Tomorrow a new VRAINS character will get revealed in LABO along with more information about the use of Speed Duels in VRAINS.
And more Duel Links shilling of course Where is the hype?
Other urls found in this thread:
why no Hot blonde for heroine?
fuck yeah drawfag here, taking requests
I'd like one Chaos Goddess, please!
Hopefully it's the rival and that he looks less absurd than Yusaku.
Aoi is a boy!
Aren't we dead?
Thanks, based fuck yeah user!
I hope VRAINS is good enough to make people enjoy this. I am seriously missing this threads.
Since I am getting a mini core Spellbook&Prophecies (I always wanted one) don't you mind doing this one?
Hi, Chaos Goddess friend!
How can a single man be so smug?
Being raised by some keklogic adoptive father has it merits
Requesting you to take this advice.
Sure thing user
On it user
Countering you so you can take it and leave.
Don't listen to him.
Herro, Northwemkofriend?
Fuck yeah, Dennis!
draw aoi in this style, pls
Archivefag here. Found an old Arc-V thread from before the Foolz crash.
Little did we know, the show would take a huge nosedive.
On a scale of irrelevant to Crow, how much screen time is she gonna get VR/a/INS?
>That's the route the show seems to be heading and I'm okay with it. Just hope Crow doesn't bust through a wall and tell Yuzu to get back in the kitchen.
proof of time travel
Yes. How are you doing?
Great! Thanks a lot.
Found my posts!
Good times.
She'll duel once in a blue moon.
Reveal the alternative appaerance of Aoi in the Cyberse? pretty sure knowing LABO.
I'm doing fantastic now that I've got my fuck yeah Chaos Goddess and found time to tinker with Twilightsworns. How about you?
>In the end all Yuyas turn evil, all the rest of the cast have to beat them, with Yuzu fighting original Yuya
(dated june 2014) Real proof of time travel.
You know what hurts me the most about Arc-V?
Yuya had the potential for being a great MC, and now he will never be redeemed.
>tfw Yuma developed and got through his problems a lot more than Yuya overall especially with the former being a year younger.
More like Arc-V had the potential to be a great series, but now it will never be redeemed.
Fantastic, too. As I said, soon I will get some Spellbook & Prophecies that I always wanted to have. I will build something later thats for sure
I only hope Komoney confirm soon the rumored Structure Deck R for Endymions.
I hope it will be a shota.
Even worse when it had numerous opportunities to get its act together but wasted them for the most dumbest of reasons.
Wait. If that happens then Spellbook may have too ?
Both sides had a war after all
You tell them KoG
Prophecies are pretty nifty. Always wanted to build them but I never did get around to it. What other decks do you run?
Does anyone have a christmas tale with shun kurosaki?
A Dark Magician and I am trying to build a pure Ritual deck with Sanctuary.
It never got better did it?
Neato. Best of luck with that Ritual deck.
Be ready for Dirty Sanchez making Yugioh great again
>that choker
>that heart-shaped window right on the womb
>those tights-clad thighs
I'm not keeping up with the new Yugioh, is the left guy the MC and the right guy his friend?
It only got worse.
>Reminder the three people he has a right to be pissed off with is Leo, Yushuo and Reira.
>Leo: A major dumbass that the majority of issues in this series and literally gets off easy
>Yushou: Easily one of the most useless characters in this series by doing absolutely nothing yet ended up inadvertently leaving the girls to get killed off after canceling a duel with a bs plot device card.
>Reira: Its decision to immediately side with the plot device known as Ray over letting the girls get killed off because she's lonely and to guilt trip Reiji. In the end turns into a baby where the final premise depends on it smiling with only the protagonists' dueling when really anyone is better than him.
It's honestly just Leo. Yuushou messed up a lot of things, but not really the Ruris. And Reira lost her life, too.
But Leo caused everything and didn't get any punishment at all. Unless you count not getting Ray back, but that's a stretch.
>holding expectations for Aoi
Yoshida is writing lads.
Reminder that Ruri could beat most characters in arc-v effortlessly
Can you imagen if the lancers were all in one room during the friendship cup?
>Everyone kind of just awkwardly looking away from Yuya when him and Yugo synchronise
>Shun coming back from his duel nearly breaking the door off it's hinges
>Serena sneaking food off the other's plates when they're not looking
>Bennis being that one shit that commentates over the duels
>Sawatari nabbing Yuya's letter to Yuzu from Yuya and everyone adding their own paragraphs
>Yuya being a medium for Shun to talk to Yuto
>Yuya twitching everyfew seconds and asking the lancers if they think Yuzu survived.
>ZETSUBOU Shun when he calls Serena Ruri or Yuya Yuto by accident.
>Serasawa becoming more than a pipe dream
Some of those sound fanfic/10.
Dennis interacting more with Gongenzaka would've been cool, though.
I would've liked to hear them come up with strategies together and promising to meet again if someone looses
Are they being serious?
Don't jump the ship.
>enemycon is a viable card choice in link format
What a time to be alive!
What other cards become viable that were useless before?
el shadoll winda bullying pillica
Sup Forumsrc-v kinda brought us all together though. While some of it remains, ygo was mainly shitposting before the randomised deck duels.
EdgeYX, if you're stll here, fuck you and your Demise.
>Destiny HERO - Duskutopiaguy
Sure, Ruri, sure...
E-Con's been an on-again-off-again staple for years. Where have you been?
>Where is the hype?
It died alongside Speed Duels being used in the show.
Speed Duels were a mistake.
>Combo game
>Speed format fixes monster after monster combos
>Fixes "set 5, ur turn"
>Keeps a bit of the speed with Link monsters
Duel Links is saving this sorry ass game.
I can't wait for it to be implemented into the actual game and watch all these faggots leave.
The speed format fixes absolute shit. The only reason it's not as crazy as the regular game is because the available card library is so much smaller.
If you were to apply the full card library to speed duels you'd be looking at nothing but FTKs and other ridiculous plays.
Course you would.
It might not be much, but I feel just getting rid of 4 zones would add a lot to the game.
It just adds a bit of timing, adds a bit more thought into what you set and play.
Considering the utility and hand advantage so many archtypes offer these days, I can't be a bad thing.
Even with slow ass Duel Links' card pool I sometimes have to stop and thing about my spells/traps and what to set, opposed to the tradeoff of keeping something in my hand.
Can I believe vrains will be fun?
Only if Aoi is tsun.
Nice work Drawfag
How much until LABO ?
I wonder If there are other ones too.
>Koreans are coming to Duel Links
Well, it was fun while it lasted
>South American release celebration!
I'd appreciate it, if you did zexal morph 2.
>All those post about the LDS trio
>They were fucking irrelevant starting mid-standard.
>ritual pendulum
Should I be happy or dissapointed that never happened?
my sister is gone and my friend is dead
Bump for LABO