How could Greece solve this problem?
How could Greece solve this problem?
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end Kebab
that didnt work out very well for my Greek brothers
Everyone knows that if you end Kebab you will turn into a Kebab yourself. pick up a history book.
The Island, to this day, would've been completely goverened by the Greek Cypriots if it weren't for the Milliary Junta in 1974.
They fucked it all up.
my Greek brothers wanted to unite our Greek islands
>gibs money to Greeks
>call them brothers
How far can a German bend over?
I am a Greek
Greece had to take credits
they didnt get free money
Are you that one turk who larps as greek and constantly shitposts here?
Cyprus was never "greek". It was an island which was inhabitted by Greeks, Turks, British and Russians.
The coup in 1974 ousted a government which was trying to unite all people of the Island. Instead, forced in a Greek Dictator, which forced the hand of Turkey and making them annex part of the Island.