○flip flappers 【全6巻】
01巻 *,883 17.01.06
02巻 *,795 17.02.02
03巻 *,786 17.03.02
04巻 *,772 17.04.04←New
Why isn't flip flappers bought?
I think that's nonsense.
○flip flappers 【全6巻】
01巻 *,883 17.01.06
02巻 *,795 17.02.02
03巻 *,786 17.03.02
04巻 *,772 17.04.04←New
Why isn't flip flappers bought?
I think that's nonsense.
Other urls found in this thread:
No marketing. We've been over this.
Flip FLOPpers
Cuz it's shit.
So the show has about 700 dedicated fans. I wonder if the sales will drop hard once the 'writer change' volumes go on sale.
A lot of shows sell poorly why did this become a meme here?
A handful of people shilled it really hard.
Because there are some dedicated haters of this show on this board.
No maketing, not based on a popular manga/novel etc., no big names behind it.
There a few guys who bought multiple copies so it might be a lot less than 700.
Honestly, I didn't think this series was that good. Dialogue and characters were pretty shit.
Expected from first part of show:
Cool premise
Colorful animation
Promise of mystery
A fun and meaningful adventure that explores the psyche
Adventures don't mean anything
Mysteries never explored
Villain turns out to be some character introduced near the end
Still a good execution in terms of animation and color
It attracted one audience, then decided to be a completely different show. If it was more obvious from the onset that it was going to be thoughtless yuritrash of the season, it would have sold well. Sup Forums is upset because they expected more than what they got and it all feels like a huge waste of potential.
Because it really wasn't that good.
Reminder once you filtered out normalfags with less than 5 anime watched per season Flip Flappers wasn't even close to being Sup Forums's AotY.
Well what is it then? Let's hear it.
It didn't help that the fans completely oversold this series. There a few fans who are absolutely delusional about the show. Pretending that the weird fanservice moments were actually incredibly deep social commentary. Pretending that the symbolism not meaning anything was actually 2deep4u three layers of inception. This show had a few good things going for it but that's mostly in the visuals and definitely not in the story telling. It's a prime example of style over substance.
>cockona's mom
>some character introduced near the end
Lurk more.
Pretty much my feeling, except that I still enjoyed it overall despite the yuritrash and disjointed nature. After the first half or so it was definitely on a downwards course.
>Villain turns out to be some character introduced near the end
She was introduced in episode 1.
>Adventures don't mean anything
Except all of them are about the characters development.
So you are one of these "no plot"-faggots I heard so much of.
Because this series had amazing character development?
I bought the ost and will buy the figure when it finally releases >Medicos but those bds are too expensive. As to "why", we've been over this many times already: no manga, no marketing. Now stop salting my wounds.
There are plenty of show with success with zero marketing and manga. No excuse. If you are good enough, word of mouth will ensure success.
Based shitposterbro
It did a good job.
Part of the charm (of the first two thirds at least) was that the visuals weren't empty style. A lot of the story-telling and setting were left up to the details in the art, which was a very welcome change from typical anime exposition.
It's about luck in such cases, and if you want success, you should not rely on it
>it's not fair, y-you just got lucky
Who are you quoting?
>I just wanted to have fun threads with Sup Forums about this anime and its Alice in Wonderland aspect
>mfw the threads got shitposted to no end because that one anti-/u/ fag is butthurt about anything /u/-related and just can't shut the fuck up and let people enjoy themselves
Some people should just jump off a building.
Who are you quoting?
If you have another explanation I'll hear it
>scans never
I was quoting
Come on, we had nice threads. It was just airing days that were hell.
shit tons of show sell like shit. So?
The meme only happened just at the last 2 episodes, when anons from the first 9 episodes went nuts and spamming shitton of new threads with Mimi all over it.
Really feeling that writer change
Dude, from the second half of the anime, everything started going to shit in the threads, there wasn't even need for that "really feeling that writer change" that started appearing not so long after. It's when Mimi appeared that the threads basically took a nosedive and stopped being fun.
Sure, the anime had issues (let's talk about the smears during episode when Yayaka goes flip flap) but even the second half wasn't near as terrible as people keep meme'ing here.
It's the loudest idiots in the thread that ruined people's enjoyment about a simple and effective anime original.
Last season was season of yuri
Scum's Wish
/u/fags would not shut up about the show when it was airing and how it was GOAT, so when it flopped there was a lot of shitposting.
>implying sales = good anime
>implying Sup Forums ever cared about sales
It's nothing but newfags and trolls.
It was best anime of fall.
The first 9 episodes were absolutely solid. Prove me wrong.
I think you are only remembering the bad parts. The threads were fine after the airing day. Friday was when proper discussion of the latest episode was happening.
They weren't solid. They were great, and the anime was still good beyond.
And honestly, people are forgetting that episode 4 was kinda boring.
It flopped because it was garbage. It's going to take half a decade before anyone falls for the excuse that "oh it was a problem with the writers/marketing" and funds shit like this again.
The second episode was annoying even though they rebounded quickly with the next few. The action began getting old by episode 8. Episode 9 had too much forced drama.
Episode 4 was one of my favorite episodes. Goes to show that nobody can agree about anything when it comes to this anime except that the animation is good.
Well, honestly, after bringing something like episode 3 out of their hats, having an episode where not so much happens right afterwards was a big risk. It doesn't help that it is followed by one of the best, if not the best, episodes, and therefore sandwiched quite uncomfortably.
I didn't think 3 was that amazing. Stylistically it was one of the best, but it was also one of the hardest yuri-pandering ones.
6 > 5 > 1 > 4 >> 7 > 3 > 8 > 9 > 2 >>>> the rest
Too much shit taste in the world.
