what the FUCK
What the FUCK
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I'm the green one, bottom middle.
Fucking Junfags
Reminds me when I was in 1st grade and the teacher bought the whole class boxes of assorted doughnuts just like that picture.
It was a reward for the class having the highest final test scores in the grade.
Before we could eat them though we were all going to go outside and play games and sports for the day.
Fucking gap toothed cunt Samuel who whined about his hurt leg was allowed to stay behind in the class while we were all out. That fucker took a bite of EVERY SINGLE doughnut because he "wanted to taste all the flavors" and didn't see how it was a problem. Five dozen boxes worth! Because of that we didn't get to eat them, they just went into the fucking trash...
Thank god the teacher chewed him out and his parents reimbursed the teacher. We still didn't get any doughnuts though. Because of that shit Samuel was branded a fucking weirdo and didn't have any friends for the rest of elementary all throughout middle school.
sounds like a natural borned douche bag
>graded tests in 1st grade
Is this an American thing?
Not the guy you responded to, but I had graded tests in 1st grade too. Is that unusual? I thought that was normal. I'm from germany.
This I'm sure we were all "smart", "bright" and "very talented" when we were younger.
>Fucking gap toothed cunt Samuel who whined about his hurt leg was allowed to stay behind in the class while we were all out. That fucker took a bite of EVERY SINGLE doughnut because he "wanted to taste all the flavors" and didn't see how it was a problem. Five dozen boxes worth! Because of that we didn't get to eat them, they just went into the fucking trash...
Wow, I would eat them all while beating up this Samuel cunt along the rest of the class.
How is Jun so best?
is this pasta
Woah, calm down there cowboy.
Proof that Jun and Junfags are the absolute worst.
>Five dozen boxes of doughnuts
Holy shit, Americans start early
What's wrong, can't handle a little prank?
>Because of that shit Samuel was branded a fucking weirdo and didn't have any friends for the rest of elementary all throughout middle school.
Serves him right.
>another stealth /ck/ thread
You know where this will go
Samurai Ja/ck/... Ja/ck/ Ja/ck/ Ja/ck/ Ja/ck/... Ja/ck/ Ja/ck/
Reminds me in third grade each week a different student had to bring snacks for the whole class, when my turn came up I want to bring donuts, but 32 donuts was a lot of money for my poor family. Instead I bought 16 donuts and brought a knife so each student would get a half a donut. But when I pulled out the knife to cut the donuts I got sent to the principles office and suspended for a week for bringing a weapon to school.
>bringing a weapon to school
>probably a fucking butter knife
serves him right
That's unsanitary, user.
Are you british?
>tfw your shitty transparency gets reposted everywhere and you can't stop seeing the flaws
tfw i am samuel
tfw life didn't get any better after elementary school
Atleast your OC is still getting posted
It's 1st graders, user. Some would probably eat the un-bitten parts.
It's a thing for those of us not in special ed.
what a little bastard
That's normal
>Five dozen boxes
So 60 boxes? How many donuts were in a box?
It's an amerifat school, you must understand.
Why are you yuropoors so fucking obsessed? Don't reply to me ever again.
He might of meant 5 boxes of 12 count donuts ?
Yeah, if you really want to go the long route, why not say three score boxes instead?
I would have beat that kid's ass so hard he'd have PTSD every time he saw a doughnut
This sounds like a joke but I think it's real
she needs to be punished user
I'd kill the fucker that did this.
Am I the only one who hates donuts filled with jam or jelly but loves donuts that has a cream filling, instead.
I don't know if it is the jam/jelly or that I feel like jam/jelly only goes great with toasted bread.
Once when I was little I ate all of the frosting off the frosted miniwheats and put them back in the bag.
The next morning my sister poured herself a bowl and when she realized what happened she kicked the shit out of me.
Nah I'm with you, back when I ate doughnuts I'd take a creamfilled over a jellyfilled any day. I'd bite around it so I could eat the creamfilled middle in one bite.
