS=GODS, so this was an important fact to know.
>this marked the start of very loosely anime related daily doses,and some actually anime related brands of trolling not too different from modern /jp/.
>in this brand new era "RONERY" threads become commonplace, ronery being taken from the movie team america, where anons would circlejerk about their sad social situations, all it needed was a sad anime pic to go with the OP and you got a thread.
>at this time AzuDaioh was also wildly popular, and at one time in the show when teacher kimura is asked about a mysterious woman he simply responds with timeless words "mai waifu".
>Another meme, "why is she such a slut" was also prevalent, when combiend with the kimura one, one user would post "why is she such a slut" to which one another user would reply " you talking shit about mai waifu?"
Miss ronery threads.
Should have fought for them harder.
>in the ronery threads this brand of why is she such a slut and mai waifu trolling caught on as well.
>But in the dark places of these threads a new kind of faggotry was stirring...
>"I'm not ronery at all, I have mai waifu now!", maybe it began as a joke, but in these ronery threads the waifu and slut memes were combined and much trolling was commenced.
> "your waifu a slut" "I fucked your waifu", waifu wars were beginning, and eventually, once given the power of waifus, the ronery threads dissapeared gradually.
>But these anons didn't
>they spread throughout the boards, and like the black plague, brought waifuism wherever they set foot.
>"it's not your waifu, it's a cartoon" "maybe, but now I'm not ronery".
Thus be the end of this tale.
Remember children, how our memes of today, are always relics from the past.
Remember this cautionary tales from the anons of yore.
Moral of the story is: The most dangerous people are the ones that miss the punchline.
You didn't mention before you started this was a spooky story grandpa!
I'm not the same guy, but I was also around to see this shit fester and spread. I wish I could remember the precise moment when I realized people were taking waifufaggotry seriously, but that's when I realized the Fight Club days were over.
It was a gif image, not a jpeg that was used. Although the possibility that a lot of people did not know might explain the prevalence of the jpeg vs the use of the gif
>the precise moment when
such threads only serve to make me depressed
Why are you still here user? Why haven't you moved on like everyone else?
I was never there. I'm nostalgic about something, that I never experienced.
>moved on
man I wish. sure my life is together now and actually looking complete... but I'm still here on Sup Forums. and on Sup Forums even though I literally just watch little witches and DBS
the only thing that's different is now someone else is making and populating the threads.
2009 isn't a moment ,silly
it is in meme terms. that's when the forces coalesced.
I can narrow it down further to when mods banned Ronery threads and the irony was forever silenced. Leaving only the real.
>tfw videos older than youtube
So those ronery threads were proto-/r9k/?
It's funny how /r9k/ was supposed to promote creativity and uniqueness ended up becoming the most depressing and stagnant board on the site.
I want my content ID system back, roneryfags.
I really like the new Lazytown remixes
Which stopped being funny after a few months
In a way, yeah, you could say so.
pretty agreed, moeshit is killing da industry
>watching 30 second berserk clips over and over and over again because it was too hard to find actual episodes
Net culture in general is dead. Now it's been merged with regular IRL culture and everything fucking sucks.
Nodoby loves or even remembers Galaxy Angel any more
Really makes me scared of what the interbutts is gonna become in the next few decades.