Do you like candy, Sup Forums?

Do you like candy, Sup Forums?

I wonder what a Western version of Dagashi Kashi would feature.
Only thing that comes to mind is Kinder Surprise since it has toys inside. Maybe Fruit by the Foot?

It wouldn't be complete without the 100 Grand. These were genuinely delicious. 5th Avenue was hella underrated as well.

yes, but not anything that crazy bitch recommends

You're forgetting the classic Boston Baked Beans


Wait till I get my hands on that candy ass

I prefer salty snacks

popeye cigarettes, bazooka joe gum, stuff like that

post more Hotaru doing cute things.

No, I'm addicted to coffee.

I prefer coffee, if you catch my drift.


>bazooka joe gum due to featuring comics
>sour punch straws and have them actually trying using them as drinking straws
>baseball episode with big league chew
>penny and nickel candies like peppermint sticks and butterscotch discs
>jawbreaker episode with guest stars ed, edd, n eddy
>cracker jacks since they come with a prize inside
>fun dip, lick the stick and dunk it in flavored powder, literally sexual innuendo the episode
>wax lips to make silly faces
>nik-l-nip, those little wax bottle fruit flavor drinks

I think there would be plenty of junk food and candy to work with, most of which is still made.
This is mostly US stuff too, other countries have their own candies and mascots.

I like Takefat.


these candies are looking good



She was literally pimping a snickers bar a ch ago.

HO-taru is fat



I'll let her taste my candick.

What does Hotaru smell like?


milkyway best way and I will fight anyone who disagrees.

Yeah, but I fucking hate Hotaru. She's a fat, autistic slob. Saya best girl.

I like candy, but your manga and anime are both terrible and unfunny, and your design is the most overrated piece of fapbait shit I can think of.

That's no good, you gotta learn to drink your coffee with a few days between each time, or else the effect is gonna disappear, and instead of the rush you'll need coffee to function at even a normal level.

I do eight mugs a day just to keep me functioning.

Almond Joys and Red Vines my African American brother.

Climate change is projected to destroy coffee production, it's not the hippies saying this either but the coffee companies. You're gonna die, user.

>western version
>Kinder Surprise
>a whole (serious) episode depicting the illegal trade of underground sweets in the US, such as the Kinder Surprise
>it's so detailed and believable, the authorities start questioning the writer about what he knows

Goddamn. I don't have any helpful advice for that, kicking an addiction has never been difficult for me, I've been lucky like that. At least it isn't a destructive addiction.

I don't think you're talking about Hotaru.

Hotaru would be 400lbs

You like BBC's?

The bentzos and nicotine are gonna kill me before that and they aren't going anywhere. I'm all well set in here.


meant to quote

