I'm an open-minded liberal, but

I'm an open-minded liberal, but if you don't think healthcare and education should be free, you're a monster and don't deserve any rights or respect.

I'm an open-minded liberal, but if you don't think illegal immigrants should get amnesty, welfare, and healthcare at taxpayer expense, you're a monster and we'll compare you to hitler.

I'm an open-minded liberal, but if you don't think both birth control and abortions should be *by force of law* free and easily accessible, you're a monster who hates women and should die.

I'm an open-minded liberal, but if you actually read the Paris agreement and determined it was a bad deal for the US, you're a monster and will be mocked and shamed for questioning the narrative.

I'm an open-minded liberal, but if you don't think todays white people have to take a back seat to PoC and LGBTQXYZABC123, because diversity, you're a monster and we're back to hitler again.

I'm an open-minded liberal, but if you have a sense of humor and make a joke we don't approve of, you're a monster and we're going to be so triggered that we might try to destroy your life.

I'm an open-minded liberal, but if you treat the President with respect, as I would've expected you to respect the previous one, you're a monster and you're unfriended on Facebook.

I'm an open-minded liberal, but if you think people can figure out getting a state ID and we should secure our elections by requiring ID, you're a monster and hey we're back to hitler again.

I'm an open-minded liberal, but if you don't agree with me on everything, like literally everything, you're a monster.

not reading that

I am so open minded I would rather take niggers over any other shitskin. Can I get a das rite my brothas?



Nice facebook-tier post you backwater goat fucker.

kys cunt

>Butthurt nazi

Open minded is another term for gullible.

he's right kek

He's right you unprincipled disingenuous leftwing faggot