You will never live in biyoriville with the non nons

>you will never live in biyoriville with the non nons
How does it feel?

Other urls found in this thread: gallery/gallery14/334renge/334renge.bak

>you will never get a blowjob from Renge-chon
How does this one feel?

It feels good.
I wouldn't wish country life upon my worst enemy.

They don't have internet over there and I would miss you guys too much.

I want to burn Biyoriville to the ground.

It's painful


living in the country fucking sucks

No living in the sticks is awesome. Living in the city fucking sucks.

Ever since watching NNB it's become my goal in life to adventure in my youth but ultimately settle down in a rural village and work to death on a farm. Bet it's nice to die out in the middle of nowhere. Maybe a bear would eat me.

Seconding this.
I just wanna do field work all day, then lay back and relax and pop in some 90's anime VHS tapes.
And fuck Renge's oldest sister.

>I will never marry Koma-chan
it hurts to live

>you will never capture Hotaru as she's walking alone at night

>you will never visit your country relative and cumdump the inbred yet physically advanced cousin

>you will never visit the schoolhouse to help her with repairing stuff
>you will never do that hand behind your head gesture when Renge questions why you're always with her sister

>you will never shoot your cum inside Komari's tummy and have lots of little country bumpkin kids with her

>you will never have to worry about choosing your life path or looking for a job because it was already set for you as soon as you were born, being on the fields your whole life

>you will never have to worry about getting a wife because she was already living with you, set for you as soon as you were born by minor marriage

>You will never wave to Hotarun as she walks past you on her way to school then continue harvesting your rice patty all day.

that one really hurt

>you will never enjoy the organic no GMO no chemical rice PATTY

Anyone know where the non nons actually are?

Somewhere in sendai our some other godforsaken rural area?

>100sqft paddy yields only 10lbs of rice
fuck all that

Saitama actually


Area is known as Ogawa in Saitama

Honestly, pretty cool desu.

Based on their accent and distance from Tokyo, most Japs think they live in Chugoku. I think the author wrote that he doesn't have a specific place in mind though.

Pretty horrible senpai, pretty horrible.


Reminder that if many who wish for they could, none of the girls would be allowed to be outside of their houses unaccompanied by an adult for the thread those folks so evidently posed to the community. Their chances of happening to bump into one of the biyoris on a dusty backwoods road on a warm summer day would practically be nil. Their experience in the country would just be lonely paths and cicada chirping.

>lonely paths and cicada chirping
>implying I don't need some of this in my life
>implying I want to non non any of the biyoris

Oh shit, it's within hiking distance of Hanno
I was only going to climb some mountains during my Yama no Susume pilgrimage but now I need to add a day to visit biyoriland. I hope they don't mind a dirty gaijin taking photos of an elementary school.


I'd love to visit the place even though the internet will probably be dogshit.

I wish more got revealed about the author as well since he uses one of them stupid nicknames.

>falling for the propaganda made to trick the youth to move to rural japan


>Non Non Biyori
Yes! This is perfect for me

Not good

I want to non non this biyori.

Why so many comfy shows in the countryside? Is it Abe's keikaku to make people want to return from big crowded cities?

>you will never make a family with Hotaru

Why does Natsumi end up moving to the city to do rakugo though?

I'd live in the country if they had high speed internet.

I would live anywhere with no people around as long as I had good internet and a reasonable income.

She needed the money

>never watched the ova or season 2
Should I? I want to savor the comfiness.

Yes, definitely. Season 2 is arguably superior to season 1.

What does Non Non Biyori even mean?

It means this

It's a bastardization of nonbiri (のんびり)


Something is wrong.
Isn't everyone in this village hiding something from me?

Aside from the whole endless timeloop inititated by Hikage & her demon schoolfriend while they figure out how to prevent Suguru from massacring the village at the end of the summer, no not really.

Not the biyoris

Ren-chon is not for lewd.

This is actually nice. I seen a YouTube video of the actual school and the town

tfw u will never be candy store

I have yet to see the last episode of season 2. I just don't want it to end

>tfw u will never be in candy store
That's what you meant to say right?

either one honestly
hows her business even stay afloat

>you will never be young again and stay up all night having an existential crisis

>hows her business even stay afloat
It's the only convenience store around for miles, for one thing

I did the same with S1. Now that S2 is out I guess I can go ahead and finish it.

Jokes on you, I still do all the time.

what kind of underwear do the non nons wear? Stripes? Plain colors? Characters?

>5 hour hikes

What is this an anime?

Ren and natsumi go commando, hotarun wears frills, komari wear's bear print.



Five hours will easily turn to twelve if you want to ascend all the hills nearby, or find a nice river you want to follow. I tend to not make plans for long routes if I have to get to the end point within a day (usually because I don't have camping equipment with me).
One of the most enjoyable ways to walk is to get lost. There's nothing more enjoyable to me than only having a vague idea of the direction I'm walking in. I especially like walking in heavy rain, it's easier to ignore the sun's direction in a storm.
Discovering all the alleys and roads in my home city that I'd never explored was especially fun, but that only lasted for a short time until I'd seen them all and had to discover more. Urban or rural terrain, wilderness or mountains, it's all equally enjoyable.
The best part of hiking in natural parks, for example, is just walking straight for a day at a good pace, then wandering around enjoying the nature for days until you accidentally hit signs of civilization. When I arrive at a fork in the trail, I choose the coolest looking one, and generally only try not to move in circles. Or you can just simply decide it's time to head back when you become bored, take out the map from your backpack the first time, and go back to where you started.


We need more renge gifs


How much damage did that do?

All of it.


Feels terrible.

I've just finished watching it all, the last ep is pretty chill, you'll enjoy it.

Good I've worked in small towns and they're shit.

I just go done reading this. That and her being like 15 years behind in technology made me feel really bad for her. She just needs a hug.




Someone should edit this so there are flashes with her lower torso blown off


Have you ever lived in some remote village? When I visit my kinda remote relatives in Kazakh its horrible, there is like one small store to get some very basic shit, no internet, hot, stinky cause of all the goats and donkeys also it is incredibly boring for someone who is used to having so much information and media at the palm of his hand. Its fine for a week or two, but no way Id want a live like that

It's okay because I live in Liechtenstein which is an even more comfy place to be.

Is it fun to be a gaijin and travel to these places just to walk around and take in the sights?

Hell yeah.
t. played gaijin for seven years straight in Okinawa


These bastards did something horrible. Something that must not be done. gallery/gallery14/334renge/334renge.bak

This is Japan though, not the eurasian steppes

And we can buy 20 lbs for $8. What a time to be alive

This series has the best mom and it actually shows the fucking parents around.

Act like a shit? get slapped? Bad grades? punishment!

Less annos and miyazakis in the world if they had this mom slapping the gay out of them.

Well I would rather live in rabbit house as Cocoa.


Eh, just a humid and hot summer day.


Just because you grew up in some shithole doesn't mean that everywhere in the country is bad.

They discrimminated against the male, was never allowed to join the group and take part in the fun. The same would hapoen to us, we'd be rejected from their group because of our gender/sex.
That was something that bothered me, I identified with the male a lot and felt bad.