Most schools don't use letter grades at that level, but there still might be standardized tests mandated once a year, depending on the state
Those are mostly to test the school
>That fucker took a bite of EVERY SINGLE doughnut because he "wanted to taste all the flavors"
That troll knew what he was doing.
>indirect kiss of Jun in every donut
I don't see the problem here
I bet he browses this site now.
You poor soul.
Sounds like all schools are garbage.
At least you don't live every day thinking you started the "Pacha Edits" thing.
In American elementary schools students often have a single teacher teaching all subjects, i.e. no class rotations (she only needed enough doughnuts for one class ~30 or so) so rather than 5 dozen-doughnut boxes it was probably 5 6-doughnut boxes
fucker was still a fat cunt though
The problem with jam is that it get's sticky that may make it kinda awkward to eat. Cream has none of that.
Back when I was young, my little sister didn't like eating bread crusts, so she would eat everything around it, except the bread crusts. One sunday morning, she ate a whole loaf of bread and threw all the crusts in the garbage. My mother picked them out of the trash and forced us to eat them...everyone except my little sister, of course.
Needless to say, I don't get along with my mother too well. Not after she fell in with the evangelists and ruined our family. Maybe I should have seen this coming.
He probably meant five dozen-boxes not five-dozen boxes.
me on the left
Don't make me fap, please
>the no holds barred race to the lucky charms box to get all the marshmallows before your sibling did
only a heartless criminal could do something like this
>eating lucky charms
fucking why? the only part is the marshmallows, the rest is fucking garbage. Why just buy literally any other cereal where the whole cereal is good.
I guess that's true.
anyone who does this deserves a punch to the face
What exactly is wrong with this?
i'll do it for you
just remember that you made another user cum for your guilty pleasure
Well, if he does...
Samuel! You're a pig-faced window-licking downy with a mouth larger than your brain. I hope you've burned off all the calories from the doughnuts you've ruined, because I'm going to find you and chase you with a stick.
That must be quite a big burden indeed.
You should have got the entire class together and fucking Full metal Jacket'd that bitch
I personally wouldn't have too much of a problem with it if a friend cut off the pieces before eating them. I don't remember how she did it in the show, but it looks like she bit them directly. That's fucking disgusting man
>messing with Pon de Ring
Over the line.
You didn't have a fucking knife to cut the touched part?
Fucking murrican retards man.
>tfw the best boss I ever had fired someone in front of everyone when one of the office ladies brought donuts for us all and he ate half of them
The kid was in the first grade, there's no way of knowing what part(s) of the doughnuts that kind of kid touched while taking a bite out of every single piece.
just for donuts?
The OP image gave me a weird idea, my brain is autistic that way. Since there is this whole indirect kiss thing, are there any instances of food being sold like this (used pantsu style) except a gravure idol or something has taken the bites? I bet otakus would pay thousands of yens for it.
underrated desu
What a cunt. I wish Jun suffered the same fate he did.
It's a sign of callousness in a team environment. Anyone who would do that is either too immature to understand the expectations of working in a group or doesn't respect their group. In either case that person deserves to be removed.
Kanna was here WWW
Fuck Samuel.
You better get on this idea before someone steals it and makes millions of dollars. The only thing I can think of preventing it would be some kind of law, like the Japanese version of the FDA prohibiting the sale of 'used food' because it might spread diseases or whatever.
Samuel did nothing wrong.
ITT: Germaphobes
>Japanese version of the FDA
I've seen handkerchiefs with lip-gloss marks but never seen food. Maybe that's why.
I'm Samuel, I got my braces and don't have a gap tooth anymore though.
I wouldn't eat a donut that was handled and bitten by someone, maybe that person even decided to lick it everywhere before putting it back. yucky
this is pasta now, for Jun-hater
hi sam.
digits confirm
Fuck Jun.
Standardized tests (thx common core).
We had them in 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, 7th, and 9th grade
Cropped pic doesnt give any result
Singapoor has standards too. But we did away with streaming and PSLE it seems because of SJWs.
Quints confirm.
Samuel confirmed for browsing Sup Forums.
what is this type of shit?