Why do people dislike dragon maid so much?

I felt it was very good, but a majority of things i've read say otherwise.

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The name Kyoani naturally attracts contrarians

I thought the overall reception was positive, why are there so many threads about it flopping all of a sudden?

People think everything has to be a 100% original, groundbreaking masterpiece to be good.

Typical Sup Forums.

Just the usual baiters and contrarians

Because people have different opinions, maybe?

it's from kyoani so it must be bad

Pedo bait and gay shit.

It's sudden left turns into schmaltzy hallmark moments left a lot to be desired.

>Caring about what other people say

You're an idiot.
The only opinion that matters in the entire world is yours and yours alone.

Popular stuff attracts lots of haters.

I thought Phantom World was their lowest bottom, oh boy how I was wrong.

I still like Phantom World though because I hate faggots and gays

Tohru and Kobayashi didn't bang at the end.

Too much fetish pandering/bait, not nearly enough comfy. Liked it but the loli and /ss/ was too much at the end of the day.

>Meme Dragon

Everyone outside of the core three are either undeveloped as characters or flat-out shit.

I liked it, but I'm bothered at the lack of Elma screentime: she was introduced late into the series, and other than her introductory episode only exists to do random gags at the end of episodes.

It's a KyoAni show, it's bound to receive hate no matter the actual quality of the show.

Would you give love to an older kanna?
And yes her thighs are still thicc

Overused, unfunny jokes

The humour was really bad, and attempts at sentimentality fell flat in the face of big-titted dragon maids. If you took all the themes of parenthood and overcoming difference and separated them from the otaku's fetishes, you'd probably have something pretty good on your hands.

The same people saying it was trash it's that same people who would see a literal turd on the screen and would say it's a masterpiece filled with symbolism, as long as it doesn't have the KyoAni brand on it.


I think you're being overly defensive. I'm a fan of the studio but I didn't like it.

I only watched the show for Kanna, apart from her it was pretty mediocre.

Contrarian mindset. It was a pretty good show.

If she looked like that nobody would be watching this anime.

It started as my favorite show of the season, and I do still really enjoy it. But I found myself getting slightly more weary with each episode as it went on. The one-note jokes really did get out of hand. Saikawa was completely cringeworthy and Lucoa would have been a much more enjoyable character without a boob joke every time she makes an appearance on screen.


Because it takes minimal effort to shit up a show's threads on Sup Forums
The ones spared from this horror were the ones with literally 3 people watching them

People hate it for the same reason people hate Naruto, Jojo, DBZ, etc. The fans are fucking annoying.
Every time someone mentions Kanna, it is followed by normalfag shit like "thicc xd"

Honestly, I thought it was pretty good. I mean what else can possibly happen when a dragon decides to become a maid and do chores for a living? The only fags who hate this show are those who were expecting more and got let down. It's an SOL and it was really good at that, there's no plot or story really it's about life and everyday shit. Get over it, for me it's a 9.5/10 for characters, visuals and comfiness


>Every time someone mentions Kanna, it is followed by normalfag shit like "thicc xd"
Couldn't have said it better.

It didn't help that Saikawa was the personification of the fans overreacting to Kanna. I probably would have enjoyed it more if I didn't browse Sup Forums while it was airing.

I don't mind reused jokes as long as they spice it up somehow, to break your expectations in a way.

The Saikawa loligasms and Lucoa's boob things were too repetitive, but that's the only complaint I have about it, really.

I have watched the first 3 episodes of this show and I just don't see the appeal. There's nothing going on. Everything that can even begin to be considered a conflict is literally solved in the next scene. The characters are alright and there were a few funny bits but THEY ARENT DOING ANYTHING GOD ITS BORING

It's incredibly average at nearly everything a majority of the characters are turned into repeated one off characters

It really only has being cute and pretty gud animation going for it, which isn't special/standout worthy and is like a wasted budget

>How to spot a newshit

Welcome to SoL anime, retard. Now fuck off to Sup Forums.

*repeated one off jokes

*maid dragon

Kyoani is held to a high standard

Nobody can refuse a loli, and less if it is dragon

what this user said, expected comfy slice of life, got comfy slice of life. I rather enjoyed the experience

Pretty much this. 3K is in the middle; not great, but not bad, either.

>what else can possibly happen when a dragon decides to become a maid and do chores for a living?
How can it ever happen in the first place?
And you seriously can't even think of ONE other way the story could have happen?
Are you braindead?
A fuckin dragon, killing and fighting humanity in an alternate dimension for thousand of years, will act like it happened in the anime, after a 1 night encounter with a drunk lesbian japanese corporate worker while she was on the death door? she will decide to be a maid and do chores for a living, while being madly in love with the red dyke?
For real? it's the only fuckin way the story could have happened?

You know why people hate this anime?
Excluding the obnoxious fan base, kyoanihaters and sheep that even know what anime we're talking about but hate it anyway?

It's because IT'S SHIT, it's just a pure concentrated of what he's the worst in the japanese anime industry mix a BIG SACK OF SHIT
Nothing was good, the premise, the story, the comedy, even the animation wasn't that good
The character designs are a pure wasted of potential
Let's hope we atleast get some fanart and porn of kanna and lucuoa has a consolation trophy and then forget this crap


Gotta work on condensing your baits.

