Reply a cuter anime couple than this one

Reply a cuter anime couple than this one.

Protip: You can't.




i can't



The Horimiya couple and pic related.

OP's choice is really good though.


They had zero chemistry. Also the male lead is ugly and the opposite of "cute". 2/10, people only pretend to like them because its a "different shoujo".

do gay couples count

That man is built for bara sex.

Ehhh there is nothing cute about mortal sin.


Me and you're waifu.

Nothing better than a cutelewd couple in love.









Anonymous and his beautiful and cute waifu.


>I like generic shoujo: the post

Generic shoujo is generic for a reason. Because it works. People like hot guys and couples with chemistry oh no.

Hating on generic stuff and liking deliberately bland sexless, conflict-free garbage like Oremono just because its "not generic" is ridiculous. Come on.

Nothing is as cute as this couple

Spoiled cause 2lewd

This. and literally every couple from Eureka 7.


Good taste user. I love couples that are genuinely in love.

Its like if someone made a battle shounen but deliberately made the lead a total weenie with no goals in life and instead of getting into fights and beating people up he sits at home and hugs it out with mom. "How non-generic! Revolutionary! No cliches here!"

That's Oremono. Its just not good.


one of those is a korean comic called Cheese in the Trap that is not an anime couple

>ywn use this move on a girl you love, who loves you back

>It just works
You're the reason anime is dying.

Yeah and one is from a manhua, and ones a VN and the rest are all manga.

But whatever close its all chinese to me.

This is you're argument? wew lad.


Stop bullying Casca

Shoujo is a subset of manga and manga is booming, I think it sells like 10x + the amount of copies American comics do in a much smaller market.

Anime is dying just because its stupid.
Manga is here to stay, generic sells and always will. Just so you know.

Tomboy in love


Lucky Taichi





>Also the male lead is ugly and the opposite of "cute"
I fucking hate cunts like you.

These two are too good for this universe.
Reminder that Kumagawa spent the rest of his life wandering alone trying to find a way to revive her.

I couldn't sit through this. My sister was the same age at the time.

He's an anime, you don't have to worry about his feelings. He's ugly. And fat. And boring personality.


>boy rapes girl
>genuine love

Zutara is better




best anime couple

jack is tsundere

watch your step

if Shinji and Kowaru dont count then count me out


But isn't Jack way older than her?



Rape is the purest form of love


They count in my book, user.





Does manga count?

Smug pres best pres.

Madoka isn't gay, though

>neck biting
Fuck off with this garbage