So you can just hit a teacher lecturing you about something you don't want to hear because it triggers you? I don't know if I'm supposed to sympathize with her because she's an emotional cunt, or because it's her character archetype or what, but she just comes off as a spoiled little bitch. Yeah this guy is annoying, but when someone starts saying something to you, especially someone you paid to mentor you, if you just go and smack them because you can't handle their words you're worse than an immature child. I'm a pretty stubborn, rebellious person myself, but slapping a mentor for disagreeing with your worldview is fucking gay.
So you can just hit a teacher lecturing you about something you don't want to hear because it triggers you...
dat uniform tho
I won't lie, if I was a teacher there I wouldn't hesitate to blackmail female students into spending "extra study sessions" with me.
He wasn't doing his job properly and he was bullying the cat, so I see nothing wrong with what she did. Neither of them are really at fault since he was forced to take the job in the first place.
"mansplaining" came to Japan, I see.
It's a cartoon.
Yeah nah mate if a teacher says some shit you can be quiet or even openly disagree with them but hitting someone just for disagreeing with you is fucking gay and solves nothing.
Long answer: She's a kid and as you can see in previous episode she has a lot of pride and gets emotional really quick. Also Glen was bullying her on purpose so there will be trouble and he will get kicked out of the school (in this case MILF probably protected him). I assume if it was a proper teacher, she definitely will get into a trouble.
Short answer: drama
He was doing it for their benefit, he was trying to get them to think outside the little box they'd created for themselves. Yeah, he was being a bully about it, but teachers do get away with it in real life all the time, and arguably it can be done in an educational way. None of the kids going to a highly prestigious magic academy are "loser" school shooter types, so it's not like he's beating up some kids who always get shit on. They live nice, pampered lives, and he's being edgy on purpose to confront their worldviews.
>They live nice, pampered lives, and he's being edgy on purpose to confront their worldviews.
That's the problem, especially for Sisti. Nobody else in the class went super angry, except her. She glorified magic way, way more than the others. She believes magic is the way for humanity to ascend and shit like that. Also mentioned that magic is a way to remember her grandpa etc etc. Basically it meant a lot for her. From her POV Glen is just shit talking, not giving an argument for discussion because she still blindly believes that magic is super amazing.
My point is, yes, I'm agreeing with you that she should not hit Glen but it's totally in her character to do that. Once again, if she hit, for example, that glasses teacher who hates Glen, she would get a lot of troubles. It was dramatized for the sake of tension. Also try to remember that this is an anime. In real life, no matter how big MILF's influence if Glen doesn't do jack shit in school he will still be fired. Also no way he can teach the students of an elite academy without having any of the qualifications.
I know, I know. I guess he's just too nice to give her suspension or whatever. And the rest of the episode he was teaching them properly anyway. It's just irritating when people do illogical stuff.
Thanks for understanding user, I ensure you that I fucking hate that stuff too hey Euphie what if I said 'kill all the elevens' hurrrrrr Sometimes we just have to deal with that shit.
Now I'm going back to fapping to the almost-rape scene, have a nice day user-kun.
And talking really solves things, baby?
Well she is a minor noble so yeah, that's part of the package. She proceeds to get reality checked when no degree of nobility could protect her from rapists.
>school cat not so tough after being molested
She was well within her rights to hit him.
This guy shows up, insults her, she challenges him to a duel, making him promise to be a good teacher.
He loses a duel to her, doesn't honor his promise, and then continues to badmouth her and her subject of study, even though he lost.
At that point, all he had demonstrated was his ineptitude, lack of honor, and unwarranted contempt.
So yeah, he had this one coming.
That's not how rights work.
I figured she got away with all that shit because the MC is too lazy to file a complaint or discipline
Well in the previous episode she electrocuted him a bunch of times so slapping probably isn't that big of a deal in in anime hogwarts
Well she is a tsundere. Also her parents send her to this expensive, prestigious magic school where she's eager to learn but then it turns out that her teacher can't be arsed, even though he's actually a genius magician. It's understandable that she's annoyed.
Imagine your're in a church school and the new substitute teacher starts badmouthing god in front of the class.
Who's gonna force him to honor a promise with a spoiled teenager throwing a tantrum? The spoiled little girl police? Even if she were buddha he still has authority over her as her teacher.
>rolled up sleeves
So she's wet for him now after getting depowered by plot but too much of a wuss to admit it. Predictable and boring save for the fanservice I guess.
You lose a duel and disregard the conditions agreed on. Slapping is already a method of duel challenge.
Male Rights Activist aka faggot. Cool bro. Look, he was being a little bitch, whining and complaining while adding no value at all. By his own admission he was being a brat.
He is 19 years old and has seen and caused death. He should be much more mature than he is.
As for you, whining and bitching just makes you a useless fag. You will never get respect by appealing to some irrelevant moral authority or talking about "rights" as if they are things that actually "work".
There is Power. Force. Assertion. These are real things. And in the claims for sovereignty, his demonstration was a resounding defeat to his student. She is the sovereign of the class until he re-establishes his legitimacy through violence. That is the political subtext of the second episode, faglord.
Holy shit are you a real person? How do you get by in life?
If someone cuts you off while you're driving do you run their car off the road and beat the shit out of them to demonstrate your authority?
She can make it up to him later.
I can't wait for you to get out of high school and see how the world really works, underage faggot
Since I'm not religious I would never go to church school, and if I did encounter that situation I would probably be exactly the kind of reactionary faggot who hits people for badmouthing muh sacred stuff.