Show me where the dragons hurt you user

Unfunny jokes repeated again and again
Cardboard characters created purely for the sake of those terrible jokes
Butchered adaptation that's vastly inferior
Meh/boring art design overall
Baiting and pandering as fuck
Terrible cliche ending

Not to mention all the cancerous facebookfucks, redditors and streamtards infesting the threads.

I don't you fucking retard

It was just boring. Characters are bland and jokes were unfunny. I like a good SoL as much as the next guy, but this show just turned into backlog after the first 2 eps, eventually I just deleted them.

No sure if it's doing well, but I see threads everyday on Sup Forums so I just assume you faggots have shit taste like always.

it went to shit when they started reusing the same "jokes" every episode


Fanbase and normalfags.
I personally don't dislike it but its pretty weak compared to the manga. It felt like they put too much shit in, ruining the tone and pacing.

because much like many kyoani shows, it's filled with cliches. The thing about cliches, is that they only bother you after you've seen hundereds of shows and are tired of seeing them everywhere. That's why experimental/innovative shows get lots more praise from experienced watchers and confused looks from newer watchers, and shows full of cliches are loved by newer watchers, and hated by experienced watchers.

well i like it because it's probably the most fun SoL anime from last season,even better than Gabriel and Demi-chan.

I came in wanting to like it, but it's just boring. And this is coming from a guy who thinks Hidamari Sketch is one of the best anime ever made, so I have nothing against SoL. It just never struck a cord with me.

Only parts I enjoy are the guy playing notDarkSouls.

Also if I wanted to see lolis smashing together, I'd watch Prisma Illya.

Remove Tohru. Then push Shota x Lucoa, Elma SoL, & Kanna SoL even more.
I guarantee this series will reach 90k.

i dont know why you would make this terrible OP unless you just hate the show or youre a troll. youve basically created a circlejerk thread for people to hate on the show. go poison some other series threads instead with your shitty loaded question ops.

>its ok to circlejerk as long as I like it!
You can easily hide/ignore the thread if you don't like it or go make your own circlejerk thread.

>even better than Gabriel


>serialized cash-in in moe trash

anime will die at this rate

How is it weak compared to the manga?

ost here!


You mean go from 3k to 1k

Its on the post dumbass. Manga was simple and had one specific topic per chapter. Anime was a mix of chapters in one episode making the tone inconsistent. Visuals do not mesh well with the manga's atmosphere, too.

It does. The word you are looking for is decent.
Good gets thrown out way too easily

Nice opinions. If those are your grievances, just watch the show on intervals and problem solved. It is weird that you don't like how it was adapted, I mean 1 chapter per episode would make the pacing very slow and work against the manga which has very quick gags. I thought the visuals were perfect in the anime, and improved upon the manga's atmosphere. Again, nice opinions, but I disagree with them all.

It got both popular and hated because of Kyoani.

Reminder that it was the most popular show of the season in China.

Beating the Dead Horse: The Animation

What a fucking waste.

What dead horse? The SoL genre? CGDCT?

I doubt the visuals improved on anything. Its your standard kyoani flair that doesn't add much except more unnecessary bells and whistles. Manga was simple, anime tried too hard by stuffing a lot of stuff in one episode.
Take, for example, the adaptation of danna ga. Episodes are short and sweet as what I'd describe it, same as the manga. Short and sweet is also how I'd describe maid dragon's chapters. The adaptation? Not so much. Its an overly sweet cake with a lot of icing. It would have worked better if each episode was shorter and focused on one chapter.
Atmosphere in the anime was overly bright and clashes with the drama parts while the manga had this nice feeling of you reading a book near a fireplace while its raining out.

Because the characters are one note and that one note isn't very funny to begin with.


It gets old.

Nice opinions and I still disagree.

Your opinions are shit and reek of someone who has never read the manga, or never cared about the manga in the first place and are just watching the adaptation because its popular. Disagree all you like, but my opinions aren't wrong.


Literally Kanna with added staring and being moe.

Nice assumptions but you're wrong.

Deny it all you want, but search your heart, you know it to be true.

Those jokes are like 10 seconds each. Comedy wasn't even the central theme of the show.


I searched, no you're still very wrong. I have read the manga and cared about it before the adaptation was announced.

Anyone can say that in an anonymous imageboard, but hey continue being wrong with your opinions.

Real kanna ?

Third highest rated show on Nico.
Third most popular show on Twitter Japan.
Most popular show on China.
Merch sold out.

Did someone steal her nose?

>it's a 9.5/10 for characters
Most of the characters are one trick ponies

Kyoani can't make a series without shoving in /u/shit, anime original shit, using the same animation style for all their works or making the characters as bland as possible.

Boy...Satania VA looks evil as fuck,scary...

Jesus fuck, what do you people want? An in-depth diorama that deconstructs each archetype and explores their psyche?

It's a cute comedy. They play their roles and they do it well. Stop being a persnickety little shit.

Nice buzzword

It's not that memorable very much outside of tits.

Where have you read those things? The show is highly rated in both Japan and the west.

It has 84 million legal chink views.

While the manga did have them, it didn't shove their cliches and archetypes in your face in an overt manner.

It has 44million on bilibili. Where did you get that number?

Who gives a shit?

I don't understand this complain. Explain further. If you can, compare a chapter from the manga with its respective scene.

Somebody posted on yaraon

Clearly people do when you have them complaining about the characters. Its a shitty adaptation of a good SoL manga.

>>what do you people want?
>"for it to be like the manga"
>>who gives a shit

Not him but are you fucking kidding me?