ITT imperfect girls you would settle for after your waifu rejected you

ITT imperfect girls you would settle for after your waifu rejected you

Your waifu.

>clingy, steaming hot girl with huge tits who will love you forever and more deeply than anyone else
>settle for

Yeah, no.

>huge tits
Right, like he said, imperfect



>sexy and desperate with a 4/10 personality

Yeah, sure.

Yunyun is not for bullying.


I'll go with one from this season.

I love Yunyun and would give her headpats and fuck her tits.

>will love you forever and more deeply than anyone else
Just because she doesn't have anybody else. Also enjoy your children self-aborting.


Yunyun is better than Megameme in every aspect.

Perhaps all waifus are girls we settle for.


Is this nisioshit trying to be deep?
You cannot choose who you fall in love with so this scene is just silly.

>inferior academically
>inferior socially
>inferior chuuni
>born into an easy mode life while Megumin was dirt poor and starving
>clingy, pathetic, stalker personality
>zero demon general kills
>lost in every single duel except physical growth, which is determined by birth circumstances

All she has going for her is two lumps of fat on her chest, and I'm more of a legs guy (which Megu doesn't lack). I'd still settle for her because we're both desperate and the paizuri would be amazing.

You are delusional.
Go rub yourself with the token loli and enjoy her miss skeleton body.

At least she isn't a manipulative cunt who can only attack once before needing help

I'd pretty much settle for anyone at that point.

My waifu and I are already a happy couple. She is my ideal girl and I've decided to devote my life to be her ideal partner.

Hopefully she doesn't have diseases

Megumin is a useless shit who only knows one spell. Yunyun not being a chuuni only makes her better because I'm not an underage piece of shit.


>You cannot choose who you fall in love
Yes, you can.

Unless you are literally enslaved towards loving someone the second you see them, it's always within your power to avoid developing such emotions.



Enjoy hauling your slut loli everywhere while I steamroll through every enemy with ease.


Can I just kill myself?

that's not wrong actually
Nisio writes a lot of bullshit he has some legit ideas in there too

I became attracted to my waifu the moment I saw her then near the end of her series I was already head over heels for her. Most of it happened unconsciously since I had no reason to deny my feelings.

You didn't have to watch it. We do tend to fall in love with those around us, so you can always make the choice to not become entrapped.

>Your very own waifu
>Rejecting you

No, just no.

But user. Like I said, I had no reason to deny my feelings. Specially since I was feeling so empty and depressed at the time, the feelings of love I experienced were a blessing.
