What if Muhammed was in this?
Saint Young Men
Japan would finally see a fucking terrorist attack.
Muslims would go apeshit
He'd be censored the entire show but if you buy the BDs you can see him without the censors.
It would also have a "lolicon" category.
But really, satan digits don't lie
directed by Michael Bay
Only Wahhabis get pissy about depictions.
Japan doesn't care about Islam as far as I know.
It becomes a fighting anime, Buddha and Jesus team up to kick Muhammad's lolicon ass. Muhammad gets Truck-kun as a powerup.
>Breaking News
Suicide bomb in Tokyo
>Truck-kun as a powerup
fuckin lel
How the fuck can anyone even follow Muhammad. The nigger was a crafty merchant and got with some noble whore. He proceeds to walk into a cave and claims he achieves enlightenment but the only person to back up his claims is his dumb whore. He tries to spread his backwards retarded Jew 2: Electric Boogaloo nearly 600 years after Christianity was already born and far after Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire and gets himself thrown out of Mecca for being a massive dickhead and upsetting the order of things. Does the fucking nigger take that as a hint? No, he goes and forms a bandit group and raids caravans headed to mecca and uses his wealth and expands his fucking bandit group. Finally he marches into Mecca and takes the place by force and declares himself the ruler. Suddenly disagreeing with his special snowflake god complex is taboo and then queue decades of fucking a million wives, conquering all the lands and sodomizing little girls. The dumb sandnigger dies and causes a massive succession crisis that fucks up the entire region and the splintered sects are still at war with each other to this day.
How a billion fucking people can know that history and think of this guy as anything above a power-tripping maniac is beyond me. But I guess looking at how retarded mooslims are even today I can understand it.
>chopped planets in half
>rode magical beasts into the sky
>first wife was an ara ara rich milf
>qt3.14 smug teasing loli waifu
>got his own harem
>loved cats
>had a magical sword
>brave warrior guy who led a growing band of other brave warrior guys
>tfw the Quran is literally a light novel
Muhammad really was just a chunni LARPer, wasn't he?
The Quran is basically a trashy isekai battle harem LN that got popular.
This, obviously.
t. Muslim
>>*Ring Ring*
>>Konichiwa Satan-san! This is Jesus-desu and Buddha-sama. We were wondering if you could make some time in Muhammad's schedule of eternal damnation in the 8th circle of Hell so he could go on vacation with us?
>Hai, hai Jesus-sama! That should be no problem!
And then he tries to conquer the open air markets and brings back people of dubious age to their apartment and gets them all kicked out. But he's loaded so they don't have any money problems anymore
>Japan doesn't care about Islam
Islam is the fastest growing religion in Japan.
What's your point?
it's moon
he chopped moon in half
Who the fuck makes these pictures?
Maybe they wouldnt show his face as a joke, not like a blatant black bar censor but that meme where the environment shields his face or something
How does one chop something in half and result in a sphere?
It got better
I have Muslim friends tho
How do you chop a moon in half?
You know what must be done
Very carefully
By using THAT.
Yes. That.
The fuck
Muslilms going Super Saiyan?
M-masaka! Kono reiatsu...
Muhammad was not NEARLY as chill as Jesus and Buddha. Even Jesus at his angriest never gets as mental as Muhammad gets.
Wasn't the worst Jesus ever did was just flip a few tables and kick a bunch of Jews out of a temple?
What was his angriest again? Flipping tables at a church?
Gospel of Thomas, he made everyone a mute, killed a kid without even touching him,and drove his teacher insane.
That one doesn't count because of reasons.
He was getting sick of the Romaboo Jews running the temples and lining their pockets with donated gold and such.
I've heard some interesting theories regarding Judas being a later introduction to the canon, and him representing these Jews (Judes). It fits the narrative, and it's not like personifying a people with a single character was a new method at the time. The person who told this to me was an older fellow who knows his scripture and such better than I do, and claims there was no mention of Judas in previously known writings on the subject (or, he wasn't depicted doing what he is known for.)
Nothing more than fucking heresy
Reminder that islam is literally Sup Forums's ideal religion.
Drawing is haram in Islam tho.
Might I remind you about Old Testament god?
>Jesus was a buddhist monk
Might I remind you to actually read the Old Testament?
Muzzie "religion" is and will never be a real religion. It's the bollywood version of religion.
>causes a massive succession crisis that fucks up the entire region and the splintered sects are still at war with each other to this day
This sandnigger is all kinds of bad but definitely not dumb. Not even Hitler achieved that.
>praise allah! A whole country where the people actually don't fuck goats!
My fucking sides
It'd be an uproar.
Remember that one Noragami S2 track that apparenty used muslim prayer sounds or whatever and the fuckers screamed online hard enough that Bones ended up changing the music whenever that track played in the BD episodes and they removed it from later shipments of the OST? (Thankfully the ripped OST on the net was the one without the specific track removed)
It was this one
If Mohamed ever showed up in a show, you can bet there would be victims
I remember. Muslims ruin everything, even my Chinese cartoons.
