Who /National-Anarchist/ here?

>believing in "le strong leaders"
A volk is worthless if each member is incapable of making his own sound decisions without having to be told what to do by the government (that means you, Hitlerites and Drumpflets).

>National Anarchist
what a fucking joke

Babies first political ideology

Is this satire?


>t.brainlets incapable of living be the very ideals they preach unless the state forces them
Why don't you back to drooling over your "pure azn waifu" while at the same time complaining about low white birth rates.

You assume people are smart enough to unite in a collective without a head or a collective that would lead it.

First off, they aren't
Second, if you remove the head, the body will inevitably decompose

Please explain to me how you intend to compete with other groups who utilize hierarchy.

>Not being NazBol

Are you even trying?

It's not completely leaderless, just highly democratic. More importantly, being a "leader" does not entail extra privileges and the leadership itself cannot be concentrated in the hands of one group. It's something like how Jewish communities organized themselves in Europe. There was no overarching authority, but individual communities still had leaders (rabbis and whatnot). The main idea is not promote meritocracy as much as possible, to raise the overall health of the community and make every member valuable. Another thing is to prevent one retard (like Hitler) from ruining everything for everyone in the community.

*to promote meritocracy

It's not democratic, communism is anti-democracy

so again, divide and conquer? But then that state will inevitably collapse into two bodies of opposing ideologies with nationalist tendencies. This sort of outcome in state described by you is more than plausible

It honestly makes me mad when people praise Hitler, even though he ruined the lives for millions of his own people. Why should millions be punished for one individual's inability to make a calculated decision?

Is national-anarchism like anarcho-primitivism?

I didn't say anything about abolishing private property.
>so again, divide and conquer? But then that state will inevitably collapse into two bodies of opposing ideologies with nationalist tendencies. This sort of outcome in state described by you is more than plausible
Why would that happen? How are you coming to this conclusion? First of all, national-anarchism does not necessarily even entail the existence of a state, but if the volk chooses to form one, that's fine. The main idea is to remove as much ideological worship as possible, while keeping the people as a cohesive group.

No, technology is absolutely fine

I would make the head out of a comittee mega wise men, they would "dictate" what's good for us, everyone would be happy

>It's not completely leaderless, just highly democratic.
>implying this is good
>defending it with what the jews do
Nice bait.

How would you "make" a committee? It should be elected and could be changed as necessary.

How is that bad? Isn't that like one of the main American values?

I would look for the wisest me in the nation, and ask them to join. You don't elect the wise men committee, you just ask them to join it. They are there because they are wise men, so they aren't elected. People could exposse their problems to them and be heard by them somehow but not all the time since that would be a huge time waster.


But in this case, who's "you"?
I'm starting to think that "le 56%" is not a meme. Most Americans on here seem to suffer from some neurodegenerative disease.

heheh, good question, we the people I guess, the first temporary committee ever built, or the first electer leader/s

ameriboos are by far some of the best contributors to this site, there are retards, but the best stuff comes from them most of the time as well

This so much
In spain there was the 15M movement, which had no leaders... And ended up in nothing because everyone had is own idea of what 15M was... Ao it ended up being nothing

And it makes me mad that you get inspired by the jews, the ones who turned this world into the shit it is right now

all because the government had to come to "clean up the place"

Yeah mate, spanish goverment is disgusting... But which one isn't?
Even with thah democratic anarchism things would end up getting twisted
The only solution i see is north korea, the only country free from imperialism and independent to the rest of the world...
Si catalunya se independizase de espaƱa y de la union europea y se aliase con Corea del norte, seriamos potencia mundial

loling @ north core + catalonia world super power
cuba looks better to me, they seem less sick

the thing is nowdays if you have a chance, for example venezuela, you'll get boicoted the fuck up (see oil prices going up and down and causing venezuela economie's collapse). Only Russia and China can hang, the rest are just struggeling to stand a chance. I mean us+ the rest control the markets and the markets have huge fucking power

>How is that bad?
The majority of the population are fucking idiots that don't inform themselves on what they are voting for. Everyone over the age of 18 in the US can vote but only a fraction of the population actually does. If you cut that down, only a fraction of those people that participated in the system actually have any idea what is going on and isn't going with what they heard on the MSM. You're assuming that everyone is of equal intelligence, which is a bad assumption to make. Thinking that the "will of people" isn't corruptible and inefficient is also laughably dumb because like any system we have in place, it can become corrupt and inefficient. There are grown children in this country that want legalized pot, but couldn't tell you who their state representatives, congressional representatives, or who their own governor is.

>Isn't that like one of the main American values?
No. It isn't. The US was founded as a republic where only a certain part of the population, white land owning males, could vote and the interests of the states was insulated via the senate and the electoral college. Why white land owning males? Because they paid a majority of the taxes and were more likely to be educated. Now that it has been butchered every moron can vote for a representative and a senator by "reformists" that couldn't be bothered to think of the long term consequences the whole system is fucked.

Economical war to mess with no capitalist countrys is for me more disgusting than h-bomb
But dude, if venezuela catalonia cuba corea and rusia joined, noone could ever stop us
We'd had gas from russia, fuel from venezuela, weapons from korea and russia, money and food from catalonia and the history of cuba
Nothing better

the thing is you are surrounded by enemy countries, how the fuck do you manage that

look at iran, turkey, syria, cuba, venezuela, all of them are fucked, there is no nice alternative to geting cucked by FMI for now, I hope it gets better, for now you get war and poberty