How come this sold badly?
How come this sold badly?
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Normie plotfags have taken over and ousted the cool people who just want to fawn over cute girls in peace.
Probably because 90% of the show wasn't about the two lolis that you fags keep circlejerking about and was also insipid as fuck.
did it sell badly?
because it was garbage
Nips have shit taste
It didn't though, the sales aren't crazy but 3k isn't that bad and manga got a boost as well, it did more than enough.
and people still believe quality anime = better sales
Better question:
How come THIS sold badly?
Nips have good taste.
Because Tohru and Kobayashi were utterly boring in every scene they were in. When 2/3rds of your main cast is shit, the result is failure.
Shitty animation.
No plot.
Boring SoL-wise.
Not funny.
Kana was the popular thing about it but she had rather little presence on the anime. They tried to chew too much and neglected the niche they had found.
It got 3k. Thats not too bad for nowadays standards. Not a lot of stuff is selling well nowadays. Online streaming it is.
>quality anime
Qualität bait.
Only good for webms and not much else.
Also the yuri.
Because Kobayashi is ugly.
It's incredibly average and unmarketed
Kobayashi is cute! CUTE!
>3k isn't that bad
>yurishit sells badly
In another news water is indeed wet.
It hurt to watch. The cringe was almost a physical phenomena. I dropped it immediately as it was just too much.
Fuck off ESL.
>says the pedo kannafag
Nobody knows how much it sold unless Kyoani directly tells us.
Now stop spreading fake news you retard.
>It didn't though, the sales aren't crazy but 3k isn't that bad and manga got a boost as well, it did more than enough.
it didn't even get 3k though. 2.3k you can't even round that up to 3k. and that's just the first dvd sales. sales of the other disks look to be
What if whole show was like the last episode?
B-but if God-ani doesn't release the sales you don't know
I-i-it's not bad unless God-ani tells us it's bad
No, 2904 to be exact.
you are weark user. WEAK!
Not even defending the show there, but you know, if you think a show needs at least 5-10k to have good sales, you're wrong, especially when BD sales aren't even that important in many cases.
>13,544 memesuba
>*3,851 gabriel dropped
>*3,463 some fujoshit
>*3,313 flop dragon
>*2,994 demi crap
>*1,971 seo garbage
>*1,464 another fujoshit
>*1,179 shitty haremshit
>*1,059 seasonal kirara flop
The rest sold below 1k. Everything sold like crap except for konosuba and the 3D anime.
>normalfag complaining about "normies"
No, it already surpassed 3.4k you fucking idiots. And that's not counting the couple hundreds from KyoAni store.
>kyoani store meme
You have to go back.
Your sources don't include the kyo-ani store, so it's not a meme.
Go choke on a bag of dicks.
>3D anime.
Literally zero numbers.
Don't fall for the memes from here.
>g-god-ani hasn't said they've failed
>i-it's fine right?
I never cringed once when watching it.
>it didn't even get 3k though
Think of it more as second hand embarassment, then. Either way it was unreal.
>sold as much as Nichijou
Meh, this is hardly surprising.
It is Umaru without the fun
Because it didn't have jokes outside of
>Lucoa smothering Shouta
>brown hair girl getting touched by Kana, exploding or some shit
You can't drag a series out on the same three things every time, and then have the final episode be some uninspired conflict.
If maybe it was shorts, it would have been better since their comedic material wouldn't have been as worn out
Not him, but I never watched the anime; I just read the manga. Perhaps having everything acted out and hearing her stuttery voice is what makes you "cringe".
I can't say the manga has ever made me cringe. It did make me feel symphatetic.
Not enough Fafnir, Kanna was too emo, and this But also it was boring.
Konosuba had that game bundled with it that actually looked fun. Wonder how many sales that brought in?
You can.
The show literally made more profit than over half the things that aired in its season.
I think you are the one that got tricked and fell for the meme.
Normies are into shitty moe shit too now, didn't you know?
it's shit
This. Maidragom should have sold under 1k considering how shit it was.
What's Kobayashi's full name?
Could have sold a lot more if it had something more than nice visuals though
they didn't sexualize the loli enough
Not everyone in Japan is a degenerate faggot.
You're the one memeing, stupid fuck. The shop exists, I don't see a reason why a KyoAni fan wouldn't buy directly from them. It sure it's not selling ten of thousands, but a couple hundred are for sure. Now, if idiocy would have a cure, but you're irredeemable.
I cringed only because of how awful the jokes were.
