Destiny BTFO Sup Forums

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Niggers are sub-human filth

Yeah but how is that even meaningful uhh socioeconomic uhh

Has everything to do with culture, NOT genetics.


This man has shown himself as a dishonest condescending asshole. Honestly tried watching his "debates" , but it is impossible to take his arguments seriously if you don't already agree wholeheartedly with his points.

-Ad hominems
-Shifting the goalposts
-Buddy, buddy xD
-When he is loosing, suddenly his opponents aren't "qualified to discuss that topic with him"
-"Feels over reals" while using emotion as an argument himself

>Inb4 proof/source buddy:
Emotion, Destiny is feels over reals himself: Mr. Metokur "debate" he "lacks empathy"
Rest is also present in this debate except ad hominem, since Destiny is crippled by Metokurs anonymity.

I hope Destidrones realize they are the definition of an echo chamber, they are not convincing anyone but themselves, over and over again.

Explain why rich niggers studying in the the best schools do worse than poor whites studying in the shittiest schools.

981>978 ya walnut, learn to read your own poorly sourced stats

I never took destiny seriously and never bothered to listen to him, but I decided to take a crack at listening to his rhetoric, I'm 10 minutes in into his video and he just reminds me of a dishonest fast talking crooked salesman.

All you leftists and pseudo-intellectual retards jerk off to this guy because he's really good at giving the impression that he's disproving the other side but there are so many holes in his arguments, they may look convincing and intelligent in the surface but his arguments are either vague or not concrete.

for example he talks about how phrenology has been debunked but he fails to expound on the fact that the races do have different skull structures, he also gave a dumb spiel about how dumb it is to rely on observable traits(phenotypes) but why didn't he touch upon IQ differences when he mentioned it ?.

Race realism is simply acknowledging that the races are different and that these differences should be identified rather than ignored, If you faggots think that this guy is the Ben Shapiro of the left then its either you're a retard who can't think for himself or you're just a pseudo-intellectual faggot.

Did I specify the range you dumb nigger? "$160,000 to $200,000" is still rich, "$20,000 to $40,000" is still poor. Burgers in charge of reading comprehension.

This guy couldn't even justify Zerg being UP in sc2 when Zerg was literally UP. He's a fucking moron

Destiny is a retard

How do we stop him Sup Forums ?

oh boy here we go again

Put our arguments on a counter top out of his reach

>The absolute richest blacks out performing the absolute poorest whites by the smallest margins.


Then why are American niggers dumber than Somalians?

Nobody here actually believes destiny is a good debater, these threads are just shitpost trolls.

but i still cant believe this is true
it is too retarded to be true

you unironically can't he's better than the right at using their form of debate tactics against them. It's the reason he 5v1's with ease.


Imagine subscribing, watching or listening to a soyboy video gamer talking about politics, religion or science and actually taking him seriously.

Can someone please shoot destiny, so tired of his shit

Sup Forums BTFO by a 5'1 manlet who fucks his daughter.

and where does the culture come from, sweetie?

How can a man have arms that small and make it through life? You would have to purposefully avoid lifting things throughout your daily routine and eliminate protein from your diet entirely.

A five year old girl could beat all of Sup Forums in a debate. I mean just look at how Ikibey clowns all the neo nazis here effortlessly everyday.

So yeah, once you get someone as smart as Destiny you stand no chance.

The environment dumbass

Stop posting this fag, nobody fucking cares

figure out how to counter talmudic debating styles
if there is one

>gotta work hard because you are more than 300m above seal level


Does anyone know if this guy is in contact with children? Works with them, lives with any etc? Remember the gook who keeps pushing for pedos and now is being investigated by DHS and had to leave the home he was living in? Just a friendly reminder...

Athene is right wing or whatever?

Or maybe just maybe the reason to why Germanics lack empathy and have been so cruel throughout history is beacuse they have been living in such soulless and barren climates for so long.

>living in such soulless and barren climates for so long.
niggers live in such climates too yet they went back instead of forward
i recommend you to watch "the empire of dust" documentary where chink BTFOs niggers

Africa have one the warmest climates with a biodiversity far greater than northern europe.

Which is why they are so much warmer and friendlier compared to suicidal and boring Lithuanians.

You don't what you do is see the look on their face when all the pseudo-intellectual nigger babble doesn't do anything when they are put against a wall.




>Which is why they are so much warmer and friendlier
>7% of US population commits more 50% of crimes
oh fuck , i can't
and you think africa is a better place than northern europe ? yeah sure you need more brains to survive cold climate that is why niggers are biologically less smart , but there are still dangers like wild animals , food and water shortages .

Northern europe have one of the easiest and mildest climates in the world. It is just barren and dull, creating equaly barren and dull people with numbed souls and slow minds.

Why do you think family values and culture are so weak up here? It is beacuse northern people are incapable of forming actual bonds with one another and instead seek to the bottle for comfort.

Northern europe might outdo Africa when it comes to material comfort (for now, it wont last. This place will become a dump within a century. Just like it have been fro most of history)

But Africans have far richer souls and brighter minds. Soon when the european world is crashing down it is time for Africa to finally enter history and take it's rightfull place. (Unlike the people around the baltic sea who will remain irrelevant forever or get exterminated)



Link pls

muh fucking dick

> it is time for Africa to finally enter history and take it's rightfull place slaves. But this time to the chinese.



