
>female name
>female seiyuu
>looks like a girl
>a boy
Why is this allowed?

Other urls found in this thread:

Atleast he doesn't have a girl's name.

What's his name?

At least he's riding Demonbane.

>Konoya Rui

>not wanting to fuck something that has a penis

I bet this person is a boy (girl)

Can you do this with your thumb?


Toyosaki Aki needs to do more serious roles

She has a plenty of those. Go check them out

Yes, I know, but that's why I said that she needs to do EVEN more of those

Isn't that his other hand?

Happy Kamille Bidan.

>even more

Oh I see. For that matter I couldn't agree more

Looks like the index of the other hand.

What did she mean by this

Someone didn't watch Gundam Z.

It's his thumb you handlets.
I held my Iphone like that and it's fine.

Baiku have better weapons.

Take a picture then.
Same angle and all. If you only have your phone as your cam then with something else rectangular.

You have three phalanx on your thumb? That's sick.

Isn't that the distal phalanx he's bending then? What a weird way to browse your phone.

Or try holding your phone and see for yourself.
I not going to bother that much to tell you that it's correct.

>That's definitely the self destruct button...


>VA by Aqua


>Same director and producer as Aldnoah Zero
>Has the same concept of doing a stale genre but tried to put a different spin on it
It's going to be shit isn't it

Don't make me pick up this show, I bet it's gonna be the trainwreck of the season.

Ok, now this is weird.
It's his other hand then.


He isn't alone on this unlike AZ past the first few episodes
Hiroe is making sure everything is fine.

Xiaomi had one finger mode

No one is making you do anything, stupid.

I don't know, user. Is there an original anime that's not shit in the past 5 years?

>not watching the two cour anime original trainwreck of the season with Sup Forums
Do you hate fun?

I wish it will be a trainwreck. Instead off ending up just bland.

Re: Creators of the show Re:Creators
Subject: Ep 01 phone guy.


You're animators drew the phone guy's thumb wrong at the 49 seconds mark.

Also, are the creators getting romantically involved with their characters?

Ching chong ning nong and best regards,


Kamille has no dick

>that yellow hue

Could be worse, at least he looks cute and doesn't have a cameltoe.

He's a man!

>her name is literally Österreich

So, er, she's a Habsburg girl?

>Is there an anime that's not shit in the past 5 years?

Her name is Estherreich.

Hime is the cutest.

She doesn't have lots of competition yet.

>Meteora Österreich

Where is this from then?

That's pretty much pronounced the same. We'll know when they put the official romanization somewhere, sometimes they do that with merch.

Why the hell does this face make my dick diamonds

>dat blonde female knight voiced by Hikasa

What could go wrong?

Any headpats fanart yet?

He's asian

>Re: Creators of the show Re:Creators




I want to see her serious/angry expression in the anime.

How many crossdressers are there in this show?

>goofy looking rei

user is lying. Missile autist is a girl(female).

Shut up, I'll throw lettuce at you

>he didn't see the translations of the profile page

Just three, Kamille, Meteora and Hime

Would her dick be bigger or smaller than MC's?

There is only a couple of words in Japanese that are not gender neutral.

3 is 30% of the cast.

It's the largest of the cast.

What would be her favorite movie?

Last Action Hero

Last Action Hero


Stop right there, disinfo scum.

Magic/k/ Missile a best

That's a metacarpal.

>being that autistic


I like not-Asuka and RocketMage's voices.

Red is mature cute, that's opposite of Asuka.

>goofy looking asuka

Rocket Mage is literally voiced by Rem's VA

So this one is about Anime Characters are coming to the real world because they want to kill their creators?

no shit sherlock
what gave it away

but why do they want to kill their creators?

Anger over being created for entertainment, being forced to suffer etc etc probably.

Watch the first episode and find out friendo.

>the guy intentionally fucks over your world just because he's bored
Gods of pleasure deserve punishment.

Thank god that this will never happen to us in the fucking real world

Never say never user!

>sex bot AI network develops consciousness
What a way to go.

Y-yeah, that's good.

>tfw will never meet mamika

It would be a fucking nightmare because with the Creations from Japan the Earth would be doomed

And after that they're happy? How stupid can a animated human being be?

I wish Hime would punish me.

Literally my wife.


Gods created you, gave you super powers and put you into the world full of magic and adventures. You need to fight enemies and your life is not easy. But if you were born in this "world of gods" you would most likely be some chinese or indian peasant with his life filled with constant poverty. Or maybe you could get lucky and be norm in some 1st world country, but still be filthy virgin NEET wasting your life on anonymous imageboard.
Why would they be angry about their destiny again?

It's like having your waifu killed but then you're sent 50 million dollars as compensation.

Sure you end up "happy" eventually but it's still a bit of a dick move. And not every series has a happy ending.

Some people go on shooting sprees just because they are beta faggots, imagine finding out all your problems ever are a single person's fault and that person is a fucking balding jap who dropped out of high school and decided to write shitty edgy LNs.
It's not like all characters want to kill their creators. There is team MC and team Chuuni, only the latter are mad about gods.