So i'm suppose to believe that murder suicide was justifiable for a guy that he hung around for only a few months?

This is bait.


at least you figured it out fast?

Gon is a psychopath.

How is this considered bait? Even the manga stated Gon knew kite for about a month before is second encounter with him during the CA arc. Gon gross overreaction reeks of cheap drama.

>Gon gross overreaction reeks of cheap drama
because that's exactly what it is

I guess you're the judge of how long someone should take to establish a strong bond huh? Also his personal relationship alone was not why he reacted how he did.

Good job missing the point. Saged, got me to reply at least.

>never had a father figure except for "my father is a strong hunter"
>find a hunter
>this hunter was his father's apprentice
>he is strong
>finally you have a father figure
>father figure is killed by a half cat, half bug, half human monster

thisGon is clearly a psychopath, this is out of question. He was already completely used to death and murder by the time he left the island, he doesn't love neither of his parents and pretends to love his aunt because he feels like he owes her. Togashi tries to hide it by pretending that Gon is just a simple kid, but in fact he lacks development because he can't feel anything for anyone outside his little psycho sphere.

He's so infatuated with Killua because they're so alike, but in fact it works just like Togashi wanted it, for they are opposites. Killua tries his best not to be a cold blooded murderer, while Gon just goes down and down that path. His mask fell off completely during chimera ant, where he used a "close friend" (someone he only barely knew) as an excuse to murder an innocent ant who won a fair fight.

Gon is the result of a child without parents raised in the wild. We expect Tarzan, but in reality it's monsters like Gon, without a shred of empathy for humanity, that are born.