What the fuck is going on

What the fuck is going on

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>tfw, like, really smart.

stay triggered britcong

This guy just keeps producing gold.

I'm so glad Trump won.

>and being, like, really smart

the fact that our president is talking like a valley girl here is totally hilarious

America is a laughingstock at this point

Stop posting fake trump accounts on here.

Though him attacking Bannon will come back to bite him

It’s real you mutt

He's my favorite person.
Hands down.

Its real

(On my first try) Hahahaha

>implying the trump/Bannon feud is not WWE Kayvab....

you've got a leaf in your flag though, not them

I fucking love Trump, wish he would visit the UK but everyone here is a gay muslim loving pro Europe spineless little bitch

On my First Try


Imagine being such a Chad that you forget the first time you ran for president.

this time it was FOR REAL

I don't think he was really trying that time, he just got mad over 911

>Trump's entrance into the Reform Party race coincided with that of paleoconservative commentator Pat Buchanan, whom Trump attacked throughout the campaign as a "Hitler-lover."

>being, like, really smart

Is he a 15 year old girl?

Sometimes I forget how many kids are on here...

how can he get mad about 911 before it happened

To who exactly besides certain eurotrash and memeflags ?

kek that was my first thought, although he might be dumbing down his language to appeal the lower end of his voting base, we are witnessing history

Definitely intentional if he wrote it out like that. Probably jabbing at the media that got exasperated when he said "I'm, like, a very smart person."

Or he might have used speech-to-text.

>Mad over 911
>campaign in 2000


America will annex your country within 10 years.


>although he might be dumbing down his language to appeal the lower end of his voting base

That's exactly what's happening and I'm not sure why opposition is so surprised by it. It's nothing new - gunning's fog index.

He's like, really smart..


idk but i appreciate his level of shitposting and ruse

>What the fuck is going on
Absolutely nothing as usual.

I guess you can say it's moving goal posts, but I doubt he ran in the reform party expecting to win. Running republican is obviously a real try.

So a double laughing stock?

You know, as a leftist sometimed I'm so glad Trump won. I've never been so entertained by a politician ever. He even surpassed Berlusconi with the lulz factor. And I can't wait how the future history book will humiliate this guy to hell

Confirmation that Pence is about to get a promotion

>and achieving universal healthcare as outlined in the campaign companion piece The America We Deserve

That explains why his repeal didn't work.

Being American must be almost as hideously embarrassing as being British.

>anybody calling americans the laughingstock


Donald Trump is trolling people because they are saying that he's mental because they lost the election

>but I doubt he ran in the reform party expecting to win.

you mean exactly like this time?

Except his tax bill has made the U.S a tax shelter for flight capital, so it is drawing money (and jobs) to the U.S. like, say, the Italians are drawing Jihadist migrants to Southern Italy.

just making lefty babies take the bait and talk about his tweets for the 800th consecutive day

He is a time traveler.

This guy is a joke.

Leafs club this
then welcome terrorists back to their country
then they blow their doggo.

Nothing more than he's posted before. What a legend.


Senile TV celebrity clown has a mental breakdown on twitter.

destroying my country for keks was really worth it. this d-list reality tv star just keeps bringing the salt, every. day. drowning in this shit.

An insecure man is bragging about how successful his is.

Something a secure man does not need to do.

Trump and trumpfags are retarded

He’s an artist

Because he's a
>stable genius

I can only hope.

>destroying my country
Could you provide some examples of how Trump has destroyed the country?

>>like, really smart
Valley girl Trump is a great character. Top quality shit posting. Our country is being run like the WWE though at this point - im convinced that everything we are seeing is entertainment theater

>on my first try

He's going to get the liberals to demand he get an IQ test and a physical and mental fitness test, because he honestly is just a big fat genius show off. He can't just go get these things done himself and then show them off though; that's tacky, and no one will care or believe. He has to get people to care first. There's a book out now describing his mental inability to understand that the gorillas fighting for 17hours a day in front of his eyeballs can't hear him, right? Yes, it's worse than the Steele Dossier but it doesn't matter if it's true or not. People will now care. They will demand there be proof produced so it can officially end him for good. Others I assume are normal people, and will be glad that proof of his mental and physical fitness will finally settle this nonsensical "debate." This isn't even 4D chess. Regular chess move man. No question marks or exclamation points even.

