>hates real girls
>loves anime girls
You're a walking paradox Sup Forums
>hates real girls
>loves anime girls
You're a walking paradox Sup Forums
>a walking paradox
I'll have you know I haven't left my bed in weeks.
Anime girls are real
/r9k/ is the one that is like this.
We don't hate women, since some of them make our anime and manga, voice our waifus and somewhere around here there must be some female drawfriends that make art for us.
The only thing is that we dislike 3DPG in general, not women.
But y'know we will always have /r9k/ crossboarders so, expect some fag replying to my post calling me "white knight" and I will call him nigger knight.
>Hates worst girls ie, your Waifu and 99.9% of 3dpd
>Loves best girls ie, my waifu and ur mum last night
perfectly consistent
I dont think you know what paradox is.
Count Roblespierre here gets it
B-But they're different, I-I swear!
that thing that happens when you shoot ocelot right
Well they pretty clearly are
I know a female drawfriend who I've seen go to Sup Forums from time to time, should I try to get into her panties
Think of that childhood friend, the girl raised on a farm, and that tomboy. The thing they have in common is they blush at the thought of holding hands, thinking about you remembering small details they wrote off years ago. Its the purity so to speak which is why most lean towards 2d.
Finding that in 3d is near impossible.
They are retard
If she is good friends with you for some time, you probably can but it could either end your friendship or start a new relationship.
Since you gotta know if she has shown some interest in you or not, if she has a bf, etc.
Not that easy m8.
But if you just want to fuck her w/o relationship, it will always be no and no
Where's the paradox? It makes perfect sense that people who use fantasy to escape reality will prefer the people in the fantasies to the people in reality. I don't understand what you don't understand about this.
well she did drop outta highschool so I'll try to lure her to a relationship with guaranteed income and a domestic lifestyle
Alright, you're giving too many details, she could be reading this right know.
You can do that so, treat her well for that succ and don't corrupt her like my favorite bhutanese black market comics.
There was once a book called "how to get a date with female artists in Pixiv." The book is obviously Japanese but the principle should be more or less the same. You should get that book.
But after Kuzu no Honkai aired, Sup Forums started to love real girls and turned their backs on 2D.
Sounds like a kind of woman instead of a kind of scenario, because a bitch in your childhood would be the same as a bitch in your current life
Maybe this 2d popularity will decrease since finding that first kinda girl is getting easier with the popularity of todays social media
No, that'd be like dating your sister.
>Sup Forums
>I will never get a girlfriend
>oh look the new anime just aired
>I will never get a girlfriend
You're welcome.
I think every female Sup Forumsustist might be a high school dropout
Who are you quoting?
You have to go back.
>Sup Forums
>I will never get a girlfriend
>cries in his sleep
>oh look the new anime just aired
>>Sup Forums
Their goal is to become wizards so they could finally subvert reality to be with their waifus and husbandos. Truly the best path.
Why is this thread still up?
>cries in his sleep
I doubt anyone actually do this.
Anime women and real women have nothing to do with each other, other than the latter being drawn to resemble the former.
Sup Forums used to really hate women. Before moderation clamped down on it (and before /r9k/ was even created). There was nightly bitches and whores threads and the mods/janitors or whoever could barely be arsed to take them down before they were saging anyway. Remember athens? No of course you don't.
I kinda miss the old Sup Forums. It was edgier and more interesting. But a lot more stupid too.
Like look at this newfag just wow.
Evrey /r9k/ poster that been raiding us since 2016. Saying "fuck 3dpd" it's just as a bad as saying "I love 3dpd", you are still talking about 3dpd and seems you are unable to talk about something else.
Y-Y-Yeah right, n-n one does this.
3dpd was on Sup Forums long long before /r9k/. JSYK.
Cool boogeyman faggot. Maybe next time you can make a point without sounding like a retard.
What the fuck is that faggotry.
I don't particularly care for either 2d or 3d girls.
I disagree, 2d will never decrease because they have an overwhelming amount of pure hearted girls.
If 3d can be swayed by social media then they aren't headstrong enough to keep her morals much less equate to 2d.
Since I have no clue on how does your comment relates to mine, I will just say, well yeah.
I don't really hate 3d girls that much Anime girls are just better and cuter and they won't betray you because they're controlled by your imagination.
Anyway, has anyone realized that we haven't seen a trap-poster in a while?
Did they all go to /lgbt/ or /y/?
I'm saying that Sup Forums has a very deep and very long history of misogyny and that Sup Forums's misogyny is what fueled the misogyny of /r9k/. Not vice versa. The misogyny on Sup Forums only ended up being hidden via increased moderation ~5 years ago (or so).
Bringing up /r9k/ is just stupid and asinine.
Look, is it hard to understand that anime girls are perfect and real ones are walking disasters?
>white knight
Bitch please. To call you a knight would be too humble a title so i'll just call you white.
upvoted sir, we don't want to hurt the feelings of femanons here!
>"look at how cool and uncaring i am compared to that other board" - Sup Forums
What would be the percentage of girls in Sup Forums?
And real women has a longer history of misandry than Sup Forums.
Feminism is cancer.
Who are you quoting?
Inb4 Fear infographic.
I thought everyone was a loli on Sup Forums, o-or am I alone?
It's pronounced jehseek