Question of the day;

Question of the day;

What kind of fucking imbecile sends out a tweet that says," I'm a stable genius".

What planet is this now?

Other urls found in this thread:

Why would I listen to an unhinged rabid Trump hater rather than a stable genius like Trump?

we got a stable genius over here!

Maybe he is well versed in animal husbandry

yeah im sure you are one of those billionaires that benefited from the tax cuts

a genius who lays in bed watching television and eating big macs, who has a hot wife who wont even sleep in the same room with him

sounds like love!!!

Everyone benefits from the tax plan except people like me living in blue states where property tax on a average sized house is 20k a year

>What planet is this now?

Take your pick

Yeah everyone benefits from a bill that add trillions to the debt that already could never be paid off, so a hand full of people who already have way more money than they will ever need, or deserve can pass it on to their worthless children when they die.

That is the problem with millenials, they think ass kissing is a trade, I assure you its not.

Instead of sticking your nose up fat people's asses you should have spent your time becoming someone who mattered, and was capable of independent thought.

How does someone get their jollies by watching Trump be retarded? I don't understand, how is it funny to you?

is the salve for him or leftists?

From the looks of him its Tatooine, and this is jabba the hut.

Who is the asshole calling him an unstable idiot in the first place?
Oh, that's right. You and the shitbrain crusade.

So what you are saying is the government should send in armed officers to rich people's houses and demand 80% of their money?

>What kind of fucking imbecile sends out a tweet that says," I'm a stable genius".

A dude with a gigantic cock.

Obviously. Aren't those the words he typed out? What? They aren't?! Maybe you should go to a literacy class.

Your Master!
The one that angers you,controls you.
Maybe when you grow up you'll start to realise that.


Same kind of world where a woman thinks she’s qualified to be president

How do you get their money if not by threatening to arrest them you fucking retard and how will you stop them from taking their money to another country dumbass

why do you larp with a deus vult flag when you’re obviously some cocksucking leftie

What kind of fucking imbecile makes ten dollars a day as a thread engineer as part of nerd virgin battery farm you loser cunt homosexual OP?

>posts on Sup Forums
>can't into trolling

The kind that is being called an idiot/crazy throughout our news and entertainment media, dozens of times a day for over a year.

It was meant to be.

What kind of genius imports Muslim Cocaine into the US as the Elected President?

Obama was the worst thing that could have happened to the Black Community.

excuse you,
VERY stable genius.

Libruls be the real raycists n shit keepin based black men down

blacks are the worst thing to happen to their own community