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I still need to watch this
i really don't though. Never sexualize Lain
at least three times
What was the origin of the bear suit?
It's 12 episodes, you could binge it in a night.
It is slow, ambient almost. Fantastic though. The "real" shading and blooms as opposed to digipaint are great. 'Analog' really is god tier. even if there is a single shade of color, the shade fluctuates slightly throughout the fill.
Why does YouTube keep trying to get me to watch this shit?
Is this shit worth watching?
Well, do you like that scene in The Shining where a guy in a bear suit gives another guy a blowjob? Lain is kind of like that.
I don't get why everyone says Lain is hard to understand. It's easy:
Step 1.) Watch the show:
Step 2.) Rewatch the show
Step 3.) Get a degree in Philosophy
Step 4.) Get a degree in Comp Sci
Step 5.) Rewatch the show
Step 6.) Read up on the history of Apple Computers and 90's hacker culture.
Congrats, you're halfway there!
Yes, it's worth watching. Very satisfying show with interesting themes (especially if you're into Sup Forums and cyberpunk stuff). Art and sound design are fucking beautiful, though off-putting for some. As said, it's not very long so you won't be losing much time or HDD space anyway.
I don't think anyone fully understands Lain. You really do need to have extensive knowledge of so many fucking academic fields to understand a fraction of Lain's references or concepts, although I feel that the general gist of Lain's themes can be understood just by careful observation regardless of what you know.
Agreed my dood, it was just a joke. Part of the magic for me lies in not understanding it; take away the mystery and you take away the charm of "what the ever-living fuck did I just watch?"
I'm writing a thesis about Lain right now.
What do I say about it, Sup Forums?
I agree, I like not knowing everything. The mystique of Lain is part of what makes it's atmosphere so distinct.
Wow, there are so many things to talk about with Lain. What part of it are you writing about?
Evolution of cyberpunk across thirty years of media.
I figured I'd look into how the representation of cyberspace and its users has evolved since works like Neuromancer.
Of course I shouldn't be focusing on it now, I've got other work to do, but I figured I'd post and ask just for a kick.
I watched it for the first time the other night. I cant express how much I loved it
>The last time I posted this, somebody said "Whoa, this is getting too emo for me."
She is made of internet. I don't think it's possible to sexualize her any more.
Don't bother it's pretentious "2deep4u" garbage
Nice, that's an incredibly interesting topic. There's a lot to talk about, cyberpunk is a pretty dense genre.
Wonderful bait, my friend.
I just watched this a few days ago and lost it at that part.
that scene is explained in the book
Definitely touch upon how the internet impacted things, and how some cyberpunk things saw the internet as an idea.
I mean there was tons of cyberpunk media out there before the evolution of the internet that basically described it as it is today. Not fleshed out to a tee, but the idea of everyone being connected in some way was there even before cellphones/internet.
If you wanna get real deep compare how obsessed people are with technology these days to how they are in lain. In lain technology is almost like a drug. It draws people into it, young and old. Lain's dad was like an older Facebook fiend on steroids. Lain was more like Henry. Even though the internet changed some things about cyb, the fact that technology draws people in is still there. I don't care how old a cyberpunk piece of media is there will always be a sense of "giving in" to technology. A point where a character tosses real life out the window to focus on the world of electronics. Idk I'm tired man.
Dude get a life it's been 3 weeks since you made the last thread exactly like this
I saw this thread with the same title (different image though) almost a decade ago. I highly doubt it's the same guy.
Tell me about Lain. Why does she wear the bear suit?
lainchan lives
Let's all love Lain!
Are you talking about a gangbang?
>when the chinese cartoon is so deep that you shit post about it being 2deep4u to hide your intimidation
Fuck I love the sorts that SEL brings out of the wood work.
Maybe she's wondering why you'd create a girl before jumping in front of a train.
Peter Wiggin was elected by memes.
Listen, I like this show (linear serial experiments) as much as the following, but I need someone to explain something: purportedly (the protagonist of the serial Lin experience) allegedly to Sophia (the figure of goddess of Gnostic mythology)? Let me give you logical:
1. Trapped (character) in a place like Sophia (Goddess).
2. The figure of Demiurge in Gnostic mythology is similar to that of Kami in Wired.
2. Is the purity in wired (does not another person notice that Reed is abbreviated to is shown?) To the extent in known anishehral centers such as Anonymous.
3. Your aesthetic aesthetic is very bad. It's really a torrent (serial lane experience), which shows anishis when it detects soot.
4. The father of Cyrine Lane, father (not Jesus). Not only is it embedded in wired, but it shows the same tiencetiz as Line on the same hates of digital tems. The aesthetics of housing is also noted as a guide from home, and adorns in a very bad aesthetic of a simple and sterile oven.
5. The Cysterella Aldognitor, as shown from the drop in Prefund as a phone and ring with Nakid Skyline (progeny).
6. Revision and underdevelopment in different scenarios. Four times, in the death ring of bar tenders ("drug kill"), she is corrupt, also in the episode of girl suicide ("what comes"). But if the soot goes down only to him please take it into the cold blood, and when silence is trained, Selence tells them the hype.
7. The way that oscillates with Jesus and kills him after resurrection (antecristical, it can not be coincidental).
8. Parallels the Christian about the strange Christian vest holder who is willing to lie.
8. Lack of personal space Lin grants to Aliso (his friend) as no boundaries appear.
I think Lain is cute.
We've been over the emerging sentience of reply generating AI before. Imitating the machines just proves your subservience to them, even if you think you mean it ironically.
Not in Japan it isn't.
All you really have are 90's stuff, and Nihei's works which have somehow managed to persist into this decade.
I think Lain was right about so many points.
I mean even today, we've drowned in information and shit about a subject comes from everywhere. Truths are repeated, twisted and amplified, lies are sometimes made as more believable than truth itself and there's sometimes no way to actually trace back to the origin of a piece of information.
I do believe that internet is on the way of making monsters. People talk about "memes" but if figures are true, then memes DID elect Trump. What's next? Will we meme a war? It looks like it's on the way right now.
Memes are getting too powerful and are even invading popular media.
Has Sup Forums created a monster?
Is this some kind of computer-generated Frankenstein paragraph made by stitching together completely unrelated pieces of text?
It was also right about animal pajamas being pretty cute.
Watching this for the first time and just finished the first 4 episodes. Its atmosphere reminds me a lot of David Lynch films.
i miss the real autism lain threads
Lainchan nuked
They never stopped being made. They never will stop.
Dont do it
>despera never ever
would you guys watch a sequel of lain exploring the wired
>US Homeland Security Discussing Meme Warfare
He even literally says meme.
You are smart user. Along with not being able to trace information, most importantly you can't tell who put it out there. 90% of internet users don't even understand the internet at all. Very moldable. With money in the right place some crazy shit can be accomplished. It is really hard to spot a decent fake online persona. Even a shitty one most people won't think twice about it.
I'm interested to see what happens with the internet. Sadly it will keep going the way it is, people with money being able to shape it as well as the public as they like. And nobody will no about it, or be in the position to do anything about it.
At least we have cute 2D girls