>implying the episode of the invasion and where Cocona decides to tell the world to fuck off wasn't glorious
This show was pure garbage so I'm glad it flopped.
It was one of those anime where if you like that sort of thing it was great and memorable, but if you don't then either you didn't care about it at all or else the attention it got would piss you off because you're an Anonymous autist who can't stand other people liking what you don't. Personally I like original anime, since it can be good. Adaptions I either know about from the source material or else give up within three episodes because it's just more absolutely generic LN trash.
it's already been scanned bro
Preview of ep 28 when?
Japan has shit taste
Go watch your seasonal haremtrash and Kuzu no Honkai
Because your kind is dying yurifag
Yurishitters don't put their money where their mouth is
Taking sales numbers seriously and blaming nips is not healthy anymore. There were some really good shows that didn't sell as well; and the decline in the second half was true.
I can't expect someone watch it alone without Sup Forums would enjoy it equally as I did, really. Love you autistics.
Wait until the NA BD releases. It's probably sell pretty well here.
I'd have loved it regardless if I watched it with Sup Forums or not, and yes nips have some chronic shit taste, this is a world where shit like YoI sells 50k while shows that actually try to be original like Flip Flappers and Shin Sekai Yori sell badly
Well, to be honest, it's not everyday you cross an anime about ice-skating.
Finally, some good news!
I like how it just keeps selling less and less.
Fujo pandering trash
The "nips have shit taste" meme is just that, a meme. In the end whether something sells well is not inversely related to its quality like you memetards would like to believe, but more closer related to marketing and brand awareness.
Flip Flappers flopped for a number of reasons. It was an original work with no existing fanbase that needed to be marketed and pushed much more, but it had very poor marketing prior to and during the show's airing so people who weren't actively seeking it out never noticed it. It also needed to capitalize on a single profitable demographic (yes, yurifags are potentially that), but the schizophrenic and mysterious nature of the first few episodes didn't help to bring in a dedicated watchers. By making a lot of episodes about different things, it had a lot of potential to appeal to different types of people, but never went all the way with any of it, at least in the first half of the show.
Because of the retarded title name. If this show is named anything else people wouldn't care much about it.
Don't shit on YoI. It did pretty well, though I haven't finished it because of being too straight.
Yeah, you sure are.
You're also mad that the series is trash.
>It was an original work with no existing fanbase
All of the biggest names in anime are anime original.
Geass, Love Live, Madoka, Eva, etc.
The series was just bad, get over it.
>no u
>u just mad
You have to be at least 18 to post here, also for posting shit like this it makes it clear how intelligent you are
>it had very poor marketing prior to and during the show's airing so people who weren't actively seeking it out never noticed it.
Reminds me of The Iron Giant.
I'm not the one who's so mad I can't even type correctly or make one word posts calling people retarded.
I can't help but laugh at how mad you are.
>poor marketing
This again.
Look at the second anime from the bottom. It has a negative marketing campaign and has the stigma of a failed kusoge when it aired.
>he thinks we care what a blue box on the internet thinks about a show we like.
>lol u mad
Sure, keep telling me how posterior anime volumes sell less than the first ones, you absolute genius
All of those had at least one of the following: strong marketing, important names attached to the show (e.g. Urobuchi, Anno), or early episodes that zoned into a specific profitable demographic and went all-out in appealing to them.
Kemono achieved meme status
You should lay off the green texting like that. It only makes you look mad.
It was popular and had a lot of very dedicated shitposters. "it sold poorly" was just the fuel needed to continue hounding the series long after everybody else had lost interest and moved on.
It's a show with magical girls, drama and lesbians, so of course it attracted all of the terminal autists that have been shitting in madoka threads for 7 years straight now.
Then it simply was not good enough that it managed to become popular through word of mouth. Does this explanation make you happier?
Keep crying my retarded friend
I mean, there are all kinds of reasons you're wrong.
But I'll just point out how tons of other anime original series to drastically better than Floppers without any of the things you listed.
There you go, less green text. Now all you need to do is fix how you can't type correctly.
There is only one answer
But he's not wrong about the shows you listed? They have a lot of big studios and names behind it
>negative marketing campaign
It had a themed cafe, a radio show, and a manga before the anime even aired. Not saying it was popular, but it was already a franchise by then.
>not good enough
I don't think whether something is good or not makes things sell. Just look at SAO.
Oh hey, it's the mad guy who can't type.
And yes, he is. That's why I pointed out how many other anime original shows sell fine.
>let's quote the very few anime originals that were successful and are known by everyone and their aunt to use as a proof another anime original was bad
Do you want me to tell you why you're a shitty casual that should just get off Sup Forums?
It's yurishit that tries to pretend that it has a meaningful plot. The problem is that people actually watched it to the end, and aren't interested in wasting any more time, much less money, on the product.
>he's still crying
Want me to tell you how I know you're retarded?
Because you ignored the key point in the post you're replying to.
Address why other anime original projects can sell vastly better than Flip Failures even without any of the things you listed.
Are you the retard who thinks it's impressive posterior volumes sell less than the first ones?
You realize you can't claim other people are crying when you reply to posts with single words, right?
>Want me to tell you how I know you're retarded?
>Because you ignored the key point in the post you're replying to.
Oh boy, where have I heard this before?
>ignored the key point
>Address why
Oh I see, it's you ACK. I knew something was off about your autistic way of replying.
>aren't interested in wasting any more time, much less money, on the product
I am. I want to support 3Hrz so that they can produce more sakuga.
>the retard can't even count
I can't help but laugh at how pathetic you are.
And how you are so mad. You are the only person who defends this shit show. You are not smart enough to tell who people are.
>ignores what's said in the post he's replying to
>gets mad when people point out he's ignoring it
I mean, really, what do you expect people to say?