>translating '-san' to 'Miss'
Translating '-san' to 'Miss'
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Miss Asahina~
One! Two!
One! Two! Miss! Four!
Or did I threeunderstand your point?
Easy on that spiked soup there missy
You're annoying. Shinu.
It's not necessarily wrong, it depends on the context.
Eh, something good happened to you recently?
Sorry, I'm not very good with numbers.
>it depends on the context.
the context is highschool girls talking to each other
>english dub saying -san
If a character in anime says "anime" how is it translated?
>english dub
>Miss Yoshinoya!
Misstress Yoshinoya would sound awkward
>translating 'Yunocchi' to 'Yuno'
Hoe about Mama Yoshinoya?
That sounds about right, I heard they don't say "three" because it sounds like "death".
Actually, that's a very correct translation.
Depending on the context.
>translating '-desu' to 'death'
Why not just "Teacher"? You could easily drop the name for the sake of localization.
>localizing the last name into the first name
That's just transliteration.
>refers to them as onii-chan and then brother in the same line
>translating '-san' to 'Miss'
>character is male
Only small children say "teacher," college students might say "professor" though.
>translating "itadakimasu" as "hail satan"
Hum, I guess I'm not very familiar with how English people call out on their teachers.
Here in the UK we generally use Sir and Miss, call professors by their first name though.
>Translating onii-chan as big brother
>Translating onii-sama as big brother
>Translating onii-san as big brother
>Translating onii as big brother
>Translating nii-san as big brother
>Translating nii-chan as big brother
>Translating nii-sama as big brother
>Translating nii as big brother
>Translating nii-nii as big brother
>Translating nii-tama as big brother
>Translating aniki as big brother
>tag: left to right
Everything after nii-sama is a crime against Japan itself.
>translate samurai as samurai
>translate ronin as ronin
>then translate bushi as warrior
>Translating oniichama as big brother
>Translating aniuesama as big brother
>Translating niiya as big brother
>Translating anigimisama as big brother
>Translating anchan as big brother
Who the fuck use that?
Haruka and Mami, respectively.
Kobato uses anchan all the time.
Also youtu.be
I have to wonder what compelled someone to draw this.
>translating any honorific at all
Good joke
tfw I was watching 3DPD[ /spoiler] Japanese french maid porn and the meido adressed the the oujo as onee-sama. First, does anyone do this, ever? tt sounds too familiar for a maid to use. Second, the subber translated it as madam, which fits the scene, but feels weird. What is up with all this?
Also, does anyone elsefeel bothered when the subber gets lazy and stops translating in the middle a scene, even if it is only like 5 min?[ /spoiler]
>mari okada
Throw a homer
Through the dark lord amen
You post this shit two times and still fuck the spoiler? Considers suicide
I know, right? I even cosidered replying to myself with something along the lines of "Fuck this shit, I´m not fixing it a third time."
Please use a tripcode so I can filter you
Alternatively, woah bro where do I subscribe!