Why are lolis so verboten?
Why are lolis so verboten?
Sharo is a good girl and she wasn't abused by anyone.
Because there are no good loli series to talk about so every thread devolves into shitposting.
You know how it goes.
A Sup Forums mod tells his friends hes a mod.
Then their friends ask "why dont you delete loli threads? What're you a pedophile? "
Then they have to delete loli threads.
Why do you post template threads?
Because for some reason they get deleted less than other loli threads.
This image always make my heart ache and want to hug her.
Not a loli
Why? Don't you like lolis enjoying ice cream?
Hopefully the "lolicons r pedophiles" guy/roastie will stay out this time so that the thread doesn't get deleted.
My mistake, I meant Sharo But yes, I love when a loli enjoys her food.
We had this thread last week Jimbo
>Roast chicken with potato chips
>Cake on table at the same time as the main course
the fuck's going on?
A jap holiday that was engineered by marketing departments with zero connection to tradition.
Pick Your Loli
Loli Slut
Pro: Loves fucking, will try any kinky shit you want
Neutral: Wants to fuck every time you are with her. Does not matter where you are or what you are doing.
Con: May not remain faithful, will try to get you to let other guys join in.
Loli housewife
Pro: Will cook, clean and other household tasks.
Neutral: Likes gentle, vanilla love making only.
Con: Loves shopping and doesn't work.
Pure Loli
Pro: Loves spending time with you
Neutral: Loves Headpats, cuddles and hand holding.
Con: Will not do anything lewd.
Sadist Loli
Pro: Into lolidom
Neu: Dislikes being treated like a child.
Con: Reacts poorly to criticism.
Tomboy loli
Pro: Lots of stamina
Neutral: Will expect you to keep up with her, spend time exercising.
Con: Is a sore loser and a sore winner
Office loli
Pro: Has a high paying job and good career prospects.
Neutral: Expects you to manage the household rather than have your own career.
Con: Is ALWAYS thinking about work.
Yandere loli
Pros: Will do absolutely anything for you.
Neutral: Prone to psychotic episodes
Cons: You cannot pay any attention at all to any other loli.
Ojousama loli
Pros: She's loaded
Neutral: you're expected to comport yourself with the dignity due her family's station
Con: completely self centered
Deadpan loli
Pro: Is always obedient
Neutral: Never shows emotion, always speaks in monotone.
Con: Will never show you affection.
Tsundere loli
Pro: Great makeup sex
Neutral: Will Openly berate you when she disagrees.
Con: Has random mood swings.
Shy loli
Pro: Loves you more than anything
Neutral: Will dislike spending time with other people
Con: Has trouble expressing herself.
(You may not pick anything from this category that contradicts the previous choice.)
Futa loli
Pro: Always up for sex.
Neutral: She has a bigger dick than you.
Con: Ejaculates litres of cum and expects you to clean up after sex.
Fat Loli
Pro: Great cook
Neutral: Gets tired quickly
Con: Is always snacking
Oppai loli
Pro:Is really cute when she's embarrased by her chest.
Neutral: Has large breasts for her age
Con:Recurring back pain problems
Delicious Brown loli
Pro: Because of her upbringing she is very faithful to you.
Neutral: Wants your baby.
Con: Will always be dependant upon you
Pubescent loli
Pro:Has a healthy sexual curiosity
Neutral: Has started developing breasts and hips.
Con:Is likely to die in child birth
Prepubescent Loli
Pro: Will become really attached to you
Neutral:Has not started developing breasts and hips.
Con: Has no sex drive.
Toddler loli
Pro: Naive, will believe anything you say
Neutral: Knows absolutely nothing about the world.
Con: You cannot physically have sex with her
If you have any more suggestions please let me know.
Because people actually reply to the "muh pedo" moron instead of reporting him and leaving him to die alone.
What happens if i google search this image?
>Ojousama loli
>Pros: She's loaded
>Neutral: you're expected to comport yourself with the dignity due her family's station
>Con: completely self centered
A manga written by a woman most likely.
Shy prepubescent loli.
I want a loli that loves me more than anything else in this world and completely depends on me.
Housewife + Prepubescent.
>tfw never ever
Sadist loli
How is Remilia going to take that off without ripping out her wings?
Tomboy loli so I can have my loli and the added bonus of getting /fit/.
Then wouldn't Delicious Brown loli be better for that?
One from each post, user.
As always, Sadist loli and delicious brown loli.
you just discover the fantasies of a female writer when she was just a little girl
>Then wouldn't Delicious Brown loli be better for that?
