Poland child sex offenders list 'protects children'

Poland is depriving convicted paedophiles of anonymity


Bongs pay for this journalism.

Other urls found in this thread:


America's done this for years. What's your point?

Any laws that make it easier to lynch pedos makes the BBC nervous.

Let antifas defend this. :)

They used quotations around the phrase protects children and whines about privacy, you oblivious muttbrain. Our media doesn’t actually do this either, nor are we forced to subsidize our media.

>Suspicious quotation marks

>people can know if someone is a sex offender and avoid them
>people can avoid hire them to avoid being asociated with a sex offender
>owners can deny rent to a sex offender that might drop property value
>isolated person more prone to be a bum or kill themselves
>grim prospect would demotivate people from becoming a sex offender
so this is a bad thing...why?

It works. Few weeks after launchibg this list, parents discovered that one of worker in kindergarden is convicted pedophile, this of course led to him losing job.

too bad there are no pedo-priests on this list

Not the media, you pompous fucking cunt. We can go online anytime we want and see an interactive map of paedophiles in our area with pictures and personal info. This is old news for Americans, you insufferable tool. There's no mention of subsidized media in the original post. What exactly are you posting about, anyway? Are you defending pedos? You probably are one, you sad baby molester.

How thick are you, you fucking mutt, holy shit. This thread isn’t about pedo databases faggot, it’s about the BBC championing pedos. Holy fuck.

newfaggots gotta learn to archive
the absolute state of english media

>taking the obvious b8
lurk moar brah

Publicly shaming kid fuckers is a Good Thing.


I'm amazed how hard you missed the point.

Someone I knew in high school is on the sex offender database for soliciting an underage prostitute

lynching oder people
how barbaric

we need to help those people I doubt that anybody wen't willingly on the pedo train and even if they did they need to be fixed at some point. I don't think we have the means for it so those people should be monitored and or locked away untill we can help them

people with disfigured minds should deserve our pitty and not our hate

I used to have an app for finding pedos. They're not human

No. The only cure for your sickness lies within your grave.

>t. childless single woman who'll die alone

as expected from america
you only deal in death
pedophlies are sick people and should be treated like that sadly there is no cure yet so they need to be locked away since they are a thread

BBC are muslim grooming gang enablers, they love pedos and want to protect them.


Fucking good, next step is posting a bounty

Yep. No fucking priests on that list. Because no prosecutor has the balls to convict those fuckers. It's as sick as the ring connected with Clinton people DESU.

As expected from nu-germany. Are you a woman?

I want to lock them up untill there is a cure (not in our lifetime for sure)
why go through all of the pain to let them free it is a threat to us and them alike.

it is unclear if you chose to be pedophile and even if you chose to be one that fate is one to pitty.

You should have been specific and not just included a link, like a dumb fucking cunt. Seriously, what a lazy fucking post. Explain yourself up front, nigger. Nobody's interested in doing homework just to join a post. Use big boy words and state your intentions clearly when you start a thread. You're a waste of sperm. Lazy bastard.

I'm amazed it was never stated in the original post. What a lazy fucking effort. Also, you're a cunt, too.

You only think that because you have no children.

So fucking what if they dont stay anonymous if your a nonce you want taking behind the shed and shooting not some free shitty hotel room with free bummings.

As someone is likely to correct you, this lazy post isn't about pedos. It's about the media. OP is a lazy turd who didn't explain himself.

Trust it to be a kraut to come running to their defense.

>poles able to understand it
>mexican able to understand it
>you fail to understand it despite english being your first language
Why don’t you pay attention to your teachers, Jamal?

lock them away
so they can't harm children

why do you even fight against me? they let them roam free with these pedolist protecting children. I don't see how a sheet of paper is more effective than ironbars.
It is a cruel fate m8 I would not want to be living as a pedophile that is all I am trying to say

Oh no poor pedos i fell so sorry for them
>be register offender
>your surname is adamczewski
>you're first on the pedo list
>everyone that check the list see you first

Wait, what's their argument here? Are they saying it's wrong to have a sex offender list? That's literally what America does.

