Is Mayaka a well-written character?
Is Mayaka a well-written character?
No, she is awful.
In Hyouka, even the tiniest offscreen bug is a well written character.
She's probably the most well written female lead of the past 2 years
Reminder that Mayaka was a fat sexless midget in the books and that kyoani prettified her
>well written
>female lead
>well drawn character
Sorry, I fucked up
She is a character, I will admit that much
Suddenly Satoshi's dilemma makes much more sense.
Have the pages from the book that say that?
Not that guy, the novel calls her a sexless being, as does the anime, and she is short. The only time she appears as fat though is on the cover of the first edition of the first book. Kyoani and especially the manga made her way prettier.
>the novel calls her a sexless being
That was just bullying though
True. And I wouldn't put much faith into the cover of the first edition as a measure for what she looks like either, that's just one artist's interpretation.
Damn novel Oreki is fucking ugly, Chitanda really is a gigantic trade up.
Novel usually don't used same art style as light novel and anime.
>2011 novel oreki is anime satoshi
Damn it, why is Hyouka so perfect.
I'm glad he broke Chitanda's choco too.
Because GodAni, of course. Sasuga.
The rest of KyoAni shows while genial on their terms dont stand near Hyouka. Hibike had some episodes that could be counted on same level, but overall was much weaker.
Hyouka is mid-Kyoani tier at best.
Hyouka ranks up high for Kyoani shows but goddammit so many points get taken off from the movie mystery arc.
Fuck that shit.
It's easily the best.
Well, neck and neck with Nichijou.
I don't buy that at all, unless you're talking about purely technical qualities
Because it's trash.
Hyouka rewatch? Say no more.
I don't remember her being beneficial to the show at all so probably not.
If you show looks pretty, it's better than any other show. It's simple.
>best girl wasn't beneficial to the show
Questionable post.
>Oreki was Holmes
>Chitanda was Lestrade
>Satoshi was Watson
What was her role again?
Mary, you fuck.
Yes, it's almost a bad thing because Chitanda is so weak compared to Mayaka and Oreki is so weak compared to Satoshi.
>implying a character's role in the story has anything to do with that character being well-written
Satoshi is a good character??
Probably the most creative post I've ever seen.
No, he's a well-written character.
Satoshi is actually a pretty great character.
Only Chitanda is weak, I think.
At the most general level, his dialog is slick and strong throughout. Additionally, he avoids falling into any obviously cliched anime character archetype while still being distinct and pronounced.
At a more granular level, his character traits make for a very unique mixture. He's into fashion and he's basically a seamstress. He's highly jealous of his best friend, the MC. He's confident, bold, and knowledgeable. He refused to enter into a relationship with Mayaka, not because of some retarded love triangle reason, but because he valued his independence and just made a choice for himself, for purely selfish reasons. It also helps that the obviously best episode of this entire show (the Valentine's Day episode of course) was centered around this choice he made and his selfish desire to put off further decision.
He's charming, he's funny, he's distinct, he's multi-faceted, he's well-written.
I thought it was a reference to her costume. Wasn't she dressed up as the genderless girl from They were 11? Frou?
No, she's not.
But, the real question here is she ok with fucking?
That stupid cunt Mayaka doesn't even understand simple reasoning.
Significantly better written than you, at least.
The part where got BTFO in cultural festival arc was great at least.
All of them are just one artist's interpretation.
Why such a shift in artstyle from 2001 to 2002? Is one LN and one manga?
Goddamit I just jacked off
My dick is diamonds again
Oreki by himself isn't Holmes, his only talent is at deduction, he lacks Holmes' curiosity(Chitanda), memory(Satoshi) and emotional investment(Mayaka).