Lol, you dumbfucks were worried about "muh global warming" and shit and forgot that the ice age clock is striking midnight.
In the last milllion years there have been regular cycles of 80000 yearbice ages separated by 12000 interglacials. Our current interglacial started, well... 12000 years ago.
In two decades, north america, europe and russia will be permanently covered by ice and we hue monkey shitskins shall inherit the earth!!
I’ve ages are caused by combination of precession and atmospheric makeup.
The planet is probably never going to have an ice age again. You need vast forests to absorb that carbon, which are probably not going to be a thing ever again.
Gabriel Cook
It’s funny, we don’t think about you at all.
Daniel Barnes
>In two decades, north america, europe and russia will be permanently covered by ice
Jayden Cruz
>cycles >permanently >(You)
Caleb Martinez
>In two decades, north america, europe and russia will be permanently covered by ice and we hue monkey shitskins shall inherit the earth!!
God I hope this is true. If the US gets really cold then all the shit skins will flock to your already shit skin infested part of the world. It could be the great shitskin purge that we so badly need.
Jayden Jenkins
Nice warm country you got there Juan. Be a shame if something happened to it. We’ll destroy your “currency”, destabilize, and invade. No one is safe from the US.
Brayden Russell
first of all, the processes that lead to ice sheet formation are multi-millennial, they don't take place in a couple of decades. That's why the 100k you pictured is so distinctly asymmetrical (slow descent into glaciation and very rapid termination).
Second of all, the glacial cycle is paced by the boreal mid-latitude spring/summer insolation and CO2 concentration. Newest work shows that this interglacial would naturally ended ~50,000 years from now, but human activity has likely already doubled the time for glacial inception to 100,000 years in the future.
Jaxson Wood
>Implying high CO2 levels cause high temperatures, and not the other way around