Your lazy post is on you, shithead. Explain yourself clearly. Nobody can read your mind in life, OP. You're gonna have a real hard time in life if you assume people know what you're talking about. Links aren't there to state your views for you; they're only to FURTHER elaborate your point. You never stated your point. In fact, your first sentence states that Poland is depriving paedophiles of anonymity, you dumb turd. Don't pursue journalism as a career when you grow up, you stupid fuck. Shouldn't you be watching Saturday morning cartoons, kid?

Posters who write threads like this should be banned, then shot.

so? an EU directive already created an european network that lists off pedos

Again, you indolent nigger, non English speakers had no problem following the thread. Including a fucking beaner. Only you are struggling and lashing out at your teacher (me) for being “lazy” when you were too fucking lazy to figure it out for yourself. Typical groid classroom decorum on display.

Yeah and it's fucking horrible. You can be put on that list and be lumped together with actual pedophiles whilst pissing in the streets when you're drunk etc. There's a reason most countries around the world dont have this.

Say that to someone who's been a victim or has a family member who went through it and enjoy getting the shit kicked out of you my man

>Posters who write threads like this should be banned, then shot.

why waste the time to ban them when you are going to shoot them afterwards

Then the argument is what counts as a sex offender, rather than the concept of making a list of sex offenders public. you're conflating two issues.

Not to mention it encourages vigilantism and witch hunts. The one dealing with criminals should be law enforcement, and not random guys who go on an anti pedo crusade and end up slaughtering people who got drunk and pissed on the street.

What in the actual fuck is wrong with you, you raging faggot?
You have an Ameriflag but don’t know that pedo fags are on a very public list and maps that point to exactly where the sex offenders live?

How much is Shariablue paying these days? GTFO you manlet douchebag.


I am not denying that the victims and the relatives fate is even more cruel.

I am pretty sure that they would shake my hand knowing that I want pedophiles locked up and not roaming the streets with a retarded list as an excuse for them to be free.

90% of this sub is people pointing out how ducking obtuse you are so I dunno, maybe you really SUCK BALLS at starting subs?
Lurk moar you fucking tool. Then before you hit ‘post’ make sure your point is as sharp as the one on top of your head.

It's not a sex offenders list it's a list of child rapists. People who pee in the street or slap ass of the coworker don't get on the list.

I don't care about vigilantism against pedophiles

And you haven't addressed what I said. If your issue is about who counts as a sex offender, then that is a DIFFERENT ISSUE than whether or not sex offenders should be listed publicly.

is poland a US outpost? polaks just need 2nd amendment and it's like heartland USA over there

Britbongistan is entirely against this purely because it would show how the vast majority of such cases are arabs and niggers.

Hahaha. That's because they're sheep who read the link you posted that stated your point for you. I don't read links. You want to make yourself understood, you ignorant piece of shit? You have to use words. I'm not interested in following links to learn what the thread is about, you lazy asshole. You have nothing to teach me, you retarded inbred simpleton. Use language to express your views, not links. You're the worst type of garbage in this country. I'd rather live with niggers than self-important cunts who are too impressed with themselves to even make an effort. Grow up, kiddo. You have a lot to learn about expressing yourself. Die of AIDS.

Nah m8, your lack of comprehension is on you. And then attacking OP just shows you're full retard

These are the fags from reddit that say pedophilia is a disorder that should be treated instead of punished. They're never going to have kids so it's not like they'll ever have to atone for their destructive ideology.

maybe polish priests aren't pedos and it's only the degenerate west priests who are into faggottery and child diddling? ever thought about that?

Just for their momentary pre-death humiliation. Also, to set an example.

I didn’t know Wolverine was a paedo.

>I don't think we have the means for it
of course you have. you're just too afraid of capital punishment, hans

Where's the Pidgin version, dinko doodoo daddy?


>pedophlies are sick people
wicked, not sick. and treatment for wickedness is well known

You dont care. Well that's the thing, the law does care about this, because vigilantism usually ends up in innocent people getting killed. Do you care againts vigilantism againts murderers? rapists? thieves?

If you think the punishment for child abuse is too soft, then you should argue for that within the context of the justice system. Again, you may not have this sort of understanding of law and justice, but people elsewhere do.

