this fox is the cutest
Kemono Friends
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I want to rape Shoebill.
>saber-toothed twintails
Asking again for the pic with core medals and their matching Friends.
KF fangames fucking when
I want to police the rape.
New hotness is fennec breaking character
And an actual saber.
>Dodo's intro says that she just wants to make more friends and spread love and peace
Is this bullying? Why is this allowed
I want to make babies with that fox.
I want to rape you.
What does the intro on this Friend say?
I want to rape the police.
Does Serval have the white eyespots on the back of her ears that real servals have?
At least two Sup Forumsnons are working on two different games but I've decided to take a hard break from canon once I get far enough along.
Hakase floofing out and/or thinning up is the best.
I personally would like to see a Kemono Friends RPG better then the mobile game which has to feature the battle music from the anime as the main battle theme (that music is too good not to be in an rpg game).
>Kaban is a better Cocona
>Serval is a better Papika
How did I not realize this?
I love these pics.
Are you looking for Fastasy-like esque or just nice Kemono wallpapers?
Cause you can get a lot of fantasy themed landscapes by searching "Fantasia" on pixiv
>see this post
>find pic related while searching for new fanart on twitter
I only know of three games so far, one is that Kemono Friends.exe game and the others are a fighting game and some random platformer (found in the link below).
Can someone explain what's the job of the foxes? I only remember them cleaning some stuck dirt.
Japari Live
I want to see Fennec break character in S2 now.
Game Shoebill seems slightly more serious than anime shoebill, telling you not to make any unnecessary movements like a cop or detective-type character.
KF wallpapers this time
That's got to be Futanon's work.
Running the geothermal power plant.
Almost forgot about the random voxel fighter score attack game where you protect Kaban from Ceruleans as Serval.
I want to rape Shoebill.
Peacock is cute CUTE!
Someone needs to make a collection of all the kemono friends game profiles translated. That way there won't be constant requests for translations.
Cool, looks like I have more stuff I could make.
Is there a map?
Isn't there another show this season that has both Cocona and Papika's VAs in main roles?
English Kemono Friends wiki when
Shoebill spinoff as Japari park investigator confirmed. Will have higher INT than Tsuchinoko.
That's pretty nice.
Yes. Can't find it. Sorry user. Basically looks like a sideways stretched out Japan if you can picture it.
coolest oneesan !
House cat friend is cute.
Holy fuck is Lion thicc
These threads have become bad and we should all feel bad.
English wiki really only covers the friends in the anime unless you are talking about translating the Japanese wiki to English itself through the internet page translators are mostly shit when it comes to good translate.
Papika and Mimi.
If there already exists an English wiki then wouldn't it just be a matter of collecting the translations then?
That's the kind of Kemono Friends pictures that I like the most. There's this grandeur of nature and in the ruins of the park that really captivates you.
I like Snow Leopard's kimono.
Japari coins can be useful.
I think the most unrecognized character in the show is the Park.
It's ran by a spic that stubborn believes the anime manga and game are in the same universe/continuity
all lions a best
the most unrecognized is the zebra
Why is it that out of all the Friends it's the Tsuchinoko who has the nicest legs? It's kind of ironic.
But all I ever talk about is JAPARI PARK.
English wiki doesn't really go into the game the much, mostly and anime and manga, though the files translated to English would be good, the only things I know of that were salvaged from the game were the profiles of every single friend and the voice clips of every single friend, no complete sprite sets of every single friend though.
No rapos in Japari
Because she's a cryptid. As people can't find her around, her legs are pretty clean and not soiled all the time. Maybe she puts cream on it to make it smoother.
The last time that the backdrop actually grabbed my attention the same way that Japari Park has is ARIA with Neo Venezia. It's been 10 fucking years since an anime has a setting that actually gives me that sense of awe, and it's odd that Kemono Friends makes me picture Japari Park more in my head than what's shown in the anime.
Friends with guns are the best friends.
Nagi no Asukara did that for me.
But it'll be nice to have another answer in "what anime world do you want to live in?" threads besides Aria and Pokemon.
I can't even read paragraphs like this anymore. Friends gave me ADHD.
>Platypus is a tennis player
But why
just eat some tofu you happy meal
Here is every single voice clip from the game in five long videos, think I found someone post all the cut scenes from the game as well. All that's left is for someone to post all the animation of the friends from the game then I will be satisfied.
Because her tail looks like a paddle along with her beak.
I can't believe Margay is a control freak in the game
>the visor is the bill
It's the things like this that really makes these designs great.
Axolotl's voice is quite disapointing. I expected something more soothing
>Hey, Professor, what are we going to do today?
>The same thing we do everyday, Assistant, try to find someone who can cook!
The Pokemon world is lush and vibrant, but I don't vividly feel that breath of nature while watching it. It's kind of too bad that some people don't lend themselves to letting their brain fill that in for them when they look at the anime.
>3rd video at 47:35
Yare yare da...