Why aren't you watching chinese cartoons Sup Forums
Why aren't you watching chinese cartoons Sup Forums
because chinese is the ugliest sounding language in the world
That's probably not true. It's just that Chinese people are so crass that we think the language is like them.
Them being crass has nothing to do with the amount of sh sounds in their words
I watched one episode of a shitty Chinese harem like a year ago. It was really bad, and Japanese sounds way better than Chinese.
Not really, chinese does sounds horrible, if you are not used to it.
gotta wait for season2 to come out
Chinese voices are horrid but they do good anime
And this is why Sichuan dialect is the best, cuts out literally all the sh sounds.
fuck yes its been confirmed for "season2 in production"
No subs and if they have they are chink subs
I'm already watching it
Its japanese anime, only the characters are depicted as chinks
plus their animes fucking sucks
I'm watching aots.
Why do they need subs for their own fucking language?
suck this
*unzips dick*
is that a fucking centipede
Visually it looks pretty good. It's boring as guck for now though.
I also don't really like how Chinese sounds. And it seemed like the VAs were half-asleep
i only watch superior japanese animation. folded over 1 million times
An anagram of animes is sinema, which fits with how so many of them involve incest.
I am reminded of that one time the Chinese released a trailer for one of their series used one of the ending songs of Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon as BGM. Can't find it any more though.
This season i do. King`s Avatar is AOTS
Because I've probably seen all the significant ones and all the others look boring or are adaptations of unfinished manga set to have half-assed non-canon endings.
As a native speaker I can tell you the VAs sound fucking awful. It might be my bias against beijing mandarin though.
ai ya its more than just depicted as chinks,
the only thing not chink about it is they broadcast it in japan with japanese VA';s
Tencent is saving anime. Too bad other Chinese shows dont get such budgets and direction.
So do chinks have a name for chinese cartoons?
Please, the animation is like barely 10fps.
Tencent isn't saving anything, it's one of the scummiest companies to ever exist. It's got its fingers in everything from Mining to Finance to fucking World of Warcraft. If they're doing something it's entirely because they want to squeeze every shekel they can out of it.
Maybe all VAs except Japanese sound awful
While China picks up steam on anime atm, though mainly for own market one shoudnt disregard Korea too.
One of better animated movies in recent years, winnign lots of awards was Korean
It sounds beyond unnatural, plus they're trying to force a textbook beijing accent which just makes it even worse. Many English dubs have more bearable voice acting than this.
Did you watch other shows this season? In comparithing anything but Bahamut this season looks hillariously bad.
I didn't watch the show, I'm judging based on the trailer. (which should have your best production values, if the trailer looks this bad I don't know how the rest of your show is going to even work)
Just in technical aspects, the animation is total garbage. In terms of anything else, I have no idea, I didn't watch the show.
Does it sound gay or 'too cute'?
It crap, the background is literally copy/paste from photo and the animation is clunky, soundtrack is bland and
>dark gamer esport
All the cartoons I watch are made equally in parts by chinks, gooks and nips, I'm very progressive towards yellows and totally not racist
Then stop posting shit and watch the episode. In comparison most of shows airing this season are cheap low quality production.
you mean lot of corean awards? Look like crappy shit
I don't understand a single word but the VA work sounds awful to me. It's like someone just woke them up, shoved the script in their hands and told them to read and recorded that
Korean anime is objectively shit.
Cheap low quality still have better story and VA than that crap plus chink sound like shit
Chinese anime is awesome.
oh, "that" guy again, who was raped by gooks as infant
They're only anime cause they're co-produced with the japs, the moment they go independent they don't belong on Sup Forums anymore.
Didn't mods deleted some of your shitty chink threads few days ago?
Why aren't you guy shitposting in a not Sup Forums related thread?
>crowd of guys is mirrored
Oh look chinkchong QUALITY to love ru
>watching bootleg
No, i already watch anime
What's with the sudden increase of chink shilling these past few days?
Chinese cartoons look like uninteresting imitations of the most generic Japanese stuff.
If they decided to make something distinctly Chinese (maybe something akin to a John Woo or Jackie Chan movie) using animation, then I would definitely be interested.