Half of the other posters got the same impression from this lazy post, and OP attacked first. Also, you're a dirty cunt who should mind his own business. What a waste of life you are. Go die.

>too much of a nigger to grasp topic of thread
>even mexicans understand it
>y-you’re st-stupid
KYS Jamal

So naive, lynching has been a part of human history and will never go away.
>we need to help those people I doubt that anybody wen't willingly on the pedo train and even if they did they need to be fixed at some point. I don't think we have the means for it so those people should be monitored and or locked away untill we can help them
>people with disfigured minds should deserve our pitty and not our hate
why should you pity a person that gets their joy out of taking advantage of people? a pedophile is a thief that takes one's esteem and self worth, and hushes their victims with shame and fear.

All pedophiles should be hung.

Fuck off! The victim should be offered a rifle to be part of the firing squad.

Some of them probably are. Some of them probably have small dicks too, though.

Did you mean hanged? Different thing.

how many of them have parentheses around their names?

The rule of law is dead faggot. We will kill all pedos and kikes.

Why shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane?


where can I find that list? my polish googling skills are too limited :[

Fuck out of here unfunny pedo faggot.

Unfortunately no. Cases of pedophilia in catholic church were discovered in Poland and the protection methods that catholic church employed in the west were also employed in Poland. It's really sad that the church does not want to resolve the pedo problem.

only nigger, poos and cigans piss on the street


The "protects children" is in quotes because they're literally quoting the Polish government you dumb fuck.
It doesn't take any side, it's their job to report the entire argument.
They say critics have complaints about depriving anonymity for reintegration reasons, and they also directly quote the Minister of Justice on why they did it in the first place.
Then they give an example of how this is handled in the UK, then in the US.
There's no fucking underlying opinion here, they're as neutral as they can and should be when reporting the news you moronic mouth-breathing faggot nigger

You're a moron.

helping other people is also a part of human history and will never go away
the human is capable of both

I personally would like to see a world where there simply are no pedophiles born/raised whatever the cause for pedophila is instead of killing people that end up being pedophile

well, you know what needs to be done then

Smarter than you kike

>it's their job to report the entire argument.
lol, go back, sharia blue. that hsn't been the press' job since the 1970s. the press exists to push agendas

Half the other posters are also foreign and English isn't their primary. Quotations are rather obvious in meaning.
>Go die
You live a very sad life

This piece of shit thread was doomed to be misunderstood, but OP is too dim to write his perspective clearly, so people keep misunderstanding the intention. OP was actually warning his fellow pedos that Poland is no longer a safe haven for kiddie diddlers like him. OP likes to molest kids and is bad at english.

This entire thread shows just how dumb the average american really is. What a clusterfuck.

>anarcho capitalist flag
>capital punishment


Hahaha! (tear rolling down my cheek)

...sigh. Doubtful. Do they even administer IQ tests to children your age?

>Critics say such open disclosure can make it harder for paedophiles to reintegrate into society after serving their sentence.
Good so they will most likely leave for a more open, progressive and accepting society like the one in Germany or Sweden :^)
I really love EU it gives us free money and on top of that we get rid off our scum.

we would all have moved on from laughing at you by now if not for this hilarious damage control, Jamal.

>Hurr Durr I'm an unfunny faggot who thinks I'm intelligent.

There are well documented cases of convicted priests. One famous priest turned a young girl into her bitch, constantly raping her, beating her up and forcing her to have an abortion when she finally got preggo. Good stuff, and the fucker had the nerve to threaten the entire family when she came out, he was in one of those small towns where the priest is like god to people.

Die in a fire.

Keep telling yourself that you aren't a goddamn idiot. Quotation marks are ambiguous. Only stating a clear perspective is unambiguous. You're also a waste of life, and probably OP's underage boyfriend. Go die.

The only punishment that’s ever acceptable for paedophilia is complete castration, and then forcing them to eat their own junk, in a 4x4 cell that’s line with shards of broken glass.
Same goes for anyone voluntarily perusing Plebbit.
Faggotry: destroying this board since forever.

We wuz British Empire n shiiet.