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Tri was a mistake
This. Didn't even bothered after the first movie
Tri isn't that "great", but I'm enjoying the fuck out of it.
>tfw you accidentally Taichi
Oh shit. OH SHIT. Guys, you gotta help me! Help me hide him somewhere before his sister finds out!
So why is Hikari so mad?
Olympos XII or at least Bancho in an anime when?
I'm sick of knights and demon lords
I would love it, absolutely love it if Taichi and Hikari got together only to be revealed they were NBR.
Third movie was great
(time to watch fourth one)
Nightly Business Report?
That it was. And all the nadenade we went through for it only make things worse.
Just seeing that phrase pisses me off, they really screwed the pooch with that.
I just wanna know who the final boss is. I hope it's Zeed.
>tailmon mega all spikes and edge
unless you think that happens BECAUSE hikari got angry, skullgreymon style
wtf where's seraphimon
No doubt about it.
Who's the cutest Digimon and why is it Patamon?
Not for me at all
rather Tri than nothing, and certainly since so it retcons 02 epilogue
That's Ophanimon Falldown mode. It's definitely a dark evo and not Tailmon's real Ultimate
Seraphimon already appeared in the previous movie.
Probably saved for sixth movie.
(Last Digimon to have it's s evolution like usual)
It was achieved in Loss, Seraphimon has already made his first appearance
>Seraphimon already appeared in the previous movie.
I really need to stop reading meme and start watching fourth movie...
FUCK Young Hunters with a rusty spike that crossover arc went fucking nowhere
And yeah you should watch Loss, it and Confession were really good.
Don't expect anything. He just randomly shows up and does nothing
Story of my life
She's mad because the 02 kids are dead.
Savers fan here.
Who here disappointed that Yggdrasil is the antagonist again and think Tri's Yggdrasil can't possibly do any better than Savers or X-Evolution?
Yeah the series is very hung up on Yggdrasil and Milleniummon due to the fact it's basically their in universe God and Satan respectively.
Savers has done the best evil Yggdrasil story, Cyber Sleuth has done the best Yggdrasil corruption story, I hope Tri takes it in another direction after flips the script to reveal Yggdrasil is good for once. But since Homeostasis and Yggdrasil never agree that probably won't be the case.
Either that or Meiko finally show her true color.
(Her target was Taichi from the beginning and not Takeru!)
What is this?
If Yggdrasil is the Big Good and Milleniummon the Big Evil, who is the Big Squid of Oblivion?
Hosoda's entire interview from what it seems.
LITERALLY the shittiest thing that could happen.
Technically also Millenniummon
Animated Herculeskabuterimon alone makes your post wrong.
>This movie is probably gonna be a love triangle with Takeru
>We'll never be able to incestpost again
I want to see someone claiming this is also "a fake" or an "April's fools prank".
Who cares? This is probably going to happen since Hikari already showed interest for Takeru.
Tri and "DA Ep. 21 incest undertones" are two different things, user.
And Tri is the one that matters in the big scheme of things.
Just like 02.
Yes. People are still mad at the epilogue.
Yes. Because of Yamato/Sora Ken/Miyako and no Takari. Shit's no issue.
I don't think it was a mistake but it really needs proper direction. What made Adventure so great was that it was a character driven show with moster battles. Both had an eaual amount of attention. Now Tri it has the problem of focusing too much on the kids and their inner conflicts a bit too much. I get why Taichi was hesitant about fighting in Odaiba again but at least show more than collateral damage and a cell phone. Show people emerging out of the rubble or a news report of injuries or casualties. Would have made the stakes higher. Plus they are moving the plot at a snails pace and the reboot itself was just forced drama bullshit that erases character development especially Tailmon's. Also what is this infection? Where did it originate? Why is Meicoomon a carrier? We have 2 movies left to conclude this shit and all our time was waised on an isen episode and a school festival episode.
And none of those were issues back in '99.
>can only get Ophanimon: Falldown Mode by already having Ophanimon
So Ophanimon confirmed? If so I am a little disappointed as I wanted the fluffy pink dragon.
>Everyone gets a fucking digimon.
>Daisuke's son is the leader.
>02 treated the manchild that threw a tantrum just because no one gave him a digimon when he asked for as a hero.
Like Hosoda's interview. But there's still fags falseflagging or in denial.
>a news report of injuries or casualties
They did that, they have everyone around him talking about family members ending up in the hospital or their houses destroyed. I think he even overheard someone mention a family member in critical condition because of the fight. This was all during the time he's looking at the rubble and collateral damage that he directly caused.
I do agree the plot feels overly ambitious, though. Too many plot lines are currently up in the air and we have only a maximum of 10 episodes, and I doubt both movies will go for 2.5 hour run time, to wrap it all up. The real stain on Tri was Determination, episode 5-7 is usually shit filler but I don't think they should have wasted time with fan service when Tri is already a fanservice project. I don't mind the drama of the reboot and I feel it's going to be addressed in Symbiosis, Tailmon's past combined with whatever Hikari's development is going to be the impetus for falldown mode.
Doesn't matter. Fags will focus only on shipping and forget 02 inconsistencies.
