Poland child sex offenders list 'protects children'

Poland is depriving convicted paedophiles of anonymity


Bongs pay for this journalism.

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America's done this for years. What's your point?

Any laws that make it easier to lynch pedos makes the BBC nervous.

Let antifas defend this. :)

They used quotations around the phrase protects children and whines about privacy, you oblivious muttbrain. Our media doesn’t actually do this either, nor are we forced to subsidize our media.

>Suspicious quotation marks

>people can know if someone is a sex offender and avoid them
>people can avoid hire them to avoid being asociated with a sex offender
>owners can deny rent to a sex offender that might drop property value
>isolated person more prone to be a bum or kill themselves
>grim prospect would demotivate people from becoming a sex offender
so this is a bad thing...why?

It works. Few weeks after launchibg this list, parents discovered that one of worker in kindergarden is convicted pedophile, this of course led to him losing job.

too bad there are no pedo-priests on this list

Not the media, you pompous fucking cunt. We can go online anytime we want and see an interactive map of paedophiles in our area with pictures and personal info. This is old news for Americans, you insufferable tool. There's no mention of subsidized media in the original post. What exactly are you posting about, anyway? Are you defending pedos? You probably are one, you sad baby molester.