> and, like, really smart
TFW youre really smart unlike everybody says, like, dumb and you want respect

Holy shit WTF is he doing? inb4 8d underwater boxing

that tweet was legendary. i am now calling him GEOTUS. i didnt think he was ready yet but the time has come.

there was a time i thought this guy was just pretending to be an insecure idiot. you know, to exceed everyone's expectations later on. and then the later on never came

He's not really bragging here. Bragging is when you boast about yourself for no reason, unsolicited. This isn't that. He is simply rebuking accusations against his mental capacities. How do you not see that? It's plainly obvious.

>and being, like, really smart

IS Trump a 13 year old girl?


Kekkity KeK

By far, the best shitposter and chief the world had ever known! He will force the chaos train to right itself, or he will crash it all, with no survivors. What a time to be alive! It's fucking beautiful to witness, either way lads.

Leftwing retards were having a ball cutting dicks off and importing millions of beaners for cheap slave labor for cities like LA to grow their poverty rate to nearly 30% while they sat in their ivory towers and sniffed their own farts.

It's going to be funny when taxes happen next year.

Love it. Never stop fucking with those losers Mr. President.

OR maybe he is just mental. Occam razor.

It's sad, but when you're 71 you'll probably be slipping as well, just without the massive platform. Dude should have retired with dignity.


>Sarcastically say "like, really smart."
>Screaming and lamentations
>Liberals completely blown the FUCK out
>Begin crying and screaming

4D chess

Keep the jokes coming boys. Comedy central will use them tomorrow. Everybody knows they get their jokes from here and reddit.

Derp tee derp? Occam's razor would imply that he's trolling. He has a long history of trolling, and also it would require a lot of mental gymnastics from you right now to explain how n actual retard became president and no one in the SS or anyone in the campaign ever noticed and doctors have never said anything either. All of them are Russians?

No we are not actually.

>>Begin crying and screaming
I'm laughing my ass off, my nigga

>Sarcastically say "like, really smart."
>le 4d chess
Yeah, keep on believing that.

keep defending that retard LUL

hey, you lose some, you gain some, well..er, jobs.

You just don't get it do you?..Well 7 more years it is.

The fuck are you on about. I'm laughing my ass off its like the "you should be in jail " line all over again

>hurr durr im just pretending to be retarded
>my followers will defend me anyway
>they actually do

yea my dude, your boy is so smart

>Everybody knows they get their jokes from here and reddit.
Is that why their humor's so shitty

epic, toppest tier, unbeatable trollery

Talk about legendary lines.

No it won't, no one is left to support Bannon. His donors are backing out, both because he lost big with Moore and because of this falling out with Trump. The Republican party is happy to see him go.

He's political deadweight now. Even the Mercer's insinuated that they could throw their weight around and possibly get him off Breitbart. As an outsider, he's not someone who has many allies to back him up.

>someone is pretending to be retarded since he began campaigning for reasons and shit and trolling libruls
>he is actually demented

Hmmm, what does Occams razor tell me?

>right now to explain how n actual retard became president
He already had a precedent. Bush was president for 8 years.

Pls no. I'll accept everything that isn't Quebec if nessesary to protects its people. Give it to the UK first though.

no this guy is supreme leader snoke

>getting killed by Kylo like a bitch

you are right, he is.

top kek

This, it's FOR THE MINENSIONAL CHESS. You should know this by now.

That was a joke dumbass. Look who his VP was. Oprah fucking Winfrey.

One of these days, you're going to have to accept that he had his plans set in motion from the very beginning

>as a leftist

why are you manlets all insufferable commies anyway? the anglos should've genocided you

Sure thing, pal. You never really dealt with any of the stages of grief regarding the death of your beloved Russian narrative, did you? How are you going to handle it when this most recent attempt to END THE OPPRESSION by calling him unfit fails? Will you just conjure up new and more frightening demons to assure yourself that the bad man will definitely be made to go away? Or do you think you might wake up and smell the reality sometime in the next 8 years? I am thinking that no you will not. I'd be sad for you but this is honestly sort of entertaining. It feels wrong, but you insist so....

>he cant keep getting away with it
>how does he keep doing it?
>Im not even a US citizen but I cant resist his bait
How Mehmet? How does he manage to flip on twitter and manage to cause such a retard stampede of you gullible idiots?
Its like a pavlovian response. "Trumps shitposting on twitter again, better go on Sup Forums and try to be pretend we know dick about picking world leaders"
just stick to commentless muttposting like a good goy