Incestfags and taiorafags are the worst.
Case in point.
Uh, no.
The last-second return of Myotismon, the non-ending, dangling plot threads and shitty "into the future with our clones" is why I'm still annoyed.
Soratofags are much worse.
My experiences with Taiorafags and Soratofags
Taiorafags seem to spend more time trying to justify why it's not an impossible concept, but typically stay quiet unless Sora's love life comes up.
Soratofags go out of their way to stomp over Taiorafags whenever possible.
>canon vs non-canon metafiction
>Spoke once or twice vs Actually had foundation building in the story.
Canon works against Sorato, not for it.
So is the hosoda interview false or not?
>canon vs non-canon
When did that stop shipping war?
Never, but it makes the non-canon side look like retards.
It's not false
but it's also people blowing things out of proportion.
So, will it be Ophanimon or Magnadramon?
See for yourself.
Shit is legit as fuck.
Seems to be true although the translation paints it in a more literal sense rather than allegorical which is what it seems was his intent. Either way someone asked Kakudo on twitter if Hosoda is telling the truth that they have an incestuous relationship. His answer was basically, "What? No. I don't know what interview Hosoda had but that's not the case."
I barely care about Digimon since I am not 10 years old anymore but did they forget about the second season or what? It wasn't very good but you can't pretend it didn't happen.
Wasn't Hosada also the director of Our War Game? The one who assumed Taiora was the endgame?
They should because 02 is filled with plot holes and is terrible written dog shit. Instead they are only retconning part of it or are doing something that is partially rewriting it. All we have so far is there are chosen children around the world, Hikari's and Takeru's D3 and Dterminals, Ken disguise for Gennai, and seeing Daisuke die in the beginning.
It's not a second season by the way it's a full sequel series, so that would have made it easier to ignore.
>I barely care about Digimon since I am not 10 years old
Fake and gay.
Ever seen Kamen Rider Ryuki?
I expect Tri to send the same way
Beat the main threat and everything from the start of Tri is erased and 02's ending still holds.
Takeru and Hikari still have their D3, and the 02 DigiDestined still exist in tri: they jobbed to Alphamon.
It's just that the movie isn't about them. Also the ending is still canon.
Yes aka the only time that there has been evidence of a romance that was a misunderstanding on Hosoda's part. If I recall correctly Kakudo was furious about this since it wasn't in the show and Kakudo insists it's always been obvious that Sorato was going to happen, even though it never was.
Also the dub overplayed the romance angle there, it's more he flustered her by fucking up typing the end of his email and she didn't know how to respond since she thought this was a very sudden attempt at conveying romantic feelings. Taichi and how he acted during the movie showed he was purely embarrassed because he thought signing the email that way was embarrassing and made him look stupid, not like he stammered his letter and accidently confessed like the dub depicts it.
Fuck that dub like turning the Tachikawa name plate into a fucking Valentine from Jou.
Doesn't change the fact the 02 kids and digimon are gone and nobody seems to care or even be aware of them. Same with all those tons of worldwide digidestineds from 02.
Is he dead or just injured? Daisuke is alive though by the time we get to 30 years later (or whatever the epilogue).
Point being you can try to redeem 02 (and yeah it was badly written though so was Adventure you were just a child so didn't care at the time), but writing out Daisuke+the Gang is just dumb. I want to see all the 02 kids grown up.
The funny thing is the japanese fans for the most part want Sora with Tai.
They had pollings prior to Tri being released, one of them was a relationship poll. Taiora won second place behind Takari, Sorato didn't even place.
Suck it Kakudou.
>but writing out Daisuke+the Gang is just dumb. I want to see all the 02 kids grown up.
The problem was writing for the 02 kids has always proven ineffective. Daisuke's development ban left him ineffective and uninteresting. Everybody hated Miyako, and Iori was just boring.
Yeah I know they exist but the fact they all neatly "jobbed to alphamon" while all the 01 kids are just fine just implies (to me) that the writers are trying to pretend they don't exist at all. And yeah its kind of dumb why not have an integrated team?
lol the English dub is hilarious. They knew they were working on a cartoon for little kids.
Because tri isn't about them, so the 02 kids get fucked into the sidelines except for a little of Ken (and not even him, just the Digimon Kaiser disguise). And the worldwide digidestined are even more irrelevant, so fuck them even more.
The ending is still canon, tho.
Ken was probably one of the more popular characters in either series, at least stateside (and apparently in Japan too if I read your chart right). And I have a soft spot for Daisuke's issues too, he's a fun kid.
Point being, the answer to these issues for the 02 kids would be to give them the development they are lacking. Make Iori more interesting and Miyako more likable.
>Make Iori more interesting and Miyako more likable.
That's just not physically possible.
>Is he dead or just injured? Daisuke is alive though by the time we get to 30 years later (or whatever the epilogue).
It's unclear what's gonna happen with the 02 kids. They originally said the epilogue will happen but honestly statements at the start of a series don't always mean anything and that could change especially since 02 merch and Blu-ray sales showed Toei once again no one likes 02 except for Ken and Imperialdramon.
