EU efforts at deeper military integration have not delivered increased military capability for the United States or for NATO. Instead, they compete with NATO for scarce European defense resources.
>have not delivered increased military capability for the United States/NATO
>let that sink in
>no increased capability FOR THE US/Israel
How dare Europeans create their own defense structures?
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enjoy your one world order army lmao
Lol now europoors can go on crusades to die for Israel too!
>enjoy your one world order army lmao
Yes, how DARE the EU want to create its own defense and then maybe choose not to send soldiers to die for American wars? How DARE they?
>enjoy your one world order army lmao
You absolutely cretinous retards, do you really think the EU army is going to be used for protection of the European people and borders? Wrong, it will be used exclusively for oppressing and intimidating the remaining member states so they don't leave.
You should be both gassed, i think there is a canister of zyclon b with your name on it still waiting for you in Auschwitz.
>one more step towards the united states of europe
I don’t think lice are the problem.
>uk "leaves"
>we better build a army quick before they actually leave
You're not going anywhere, bongs.