Because stalker retards don't count KyoAni store
I watched 6-7 episodes but I couldn't bear to watch anymore. Shit was bad as fuck.
Nip NEETs don't like watching anime that reminds them of how bad they are.
Every show sells badly according to Sup Forums unless you're past 50k.
Because y'all niggas watch for free instead of supporting artists.
> he likes poorly selling shows
Stick to your stalker threads please.
Can we just autoban anyone who says "normie" or "normalfag?" The kind of people who think they're fucking special just because they're losers (or they like posing as losers [like gaymer gurls or whatever]) are almost always completely undesirable people. From a purely economic standpoint, the term "normalfag" makes sense in the way that maybe one could discuss normalfag media in a way that describes anime not for the hardcore hobbyists like the people on Sup Forums. Most people just use the term as a way to justify their own stupidity and make themselves feel falsely special and it's pissing me off. Being a nerd isn't some kind of badge of honor, retards. The more you act like it is, the sooner the anime community will end up as shitty as the gaming community.
manabi line dot jaypeg
Nice pasta faggot.
It was pretty bad.
this. For many, anime is escapism.
>write an argument that's longer than two sentences
Every fucking time.
What else did the nip neets tell you that they don't like?
If you were serious then this place is just not for you and you should return to /r/anime where you will feel more accepted.
gaming is way more normalfaggoty than anime though.
It's about avoiding the norm, that's all
But in all honesty, liking anime is like liking fat girls (with huge titties) - everybody secretly does it but not everyone wants to admit it.
Do sales really matter? I thought this kind of anime was made to boost the manga sales
>"I can't come up with an argument"
>"I'll just tell him to go back to rebbit eksdee"
Literally only newfags do this, why don't you fuck off first?
Gaming is only normalfaggoty because it evolved to be that way though. Anime could go that way if the market called for it, (Disney movies, Love Live, etc.) Disney and Love Live are exceptional, but anime could go that way if the suits played their cards right. I don't really want that to happen though.
>Hurts muh feelings
>Muh community
Inb4 that's not an argument.
>Muh arguments
>muh community
That's actually a really good argument, but considering you don't care about the state of Sup Forums and would probably be happy if Sup Forums were as shitty as Sup Forums or Sup Forums or Sup Forums or something, the argument is lost on you anyway.
Because you didn't buy it, user.
You can't even format properly so it's pretty obvious, just go back user. It's enough.
Normalfag has been used here for years, user, and its basically a synonym for casual.
Normie should be banned because its like the safe version of the word, but normalfag is ok.
Also go back to tumblr.
Nice adhom, dumbass. If you're just trying to pull off an "epic troll" here, it's working. Come back when you have a real argument. It's the ironic weebs like you who don't even want to have any real discussions and who just come here for the "epic irony" that are fucking ruining this place.
Not loli enough.
Normie was used alot of couple of years ago until the r9k memes started.
>i-i-it's okay to be a normalfag! Everyone else is just an undesirable loser!
>it doesn't make any sense anyways!
>everyone else is just being stupid! They're just nerds! The anime community can do better than them!
Holy shit
>Normalfag has been used here for years
I know but the people who use it are almost always newfags now. The people who get angry about normalfags usually don't even give a shit about anime, they're just posers who want to be a part of something and feel special.
It's going to sell a lot of merch though
An argument for what? Your post was crying about being bullied here for being a normalfag and you wanted people banned for it. I told you to go back to the website you frequent because clearly you don't like it here and you're not used to it.
There was no argument, you had no argument. Just leave already.
You're misinterpreting me. People who get angry about normalfags are mostly normalfags themselves. Normalfags are annoying but specifically getting angry about normalfags has the opposite effect of what is desired. Any normalfag can start insulting other people for being a "normalfag." It takes a true non-normalfag to have quality fucking discussion about anime cunnies. See
It may seem counter-intuitive, but this is my hypothesis.
ITT: kyoani shills on suicide watch that don't want to listen to the truth
admit it, maidragon was shit and got more attention than it deaerved.
It promotes all sort of degeneracy.
Yuri never sells.
Thanks for the pasta, but I'll never use it since you're a filthy normalshit.
It's kind of easy to tell that people haven't watched Maid Dragon when they think it's any more degenerate than any other seasonal anime last season.
I bet you saw that one cherrypicked webm of Kanna and the other girl and then decided the entire show was that.
If you think that the jokes were the main goal if every episode beyond the first three, you didn't actually watch the series.