What are the downsides of living in Denver CO, in a 5k people town? The internet told me that STEMs earn 60k+. If me and my gf both worked, we would feel very rich, compared to Italy. Where is the catch then? 5k a month sounds like a lot of money to me... do all STEMs have fancy cars and other shit like that in USA/Colorado?
STEM couple moving to USA
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Denver is a nice place to live, beautiful scenery and the least fattest part of the country. Your idea of a fancy car is just a normal car to us. We all have cars here because our cities were built around roads and our public transportation is shit.
Forget the car. In Italy it is impossible for us to buy a home, the average salary of an engineer in Italy is 2k a month. Can 2 STEM salaries really get you a home in 10 years or less? Will I really be able to attend the restaurant once a day? It sounds like a comfy life. How much money will truly come to my pocket to spend, after taxes and other gov related costs, if an Employer tells me I will make 60k per year?
you and your gf would be living very comfy, good luck user
You know, the more I investigate the stronger this feeling gets
The catch is taxes. You aren't taking home 5k. You'll get about 2000-2500 a month after you pay for everyone elses gibs (depending on Colorado's state taxes number will vary).
$2k a month is a little less than what $60k pays after taxes/insurance/retirement here luigi. You can afford a house that costs about $150k on that in the u.s.
I'd advise against CO unless you're really into having legal marijuana though, state taxes are nuts and it's likely a lot colder than where you're currently at. Unlike MN and WI though, the snow melts quickly in the sunny mountains.
I live south of Denver. Fucking gorgeous state and I love it here. Moved to southern california for 7 years for work and school, so glad to be back.
You are telling me taxes are 50%, but that is not what i understood from browsing. Can you give me a brakedown? Are all taxes proportional? Will a 10k salary become 4-5k aftr taxes?