Look, I'll make a deal with you. You help me decipher D.N.A. and genetic manipulation, and I'll help you unravel society. But people do in fact follow a justice system right now, and while you are correct in the sense that there is no magical thing giving people power to have rights, there are consequences for actions taken that most people are going to have a tough time escaping.
There is nothing I care about enough to suddenly assault someone for just talking shit about it.
Insults don't mean anything until you validate them yourself.
You may not, but the majority of the population that are religious are crazies and if you insult their belief you will regret it.
Holly shit user, thats not how its work
Talk shit get hit, motherfuckers
Actually, our ages are revealed already by our takes on the situation. You are clearly college-aged or younger and see "teacher" as a position that automatically implies power.
I am an adult as I understand the actual power structure. Read next section for analysis/response.
You confuse the "justice system" that they follow and make assumptions predicated on their culture being similar to a liberal democracy. You presume their idea of "rights" corresponds with ours, when it doesn't.
Neko is clearly a part of the nobility and actually is, if anything, being a bit lenient or gentle. It is overtly stated in the first episode that she has the political capital to have him removed from the school. In a nobility based hierarchy, him being a teacher does not matter-- he is a commoner, low ranking, and is connected to no actual power structure. Even his connection to the school is tenuous-- he's there as a favor to a professor, not on his own merit or because the establishment has vested authority in him. He already is violating his part of the teaching arrangement by both not teaching and disparaging the subject that he teaches.
He is lucky that she is not a truly spoiled brat who could invoke her societal position to have him removed.
Crimes and rights exist within contexts. This context is based on class and lineage rather than a presumption of equal rights.
Wait, so it is first day of battle magic high school, he doesn't see her naked, she challenges him to a duel, and he unexpectedly loses?
This boy gets it, either marry into an important family or rise to a rank of nobility through your own effort, else you will be stuck in the dirt like all of the other peasants. *tips fedora*
In this case, yes, more than violence.
He's not exactly without political power though. The one who is vouching for him is a very powerful and influential person. The "I can speak to the fucking Queen as an equal" kind of person. And she happens to be his guardian and surrogate mother. The fact that she has given him an ultimatum is unknown to anyone but himself, and let's face it, she'd take his side if cat happened to be a brat and tried to get him expelled.
Not to mention you're assuming a lot about the academic setting. The fact that the students were willing to put up with him for so long instead of fucking off to do self study or act like delinquents or whatever and that when he started teaching he got students from other classes to go to his lectures show that the level of dedication given to magical studies is high as fuck. Even cat gave him the benefit of the doubt until the very last second in hopes that she might learn something from someone who a renowned person reccomended. I don't really think you'd find a "brat" there.
He was being a complete fag and he admits it like 2 minutes later.
You are stupid. She saves him three times next episode.
It's not modern USA. It's a fucking medieval society and some fag out of nowhere is insulting a noble for like a week and ignores an official duel he lost.
She could probably order an execution if she wanted.
it's cool, shiro piggu wants the d
>Well she is a tsundere
How in the flying fuck is she a tsundere? There is no dere. She hates the guy.
It's more like he's a tsundere for her since he's bullying her while she actually reminds him of his dead girlfriend.
She is tsundere, just you wait.
The user in the previous thread lied. The user said the manga had pantyshots, but I haven't seen any upskirts or pantyshots in the manga.
she was pretty damn dere when drunk
You're pathetic unfarmable pile of dirt
Could someone post pantyshots from the manga, if they exist?
because of ppl like you we have wars
No, you can't just hit someone no matter the situation, unless it is in self defense. That said, I wouldn't blame Sisti there. Yes, she was in the wrong, but so was Glenn. He was not only just wasting their time, not teaching anything, but also just jumping all over their feelings and what they believe in. It was wrong for Sisti to hit him for that, but it is an action many would take. This is not abnormal. This is the normal reaction any normal person would have in that situation.
He lost a duel and ignored it. If she lost and he told her to undress in the middle of class she would.
At this point she could probably walk to him and stab him in the face and their law would be on her side.
Selica is best girl.
Oh yes, that too. He ignored an agreement between them for no real reason. No to mention her first encounter with him, before he became their teacher, involved him being a massive dick for no particular reason, even harassing her "family", Rumia. I don't know if the law would be on Sisti's side, but the slap was justified.
And I'm not sure why everyone is making a big deal out of a slap, after Sisti had hit with Magic twice, as well as the girls all presumably hitting him for walking in on them. Him getting hit is almost a normal thing at this point. The difference was, this time his offensive beheviour only included refusing to teach and making fun of and calling what they're devoting their life to just a tool for murder.
>And I'm not sure why everyone is making a big deal out of a slap
It's just retards and muslims because they think a girl should always be submissive.
And a female should be aggressive, yes? In anyway or form you can't hit someone in a facility where your position is close to the bottom as you have to follow their rules or whatnot. If you don't like it just ignore or leave.
He also took the duel but never agreed on anything, mind you.
Just leave her alone, Semilla and Lumina are best girls
Now this is autism.
It's a medieval society with a monarch and nobles.
Ignoring the results of a duel is like a samurai telling to daimyo to go fuck himself.
>be a shitty teacher who doesn't take his job seriously and bullies his student
>gets a reality slap to take it seriously
He deserved it.
Teacher that was forced to do the job...
Nah, Sisti is best girl. And she will win the Glenbowl.
And why the hell should she care?
So? He is still an adult. He doesn't like it, but he's still going through the process of being a teacher.
>fucks her sister
>wants to fuck her teacher