There are 50 cent party
>read Chinese WNs
>100 chapters is like 7 days
>2 chapters about how the MC cooks chicken
What is with chinks and being autistically descriptive?
Because im playing persona 5
>I've never heard dutch
>people complaining about Japanese voices
Nigga, it's all ching chong to most of us anyway. Literally makes no difference if you're reading subtitles.
Oh I've heard dutch and I stand by my statement
I don't think you understand just how grating chink speak actually sounds. Alongside gook, it has one of the most fucking horrid phonetics to ever bleed into my ear.
>autistically descriptive
Next you will argue about plotholes and unexplained bullshit right after you pick up a Nip WN.
He's just baiting to keep this thread alive.
>I've never heard Swiss German
Hopefully Trump starts WW3 soon with attack on NK, NK nules Seul and Tokyo and we`ll enter new era: of KyoAni, PA Works and Chinese anime
I'm not fluent, but I can hold a basic conversation in Moonspeak, and I'd honestly be surprised if less than 10% of Sup Forums is the same.
I know nothing but i know that Tencent has killed LN fan translation in China as it monopolize the trade. And for the so-called Chinese LN, pls dont waste your time reading them, they are bloated extended like Naruto anime.
I've already watched all the chinese cartoons I wanted to watch.
I don't want to give the jews of the east anything.
Because it's not gonna be worth looking at for at least another 5 years. At least they're trying.
>Characters kiss in opening credits
Well, they're at least beating out the Nips on one way.
I am learning Japanese because anime.
What are the chances I will have to learn Chinese and/or Korean in my lifetime?
China and Korea are still leagues behind in terms of art direction, but they've got the best underpaid manpower. Could be a matter of time before they start investing on actual production value, just watch Big Fish and Begonia.
Learning japanese because anime is retared. The only reason to learn japanese is porn.
Similarly, there is no point learning chinese for anime/lns - since anything of worth will be translated, especially because chinese unlike japanese recognize importance of foreign markets and try to earn money on it.
>The only reason to learn japanese is porn.
Words of truth
I work in the field and intended making it to Japan eventually, user.
I will definitely not want to live in China or Worst Korea, but it might be relevant for business.
There are a lot more Chinese speaking english, thatn theres demand for westerners speaking Chinese. Surprisingly, most of the western bussiness deals with China successfully all without knowledge of Chinese or even need for translators.
I thought Chinese people hated Japan. Why copy from the country they so vehemently despise when they already have an excessive amount of pride for their own culture, aren't they just insulting themselves?
I mean at least Korean animation deviates enough, but China isn't even trying to hide it.
Hey, that's a nice point.
Unless I end up having to work creatively with the, case in which cultural aspects and language expression would become more important.
There's a lot less hate than you'd think, especially on the internet where there are nerds just like here. Hell, they aired Eva in the middle of the afternoon back when I was a kid.
But you'd think they would try to create an animation style unique from Japan, but I guess they're tired putting pretenses on being the superior, enriched culture.
We need more taiwanese puppet shows desu
its close enough so ill ask
is seoul station any good?
I wouldn't be able to distinguish Japanese anime and Chinese anime from the visuals alone.
I expected worse when everyone said the dubbing is bad. Sounded alright to me, bad would be something like
Mandarin doesn't work well with these cutesy tones
Thats because aside from KyoAni most japanese studios outsource 90% of the work to korea/china.
Also Japanese key animators have a LOT more experiences and better the chinese counterparts aside few exceptions.
The MC voice is main selling point of the show for me. Dont care if Chinese - fits perfectly and dont know japanese counterpart that would act the same.
Why is Korea 10 years late to the whole zombie craze revival?
the fact that chinese sounds "ugly" is because chinese people in china are taught to speak very loudly and have their presence felt. they do this because there are just so many fucking people there and they need to communicate with friends and family this way. if they were using a soft voice, they would never be able to find their loved ones in a crowd
but i do admit it's not the prettiest language in general
Vietnamese and Tagalog are much worse. Chinese isn't bad.
cambodian, too
I don't care who's better. The Chinese anime series look just as generic as their Japanese counterparts.