This infographic makes literally no fucking sense

Its source is shit too, you retards need to stop posting this garbage

destiny's debate tactics for refuting arguments
1. yea, sure, ok.
2. do you REALLY believe that, like, REALLY? Seriously? Oh my god.
3. Ok dude.
4. This is interesting, do you have a source on that? Oh you don't have it right in front of you? It must be fake. Oh you found it? I don't trust that source.
5. Like, seriously dude?
6. Wow, thats...REAL mature dude. Like, really. Wow. Great logic.

> It is becuse northern people are incapable of forming actual bonds with one another and instead seek to the bottle for comfort.
northern europe used to be very nationalists for a very long time and it stayed that way until they joined eu and they started to get cucked
>But Africans have far richer souls and brighter minds.
lol , pull out a black cock already
and tell me if these people in pic related are actually capable of living on their own without welfare
>Unlike the people around the baltic sea who will remain irrelevant forever or get exterminated
fortunetely we don't have lots of niggers in our country unlike you sven , your country and culture will die out sooner than my shithole and that is saying something

Can we please stop posting this literal who, ffs.

You're a Germanic, for now. The Somali admixture might really mess with that

but destiny is a race realist
what is he arguing against? that people dont have different skin colors?

Brazil nigger! 200k is not rich ffs. savages

>How do the accused declare himself
>Innocent, your honour, I thought we were memeing

Better end the discussion soon boys. America is waking up and his army of prepubescent sycophants will soon descend on us to shut down any real conversation on the DQ.


stop making these threads
reminder to at least sage if you can't ignore

Satan trips tell the truth. Chinks will make belgian congo look like disneyland.



>confuses phrenology with forensic anthropology
destiny suffers from a condition common to Sup Forums, dumbassness. He's too dumb to understand how ignorant he is and believes he can cram for a debate with a neuroscientist in a month. i'm sure he means well but his condition is symptomatic of neets not unlike the denizens found on Sup Forums.


>But Africans have far richer souls and brighter minds.

Checks out. Even for a swede, you're horribly naive.

It's even better than that, m8.

>e-celeb thread
This cancer needs to stop.


Where does the culture come from? Checkmate, retard.

he is really scared about this

>-When he is loosing, suddenly his opponents aren't "qualified to discuss that topic with him"

oh my god this, he's also somewhat of a wigger with how he talks. Destiny says "dawg, dawg, if i have to talk to you more about this imma kms, i just can't even dawg." Faggot 5'1 skinny little maggot wigger.

Here he is getting btfo by jf in 40 seconds.

>That whining


i meant naked ape but he still gets btfo by jf

Is he being ironic or serious, I can't tell

I don't get how this fucking manchild has a following, his mannerism is like a rabid autist that thinks the more words per minute he can barf makes him sound clever
Absolutely disgusting he should be gassed immediately

He should have just sticked to the sax

So he is already admitting to being in the wrong. >for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

>look at his profile


He sounds ironic because his normal mode of speaking is so smug. I can't picture him asking an honest question in good faith.

I don't know. He's sending mixed signals. He might just be autistic, and not know how to express himself.

He's trolling and you're taking the bait.

Explain why blacks are in the lower end of the social scale in every single country they live in?
From Detroit to Rio De Janeiro, trespassing incredibly different regions and cultures.
They used to be the majority of the population in many areas here, specially where Indians went extinct and hard workers were needed (blacks were physically stronger) and still they got "genocided" by a mestizo and Creole minority. There were no "Intellectual Blacks" after the abolishing of Slavery and none from the US (where there was a lot of free blacks) came here to help their brothers neither.


Destiny is joking about being scared. JF has not won any of his previous lawsuits and JF will probably not hire a lawyer and will instead represent himself. That is why Destiny is not scared at all and wants this to happen.

That said, Destiny is one of the most disgusting, intellectually dishonest people I have ever seen and I would genuinely enjoy seeing him being pummeled to death by a pack of niggers or other wild animals.

>$51,000 holy shit, that's like $7,000 for every woman who's ever accused you of rape.

I think that is a pretty clear signal.




How could he rape anyone? He has less muscle mass and is shorter than most women even.


this whole drama is actually very entertaining.

200k a year, is rich

Already watched this video.. He didn't debunk anything.. All he did was talk about how palatable JF makes race realism sound, that all race realists believe that one race is superior to the rest and tried to make some analogy at the end of the video which just makes him sound retarded.

I am almost convinced that Destiny as well as Andy Warski and other "skeptics" debate race realists and do poorly on purpose while still holding onto the illusion that they are against it so their influence over normalfags continues to increase while they invite more and more alt-righters to debate with to drop the redpills.

he still thinks it's all a joke.

Nigger pls

>How could he rape anyone? He has less muscle mass and is shorter than most women even.

I ze lawyerz naow.

He was pretty funny on his stream with the "debate" with Baked Alaska, good reverse troll but started off as a whiney fag

>$51k will bankrupt me
Lmao whatever happened to him bragging about paying more tax than everyone else because he makes so much money?
What's his actual day job because e-begging isn't a real one.

*shoots your argument dead*

How can one man be so based?

>fucking destiny again
>please stop running over everytime destiny makes a new video