You fucking gringos never learn do you. >mexicans are so dangerous! Dont let them in >let sell them military grade weapons
Yeah thanks retards. Dont be surprised when mexicans are flooding to america again to escape the bloodbath. Btw trumps recent drug policy wont help either. You keep pushing for the wrong policies americans. You arent helping yourself if you want mexicans out
I would put forward a serious proposal of a full scale US invasion of Mexico.
I think that an invasion is more than justified after years of illegal Mexican invasion in the US. It would infact be a counter-invasion.
This would ultimately be most positive for current Mexican citizens, because once we deposed the Mexican government we could make them a state, or territory of the US and improve their political and social situaltion.
The US would also greatly benefit from obtaining the vast resources that Mexico sits on.
Elijah Roberts
We want to destabilize your country. Canada is next.
Nolan Perez
Are you literally retarded?
I think you might be. Btw transnationals already ransacked mexican resources thanks to nafta with no need of an armed invasion.
William Hill
You’re fucking insane and want the >56% meme to be >10% meme
They would destroy the US economy and crime would break the scale and make Brazil look like Denmark
Ryan Mitchell
>be U.S. >give weapons to Mexican cartels >sell weapons to Mexican government
Gavin Reyes
We would have to clean up the cartels and it would take some time to improve the overall situation. But in the end it would be an incredible benefit to the US.
Are you aware of the vast amount of resources Mexico is sitting on? Oil, precious metals, agricultural foodstuffs.
Lucas Diaz
>destabilizing your neighbors Lol k
Hope you enjoy the waves of mexicans coming your way
Evan Bennett
we would literally get BTFO if we tried that. Can you imagine US soldiers trying to navigate their way around some shithole barrio and getting ambushed by pickup trucks full of spics with mounted M249s? It would be a worse K:D ratio than Vietnam.
Adrian Foster
Because that's totally different than what's happening now