5 ways to tell your neighborhood's been BLEACHED

A basketball-American explains the most common symptoms, in this helpful and educational video courtesy of our friends over at Salon:


Apparently, nice cheeses and locally-sourced meats at your nearby deli are among the top danger signs.

Don't bother, blacks like to live around filth.

What else?
>people taking care of their yards
>people working
>there's youths who don't ask if they could "hold your dollar"
>less frequent police calls because crime rates plummet
>people know who is their father and often share same father with their siblings
>can't get low quality crack on every street corner
>literacy rates multiply
>theft of air jordans, basketballs and TVs plummet

Why are black people so against gentrification?

>"Do people want to live in your neighbourhood?"
>"Then it's been gentrified"
Also, since when do neighbourhoods belong to 1 race/ethnicity?
das racis

Almost forget
>people can't speak properly anymore, nobody understands simple sentences like "Mup da doo didda po mo gub bidda be dat tum muhfuggen bix nood cof bin dub ho muhfugga."
>less STDs

>does ya neighborhood have more than bodega liquor stores, walmarts, popeyes chicken and an unemployment office? ya might be living round whyt pipyo

Being a decent citizen is like a 24/7 boot camp for them. They can't vent their natural urges and have to care about things they never cared about. It would be like becoming a girl overnight and having to small talk, put on makeup for 2 hours each day, and all the other bullshit women go through.

>if your neighborhood improves in any discernible way, your neighborhood is gone
>you belong and deserve to be in a shitty neighborhood
Wow this guy is really racist against black people.