>Point being you can try to redeem 02
That's a very difficult task, especially in an already bloated cast.
>(and yeah it was badly written though so was Adventure you were just a child so didn't care at the time),
Hey guess what, I rewatched both in the past few years originally liking both. Adventure holds up extremely well when not held back by the dub and had some excellent characterization and storytelling. Adventures biggest problem is an extremely bloated cast which means some characterizations don't get too much screen time and the Digimon are pretty flat characters that just function as accessories to their tamer. 02 held up like a wet paper bag and is one of the worst things I've sat through.
>but writing out Daisuke+the Gang is just dumb. I want to see all the 02 kids grown up.
To do that you would require rewriting the entire fucking cast. Daisuke literally was barred from being developed, like an actual producer made it a rule he wasn't allowed to develop as a character. Ken lost any and all personality when he stopped being Kaiser and just became a power up for Daisuke. Miyako is a loud selfish cunt who is not only useless but also legitimately a bad person. Iori didn't even have a personality so I can't comment on him. They need full rewrites.
02 is a bad sequel and a bad show all around, they will probably be addressed in the final movie but honestly it would be better if they just get retconned. You may want them to come back but you are an extreme minority, especially among the more diehard fanbase.
>there are faggots who still hope 02 will be retconned out
Accept it, retards, and learn to live with it. It isn't even the worst Digimon series anyway.
>It isn't even the worst Digimon series anyway.
You'll need to convince me otherwise, since it not only sucked on its own but retroactively spoils the first season.
Iori goes through puberty. He still does his kendo, keeps his stoic manly personality though obviously matured, and no fucking bowl cut. The youngest but also the most grave/serious. Voila 10x more interesting or at least watchable.
Miyori? Idk that's what professional writers are for. Point being mistakes should be fixed, not swept under the rug like the viewers are all amnesiac 7 year olds who don't remember 02.
Taikari is canon REEEEEEEEEE
No it isn't.
>It isn't even the worst Digimon series anyway.
That's some bold statement, mate.
>Taikari is canon
Yes, and?
>lol the English dub is hilarious
Retard alert. If you think fart jokes being stuffed into a mostly silent movie with hardly any discomfort, what happened with the original movie, you are what's wrong with western audiences.
>Ken was probably one of the more popular characters in either series,
Source: your ass
Taichi and Yamato have been consistently the most popular characters in the entire franchise to date. Ken is the only popular character from 02 though and that's why he had an onscreen speaking role in YH crossover arc unlike most characters. Ken however usually ranks like 5th best in popularity polls.
>And I have a soft spot for Daisuke's issues too, he's a fun kid.
What issues? He literally never had any issues and never developed to make him a "counterpoint to Ken and mirror how Ken gets a lot of character development."
>Point being, the answer to these issues for the 02 kids would be to give them the development they are lacking. Make Iori more interesting and Miyako more likable.
That requires ENTIRE rewrites. The movie would have to revolve around them and fix them. Why would they bother doing this when this is a celebration of ADVENTURE, not 02?
The only series that's as bad is Young Hunters, and while Tagiru is the worst protagonist in the franchise I give the edge to 02 because at least YH is short.
How did 02 ruin the original? If anything it made the original look damn good by comparison. I remember sitting in my pjs watching the Fox Box or whatever and thinking "wow remember how Digimon used to have a real sense of adventure, when the kids were trapped in the Digital world with no hope of return? Remember when the majority characters had real internal problems beyond MOTD bs?" Made me like Digimon Adventure more.
Frontier was total ass, even from someone who at least was able to sit through 02 I couldn't sit through Frontier. Never watched any of the stuff beyond that because by then I was way too old anyway. Even Frontier maybe I was too old to be watching.
> Daisuke literally was barred from being developed, like an actual producer made it a rule he wasn't allowed to develop as a character.
Rules can be rewritten, they aren't unchangeable. Also this producer is apparently still around and apparently still enforcing rules? And doesn't want Daisuke to develop but doesn't mind Daisuke being written out?
Daisuke can still physically mature let me see older Daisuke. I bet he would be sporty and hot.
> Ken lost any and all personality when he stopped being Kaiser and just became a power up for Daisuke.
Totally disagree. If anything the Kaiser had no personality, Ken has it all because he needs to get over his past and his personal demons. He also ranks pretty well in popularity. I want to see grown up Ken. I bet he would be bookish and hot.
>Miyako is a loud selfish cunt who is not only useless but also legitimately a bad person
Bad people make interesting stories.
> Iori didn't even have a personality so I can't comment on him
Iori was the straight man, super mature in some ways (like being levelheaded) but still a child (having very shallow understanding of morality). If he was older and didn't have a bowl cut people would like him.
Nah, 02 was bad, though not as bad as people here make it seem. The thing is, it's fitted between the two best Digimon series, so it seems even worse in comparison.
>How did 02 ruin the original?
Myotismon? Comes back
Have to survive in an untamed wildness to become the heroes needed to save the world? Nah lets give 3 more kids Digivices and let them handle this in their free time.
Only 8 children can save the world? Surprise an entire army of digidestined around the world so you 8 aren't special afterall.