>What if Muhammed was in this?
It would blow
not against Jews it's not
mooslims are the most insecure fags there is, so of course they'll bitch and whine
Desu. Abe dun wanna get nuked by Pakistanis.
I always thought Muslims worshipped the same god as Christians and Jews. Under some twisted vision I may add but that it was the same.
As a christian who's done some bible scholarship (As opposed to study) in the past, I wouldn't be supplied. There is a LOT of research into exactly what was going on with him, as he's got a lot of conflicting accounts about what happened to him and a lot of theories about his name.
They do. Jesus is part of Islam. He's seen as a prophet (Like Muhammad) but that Christians are mistaken about him being the son of god.
It sorta works like this:
Old Testament: Judaism
Old Testament + New Testament: Christianity
Old Testament + New Testament + Koran: Islam.
That's a bit inaccurate but close enough for the description.
So Koran has Old and New with some extra chapters and text exclusive for the Muslims?
To an extent. They are not a 1:1 example but they overlap a damn lot. Jesus not being the son of god changes the stories a bit.
For example, the Torah has a LOT more focus on Mary than the New Testament does when it covers similar ground. She's a really big figure in Islam.
Don't mind me, I'm a fuckup!
The Quran. I was multitasking and typed Torah my accident.
The Torah is the Jewish holy books and covers a lot of similar ground (But not 1:1) as the Old Testament.
Having been born into a Muslim family and surrounded by a Muslim community, I think you'd be shocked by how little Muslims themselves know about their own prophet/religion, a lot of people don't bother reading the hadiths (where most of what we know about Mohammad is documented as he is barely mentioned in the Quran). Ignorance is what makes a 'moderate' Muslim, the extremists are the ones who have bothered to read all source texts of the religion and still remain a Muslim even after reading those barbaric texts meaning they sympathise with it.
But Allah wasn't a young man, so you'd have to change the title to Saint Men which sounds like a Kamen Rider rip-off and wouldn't sell.
>tfw you will never travel around the Holy Land with the lads
>arriving in people's homes unannounced
>giving lectures in public areas
>upturning tables
>occasional miracles
Sounds great. Might make for a good anime or manga.
Religious culture fucking sucks especially if one is expected to get violent about it.
Monty Python reference.
He starts off as an obnoxious faggot who wants to take over the world that Buddha and Jesus always have to calm down.
Then he discovers harem manga/games/LNs, isekai LNs and lolicon, become an otaku and Akiba is now his new Mecca. He open a blog all about haremshit that he keep up to date on a daily basis where he does game reviews and his opinions about the Harem genre with an obnoxious amount of rules that writers should follow in order to write the best harem story.
Not really no. Islam use the same basis as christianity, but completely changes story points to fit it's narrative.
The basic idea is that Islam is supposed to be the real gospel of God that was distorded by jews. Muslim texts straight up tell you than mythological jewish figures like Abraham were, in fact, not jews but muslims. And that over time the jews not only corrupted the true religion, but that they know that they corrupted it and that, like all the disbelievers, their only objective is to turn everyone into disbelievers.
In short, Islam is more like a fanfic nased on the Old Testament, middle eastern folklore and Muhammad's life.
Muhammad sounds like a self insert
Pretty sure Muhammed would be the Satania of the group though. Always bossy and chuuni but easily bulliable.
What is that show called?
But Muhammad is Naruto according to agnostic turks!
user, you know the answer
But user, you can't talk about Islam on a Christian Imageboard!
The same goes for most Christians too.
Read the subject title.
Saint Young Men
Is this acceptable enough to avoid a terrorist attack?
Not if you're in your crusading garb.
remembered me about the magical girl series, what I came up with
Muhammed being a merchant actually had very interesting effects on the Quran. A lot of things about social fiscal responsibility and obligations of the wealthy are codified in there which are actually pretty cool.
Also you need to account for the time he lived, raiding caravans wasn't some weird thing, it was pretty much what anyone with more than 3 friends and a couple of horses did. And most people in that part of the world would consider losing a war with someone to be the same as their god being defeated. This is the key bit that helped Islam spread. Shortly after Muhammed many Muslims started to hope that foreigners wouldn't convert, because if they tried to subjugate someone and they converted you couldn't have them be subservient any more, they were just as much a member of the Umah as you. This has some interesting parallels to the later Christian attempts to stop people converting while also making a token effort to convert people while hoping they didn't actually do it (can't enslave fellow people of god after all) but then they started drumming up reasons of race as to why it was okay.
son, plz.
>remembered me about the magical girl series, what I came up with
What is Sup Forums's predominant religion?
well Jesus would have appeared as sidecharacter
but there are also other gods, like Thor
the maingirls would also be some kind of angels
Syncretic Waifuism.
SYM was so much fun. Is there even a slight chance for a proper season or a new movie?
We can only hope for new spinoffs featuring other deities.
>The yakuza parts
Best part of it all.
>only Wahhabis get pissy about depictions
then 90% of the Islamic world is Wahhabi
from 1 to 15 is quite fast
Damn japs and their shit taste.