Then can I have a Shy Prepubescent Delicious Brown loli?
She wouldn't have the traits from Prepubescent, but you can have a delicious brown loli that is physically prepubescent.
One from each post, user.
How do you prevent a girl from growing up with regrets about not fucking her teacher, without her fucking her teacher?
Delicious brown tomboy loli
>She wouldn't have the traits from Prepubescent, but you can have a delicious brown loli that is physically prepubescent.
Alright, that's good enough.
Just let her fuck her teacher.
It has been scientifically proven that girls should not fuck their teachers though.
Shy-fat loli would be comfy to live with.
Listen, you can either have a girl with no regrets or a girl who doesn't fuck her teacher. You can't have both.
Pure + prepubescent
I pretty much just want a daughter. ;_;
If you're going to say that I'm going to have to say [citation needed]
was it shindol?
Real girls arent pure tho.
Don't remind me
That's a very cute loli, I hope she stays happy forever.
Did she got a happy end? I don't want to read if she didn't, I'm a wimp
Tomboy pubescent
I don't mind some budding breasts.
yes she gets a happy ending
They are at first.
No suggestions for extra personalities or bodies?
Some guy buys her off and she lives a happy life with him but she got addicted to sex so he has to fuck her as well.
Old Man loli.
What would the traits be?
>sadist loli
>but no masochist loli
Absolute shit.
Why are Himenololis retarded?
Suggest some traits and I'll add it.
Yeah, that's why you have to get to them while they're still pure.
Pro: Knows how to please
Neutral: Cynical, grumpy
Con: Not into the D
Something like that I would guess.
That was a joke.
But Baba loli might work.
>Has lots of experience
>Likes spoiling you
>Will always treat you like a kid
If I think of something better I'll post here.
I'm a moron and forgot my image.
What does pure even mean?
It means she didn't fuck someone.
Here's a better question: Why are Himenololis so sexy?
Sup Forums must be considered sacred ground by that standard.
Because retarded lolis are sexy
>Sup Forums
>not all of 4chen
Everyone who comes here is a faggot who dwells in his parents basement, sorrunded by empty boxes of pocky and tissues overflowing out of the trashcan and reeks of death due to low care of hygene.
What about /soc/, the ultimate normie board?
They're just a bunch of wannabe normalfags and virgins praising women as they stare wide eyed at the screen spamming F5.or CTRL+R
Cant compete with /fitlit/
I'd swap the top two and add it. I'd think her spoiling you would always be positive, but her having lots of experience could be a down side sometimes.
Sound good.
Kill yourself
>age 18
She doesn't look like an 18 year old to me.
Typehatena hasn't done a lot of work, but he is a nice artist. He could make it into that list.
I'm working on something by him atm, but removing the dust off the black tones is absurdly tiring.
Pure Sadist loli
No idea why they made her 18 when she had no scenes.
You only get one from each category, user.
I'll do both, I'll have my beautiful pure Rika, that loves patting heads and cheers everyone up with her smile!
And I'll take sadist Rika that loves predicting the future and watches with a disinterested expression as people struggle and die endlessly.
Both personalities weave together in what is my perfect waifu, and to constrain me to only one trait is your own limitation!
You're waifu is a drunken old lady.
You're waifu is A SHIT
Failure to follow the rules will result in disqualification and you shall get no loli.
Come get me fag.
The only shit here is you.
She's a fucking loli, she's just happy to be spending time with you so cherish her you cynical fuck.
Shy oppai loli, please.
>there are people on this board who are so jaded that they can't enjoy time with a loli.
I pity them.
Blow square breaths.
>Pure Loli
>Pro: Loves spending time with you
>Neutral: Loves Headpats, cuddles and hand holding.
>Con: Will not do anything lewd.
>Will not do anything lewd.
>Loves Headpats, cuddles and hand holding.
>Nothing lewd.
>hand holding.
its the cunny
Also, Oppai, Delicious Brown and Tomboy.
Here's a better question: Why is Himeno so dead?
If lolis weren't meant to be sexualized, then why do they have cunnies?
Checkmate, moralfags
One from each category, do you want oppai tomboy or delicious brown tomboy?
Because pedophilia is naturally repulsive for most of humanity. That's why. It give anime fans a bad name to boot!
Sadistic alcoholic.
Pedo panic is an invention of the white man.
Lolis only have cunnies so they can turn into pussies when the lolis grow into women.
Cunnies are NOT for sexual,