She disn't do much, but why was she so great?
is it because gay?
She disn't do much, but why was she so great?
is it because gay?
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rich girl and thick eyebrows
Alright lets get this shit over with
Mugi is the traditional support role. She doesn't stand out but you need her.
Incorrect: yui>mio>everyone else
She's the metaphorical bass?
Well at least you are still a patrician
Well she's on keyboard which is another support role so this makes sense
Why so much azunyan dislike?
Worst list I've seen in my life
I like her a lot actually, I love all the girls, but she doesn't stand out to me as much as the others.
My wife Mugi is so cute and pure!
Also Mugi > Ritsu > Sawako > Mio > Yui > Ui > Azusa > Nodoka > Jun but all Keions are love
She's the best supporting character at all time, always giving tea and discount to her friends.
Waifu material
I'm watching season 2 right now.
This shit is so good, god damn.
Also I loved this scene. This was so damn accurate. If you've ever spent the night at a friends house, especially if its a group of friends you'll know what I'm talking about.
Literally everything becomes funny and you just can't stop laughing for no reason.
This entire show has me smiling ear to ear the entire time. Gonna finish season 2 by the end of the week.
I haven't had a show ever give me that kind of feeling since this show, it's amazing.
>playing some halo 3 co-op with my bros
>at this point we have been laughing at every little thing for hours now
>my friends dad suddenly bursts through the door in only his boxers and is screaming at the top of his lungs that we are too loud and we need to go to bed
>we turn off the lights and continue to play halo completely unable to stop laughing as quietly as possible
>years later watch k-on
>instantly reminded of this memory and smiling ear to ear, tears in my eyes
This show is too pure for this world
I feel like I can't put any one over the other.
before you fags sperg out, I wrote them in alphabetical order
In almost any other circumstance id call you a faggot but for this show it is possible to come to that conclusion
Is the manga worth reading, starting where the show left off?
Mugi and girls like her are essential to a group's health. Everyone needs a sweet, warmhearted person in theor life who's actually really cool.
>extremely wealthy
>extremely caring
>extremely nice
>extremely pretty
>extremely cute
Haters hate her so much they literally made doujins of her with black people.
Goodbye thread
It's more than just the surface ojou-sama traits. She receives a lot of subtle characterization of someone who grew up very sheltered but is naturally energetic and extraverted, and longing to escape her lavish yet cold upbringing for something more genuine. She joins the Keion-bu because she's fascinated by Ritsu and Mio's friendship, and my personal favorite episode of the series and indeed my favorite episode of anime (Summer Classes!) expands greatly on this. When she wants to experience being hit, she *fixates* on it, coming up with elaborate schemes to provoke Ritsu and Mio (that override her usual generous and gentle nature); other episodes imply that she, like Yui, has a tendency to get lost in her head like this.
I don't think so. The new characters who were introduced just have attributes of the old characters mixed and matched.
Ui > All.
Wait until you get to episode 20 user.
Kyoani has yet to surpass that episode.
The end of Kobayashi was a sad, almost insulting attempt when you compare it to K on ep 20
Part of me refuses to accept the Keions aren't real. Like my friends are out there somewhere in Japan, I only have to go find them.
That show owns my soul man.
It's good to read in general, but be warned that the anime is vastly superior. High School was the better spin-off, though I liked Akira. Sumire and Nao are perfect though and I'm heartbroken we'll never get pic related.
I'm heartbroken we'll never see the High School and University characters perform together in concert.
I thought it was interesting that Mio said she wanted seven members.
I liked how the anime breathed some life into her instead of just having her around for being the plot device.
It's a nice touch that with all of the scenes that show how hard Tsumugi is trying to relate to everyone that she's the first that starts crying once the idea of being separated starts becoming a reality.
Fuck the new High School and University characters, ESPECIALLY the University ones. The only good page was when Tsumugi knocked that stupid dyke on her ass.
I could go to and find more effort put into random characters
episode 20 made me tear up
You must die
>K-On! aired 8 years ago
Which Keion has the cutest anus?
Mugi is fucking gorgeous.
Naw, fuck those effortless women.
The thing was so bad, it got cancelled, for fuck's sake. How the hell do you manage to fuck up a sequel to K-ON!! when it's riding high like that? I know the anime is a tough act to follow, but come on man.
Oh boy, who is the new character. A girl names Sumire that looks almost like Tsumugi and happened to be her maid, and go to the same school as her!! Why make a new character who can be interesting on her own right when you can just make an expy of a more interesting character
Gotta make sure we've got our plot device in hand, so they can go on vacations and shit! It's not like Tsumugi wouldn't just let Azusa, a good friend of hers use her stuff anyway!
