What's her appeal?
What's her appeal?
Pic related
Redhead tsundere man. That's like, the most original shit ever conceived, you can't understand nigga
Lewd as hell
tittycow who puts out, slut for the MC
perfect body
Reminder that she has a pitiful ass.
She isn't real, so anons don't feel threatened by her.
I'm sure you can make a butt grow by groping it, same as tits.
Calculated fap bait
some people like fat sluts
It's a drawing.
outta my board normalfag scum
He did say "perfect", didn't he?
Not enough stella in this thread
Great in netorare doujinshi.
>cowtits bigger than head
I can you what's not her appeal.
a shit.
Needs rape and turned into sex slave pig against her will until she dies.
I wouldn't call her a tsundere. She"s very straightforward with her feelings and doesn't beat around the bush. The reason for why some people like her is because they have a fetish for Alpha female characters. I liked her at first but the appeal of such characters decreased in time.
She's female. And that's all most people need.
Yep, this is the closets to the truth, give them a female with great body proportions and you're good to go. All the other reasons that are given for why? Are based on crap because they don't want to admit it or just being ignorent.
Her body anatomy is fucked and off-putting. Also there's such a thing as tits too big.
Yeah and that doesn't even come close to too big.
That's because she isn't tsundere. Every part of her prickly attitude evaporated 10 minutes into the first episode and she turned completely deredere and lusted after the MC's cock for the rest of the series. She's not alpha, she falls precisely into the "big-breasted hurr durr she's hot complete pushover cocksleeve" archetype popular with betas and hormonal teenagers, aka the target audience. Worst girl/character and forced really hard into being MCs chosen slut with asspulls and shit writing.
It's the stockings, no really it is they're the reason I watched her show.
>narrow waist
>thigh gap
>nice tits
>clumsy sword moe
>poorly written shallow character
>worst girl
>fat body
I'm drawing a blank.
You could say that she is really hot!
She is 2D.
I forgot
Did the anime end with an original ending?
No, the anime cover the first 3 vol
Nice Cherrypicking and twisted facts faggot.
Here let me use the CORRECT phrasing.
Stella stopped acting like a bitch after Ikki proved himself, and then logically asked why someone as talented as him was held back a year and was then told his backstory of complete asshat retarded parents treating him like shit for no reason.
She then like a normal human being understands she was a bitch, and feels sorry because she was mean to the MC for little to no reason.
Not some stupid character archtype that was invented solely to extended a series beyond it's natural length.
A Human fucking being. Doing logical human being things like listening, and regreting being mean to MCs. Not 'BAKA' *Punch into the stratosphere* 'PI PIRI PIRU PI' Nonsense.
If you want Asuka, Naru, Dokuro, Aki, and Mine for the 27,185th time, be my fucking guest.
Not everyone wants the same exact thing every single series they watch
>>fat body
I fucking wish.
I'd love a plump Stella to knead her belly fat while she gives me a pazuri
They need to adapt more of the manga
hot cumdumpster
I'm really tired of hate she get due to that shitposter.
For those too stupid to get past the panda.
It's not one shitposter
It's the entire Sup Forums mentality.
Somehow or another Sup Forums just gave up any sense of human sensibility, to the point that for some reason a woman who assaults you constantly is seen as 'best' and those who actually treat you with respect, kindness, compassion, etc are shit.
If this is just the meme of 'oh we're outcasts from society' that comes with being an anime fan, then the meme has become Chuck Norris jokes level and people need to stop and think like a human being.
>Red hair
>Yellow ribbons
Kill it
One shitposter started it
Post more Stella; that was the only one I had!
Red headed big titted tsundere. Her personality is kinda cuteish too.
Otherwise, she has nothing special.
I refuse to believe that one person could cause an entire board to hate a character this much.
I honest to god think Ash will win a league and beat the Elite Four before Sup Forums stops being majority anti-stella. No one person could do that.
Any Stella?
I thought this was the redhead from shinmai maou
holy fuck Japan is really overusing this redhead model
Umm, not like that. More like the one I posted, or OP's pic.
>Gender Bend every not Ikki character
>FtM named Alice
>Shark Girl who beats up a boy
>Incest shota
>Tsundere Prince
>would probably be praised on Reddit, Sup Forums and maybe Tumblr for the season.
Prove me wrong, Sup Forums
user posted previews of new volume few days ago
This is Sup Forums, there is no limits to autism.
Nah, it would be as Royal Tutor from this season
I hate to say it, but you must be new here. If you'd been here during the great tripfag era, you wouldn't doubt that a single person could shitpost that hard.
>She's not alpha
Oh yes, I forgot that this generation of retards thinks that alpha means being an asshole and disregarding even genuine affection from someone you care about or enjoying anything at all.
God forbid that someone do what the fuck they want, when they want and how they want to. You beta cucks act like there's some prescribed pre-existing template they are supposed to follow according to their labeling as an "alpha".
Said labeling is used by said beta cucks who can't follow their own path and use it as an excuse to be an asshole themselves, because they're just being "alpha".
tl;dr: Being Contrarian = What millenials perceive as being Alpha.
Here ya go OP.
An honest girl with an honest body.
Next scanlated chapter of manga will be also last that anime adaptation covered
Holy shit, that body was made for sex
Even some hentai artists can't draw a body as lewd as this
Jesus christ
Yes, tits too fucking small
Is that Sara Bloodlily? Did they have to give her CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT because she was a better girl than Stella and wanted Ikki's dick?
We've been over this...
You didn't even need to be here for that. We still get dedicated shitposters in a lot of boards. /m/ was ruined by shitposters and individual threads on Sup Forums still get them. Snk has one, BNHA has one, Gabriel Dropout has one, I'm forgetting some bit most large fan bases get one nowadays. They just don't trip that often.
Stellafag would go into Battle Harem threads and start shitting over the floor about Stella for a year. Rakudai/Asterisk were a fucking mistake that killed these threads until Rokudenashi happened.
Bad tsundere for people who like her ironically.
Modern tsundere is unarguably the worst.
Name a way for Neo Tsundere to be done well, Sup Forums
If that's the LN cover then it's way too lewd to be read in public.
Why is Stella so shit? She ruined the entire show.
>Ayase, Ikki and Stella didn't team up against Shark boy.
>Ikki's physical minmax should make him weak to magic attacks, be unable to use any good magic at all, have shitty luck when fighting and have shitty control or quantity of magic. But should be able to at close range take anybody down with ease.
>Why didn't Stella's B+ rank physical to Ikki's A make so much of a difference when it's just half a letter grade away, on top of A rank everything else making it a massive curbstomp in Stella's favor.
>Why didn't Tohka having A rank physical on top of better overall stats make her able to dodge Ikki's single slash attack.
Ikki taking down Ayase and Shizuya makes sense if he got close and personal.
Ranking system is fucked in this show.
My god.
I don't like harem but my dick is not listening.
Stella a best. A BEST.
Since LNs are fucking AIDS, does the manga have as delicious art as OP or should I just go with the anime?
Anime is good for screencaps (see just above), but I'm sure there's a collection of the cover images floating around somewhere.
>that one anal doujin
Is this LN art?
give a brand new Stellafag a name
Well post it ya cunt!