This series heavily relies on sex to sell! it's not even good but the amount of fan service they distract everybody with gives it the illusion that's it's something worth your time.
Fate is bad?
Other urls found in this thread:
>No explicit sex scenes,
>No nipples.
>Fucking dolphines.
>No dick worms.
>Heavily relies on sex.
Did we see the same anime?
Think about it? You can literally have virtual canon sex with just about every girl in the series and there's a new one that just came out and Rin is dressed like an Egypt gutter slut and guess what? They made it the cover and I'm pretty sure you all know why.
And then we have this series. Do I really even need to say anything about it? Didn't think so.
>They made it the cover and I'm pretty sure you all know why.
To entice old fat men?
>Inb4 muh Carnival Phantasm is innocent
Do yourself a favor and look up the lyrics to this "innocent" intro... yep, it's about sex.
Exactly! It's all about the damn girls. The story is shit. They would literally write just about anything with character designs like this and it would be a success.
Dumb ESL thread
How about... no. By buying fate merchandise you're supporting fan service at the expense of story in anime and showing other anime studios that's the way forward which is why we're getting shit anime these days like Eromanga!! Fucking kill yourself!
Cool series like FMA and Bebop will never be made again because of this shit.
Hey, why don't you go somewhere where social justice and anime interact if you are so interested in that.
I suggest tumblr
>be a straight girl
>like fate
>laugh at op
Is OP just shitposting for lulz or is he genuinely retarded?
>This series heavily relies on sex to sell
That's 90% of anime
Can I ask you all a question? Were you all dropped on the head as babies? The difference clear as fucking day. This moe moe cute hyper fan service sex shit is now the norm and we're only treated with decent anime every now and then and even the modern anime we get is sprinkled with sexual pandering just in case because god forbid you don't get a binder while watching any form or fucking Japanese entertainment! You're all the fucking problem!
The show has little to no fan-service. Even the character designs aren't fan-service heavy like other shows.
Anime fans these days are far more likely to buy merchandise like this as apposed to normal an action character or something so why the fuck wouldn't they make 99% of characters female sluts in anime and while they're at it just fuck the story because the girls will keep these idiots watching. God forbid we add any actual romance into the series though because these weeb virgins won't buy their merchandise!
time for you to find a new hobby, friendo
>god forbid you don't get a binder
More like Fate/Shit Night lmao.
I don't know which part of the internet you typically dwell in but you're clearly not from here. Shape up your writing or GTFO, retard.
Notice how every new series that comes out that doesn't focus on Fanservice and instead story or romance Sup Forums consideres a fucking masterpiece? It's not because the actual series is good or anything but because we're so used to shit anime these days that whenever something half decent comes around it seems like fucking gold. I couldn't even begin to imagine what would happen if something like FMA was realesed in this modern day.
>he has opinions so he's not like me
Nice thinking dipshit but I've been here and been watching anime for a long time, otherwise I wouldn't have anything to compare the shit modern anime of today with. I'd think it was completely normal.
Like really? This is the shit you all consider good anime hear days and throw your fucking neet bucks at? You're sending a clear message when you purchase shit like this to anime studios and manga artists.
There's your problem
These days*
>Can't fuck the Evil Witch
>Can't rape Bazett in HA
Yea it's actually a huge problem because new age anime fans are going to think this modern shit is normal and I know from first hand experience that many of them refuse to watch literally any series that wasn't made in at least in the last couple of years because they say the quality isn't that good.
Sex sells, and otaku eat that shit up (and vice versa). Simple as that.
you shut your whore mouth
The guy's clearly baiting, don't feed.
I don't even care if it's impure it's literally the catchiest OP of the last 2 decades
To play devil's advocate, Fate: Zero is great and has almost no fanservice.
As mad as I am I'll give credit to DxD for acyually having balls and being true to the anime and going full nude and not making every character a cock tease fan service slut just so that they can sell out to the biggest audience possible.
>not being able to handle an opinion that's different from the norm
I'm tired of anime studios acting like scared cats with the anime they produce. If you're going to make your anime 90% fan service just go full nudety and don't be a bitch about it just to appeal to a greater audience.
Funfact: those people are going to watch the anime anyways! You think kids are getting their parents to buy Prisma Illya for them and that's somehow okay because there's no nudes? Fuck no!*
Gudako was the best thing to happen to this franchise.
Thanks for proving my point.
That outfit is aids.
I-is that semen on her shirt?
I dont know. I dont find enough sex on this fanchise.
On the other hand, I dropped FSN in episode 1 and never looked back. Show is too boring.
Madoka is basically FSN done correctly.
yes, user. A big semen cross.
Every season there's some dull battle harem with character designs just as lewd. F/SN came out in 2004 - that's 13 years by now that people have been making eroge, and I can't think of a single one with this kind of enduring popularity.
Yes, sex sells, but you've gotta sell a worthwhile product with it to keep people coming back.