It's too bad we weren't introduced to Ritsu's cousin, Ritsuko, who looks like Ritsu with her hair down with a slightly darker shade of hair that likes to play the piano!
But hey, if you like those characters, go right ahead. I'll just take pleasure in that they'll never be animated.
Stay voiceless, eh?
To be honest, the manga was never good. KyoAni made K-On! what it is today.
Sumire and Mugi aren't anything alike other than hair color and they were raised together. You might as well bitch that Ui joined the club, since she's related to Yui. Nao doesn't even have a counterpart to any of the established cast, and Akira manages to be just different enough to be interesting.
If you're going to complain about anyone, it should be the rest of the University cast, especially Akira's bandmates.
>Why make a new character who can be interesting on her own right when you can just make an expy of a more interesting character
Sounds like Hokuto no Ken 2 syndrome heh
That's exactly the kind of character shit I'm talking about.
Raoh's the The Conqueror of Century's End? Well, I'M the Creator of the New Century! Almost everything about my story has to do with Raoh! I'm cool too, because I remind you of Raoh!
Jesus Christ.
Ui was established from the start, for one. It's not that questionable that siblings would look a like, and besides that, they're wildly different in character and personality.
And out of Akira's stupid gang, that stupid dyke is the worst of all of them. The other girls don't have a character to even pick up on
Why try and make up a new and interesting dynamic when we can try and ape the Yui/Azusa thing without any of the effort put in to why you care about it in the first place?
Who gives a shit about Akira and her boyfriend issues? Why not end the manga on some high note with them playing music together when instead we can focus on this dumb slut's problems.
It's nothing to write home about. The beginning chapters of the K-ON!! manga are pretty fucking dull, all things considered. But it wasn't a bad read. In fact, there were some chapters I was hoping got animated than did.
Look, I don't read K-ON!! for the deep characterization. Even Kyoani's attempts to humanize the characters don't go that far. I get that this isn't deep writing.
But I would like to think that you could put a little bit of effort into this, than none at all.
You could go to the catalog of Sup Forums, pick five random images, mix and match attributes, and whittle them down to fit in the setting, and get more creative characters than Sumire or Akira.
Well, we can't all be winners.
Stop arguing and enjoy Mugi.
Alright, fine
Move Jun down to after Mio and this list is perfect.
>it's Seinfeld with girls
K-on isn't THAT good.
I have 5 episodes left and I can barely bring myself to watch it anymore because I don't want it to end
*Taking Mugi away*
>Flip Flappers image
the exact same thing happened to me user
i think i dragged out the last five episodes over like two weeks, compared to the 3 a day i was watching before that
yui is best
So what I've gathered this show is about to get really sad isn't it...
I don't think my heart can handle it bros.
My friend.
Good taste
Acceptable taste
Borderline shit taste
Bona fide shit taste
Grow a fucking spine taste
Can live with this taste taste
I see what you did there taste
Not bad but not good either taste
Behold my patrician master race taste
>Yui >>> Ui = Ritsu > Mugi > Mio > Jun = Azusa
top fuck
Rate my objectively correct taste:
Mugi>ui>yui>mio>who cares
Just know that there are some fun episodes at the end so the show ends up on a brighter note. And there's also the movie to look forward to
To this day, I haven't seen a good DID picture out of K-ON
Was weird though when in the last ep of s1 Yui says they worked for gitah when in fact Mugi paid for it.
they did work for it, they got those canvassing jobs and managed to get $500.
Mugi "bargained" the guitar's price down to $500
>tfw you've gradually gotten colder as you got older and will never experience that kind of happiness ever again
Mugi was fucking Sawako
Wrong mugi only fucks me
>yui first ever
>yui above trash ever
My user
I wonder what HTT with Stands would be like...
>you will never touch highschooler's butts
Ritsu a best
>but why was she so great?
Because you're a nigger so it's easy for you to self insert as her lover
Mugi is a coalburning whore.
Mio is the most non-degenerate girl in the show. Ritsu is ok too.
Well time to fap I guess
Took long enough. This meme sucks anyway.
>canon events that I don't like are just memes
Neo Sup Forums everyone
Can you guys post the lewdest official art of the Keions? I really need it.
Thank you.
This is probably the lewdest.
>Mio is the most non-degenerate girl in the show
You spouting meme, but ignoring the canon one.
Stop lying to yourself, faggot. Mio is not pure anymore canonically.
Is there a compilation of these anywhere?
Just search for K-On official art or something.
Did they actually do official art with a boob squish? *adjusts tie*