>risks his life to save others
>loyal to his gf
>easy to get along with
>wants to help random people including NPCs and an AI
>fun around his friends
>raises his child on his own
why do you hate him Sup Forums?
>risks his life to save others
>loyal to his gf
>easy to get along with
>wants to help random people including NPCs and an AI
>fun around his friends
>raises his child on his own
why do you hate him Sup Forums?
Because he reminds Sup Forums of themselves.
Kazuma is closer to Sup Forums than Kirito.
I can't hate either of em.
Because autists like yourself keep reposting this template thread.
Because none of those are flaws.
I don't particularly hate any of the characters in SAO. However I had to drop the series in that episode where they almost die from falling into a hole, then at the end of the episode they are launched thousands of feet into the air before it cuts to them safely back at the shop.
Know what's wrong with the show that No Game No Life revealed to me? SAO is heavily written to have a comedic light hardheartedness to it but takes itself too seriously as though the stakes are really high (they never are). Tonally it's disjointed as all hell and the plot arcs are written for the mentally challenged. There is no nuance in its story telling, it can't match its tone with what's being depicted with what's happening, and the stakes are all over the place but never mean anything. It's success is due to appealing to the largest part of the normal distribution of I.Q. above and below the mean.
It's the Michael Bay of Anime.
when was this?
probably the Liz episode
He's fucking perfect which makes him boring. Don't hate the character; hate the writer.
Pigboy may be whiny and annoying, but he's at least more interesting.
Just the opposite.
>goes to college
>has friends
>not a neckbeard
>not unhealthy
definitely not Sup Forums
>two years worth of semen
post the gif
>Being butthurt over a figure of speech
Virtual avatars dont even store semen
He is the exact thing that most of Sup Forums isn't and can't be.
He is not a self insert because his base personality is that of a successful nerd-chad, not a pathetic loser who gets by with pure luck and writer's favor that is usually the base for self inserts.
Klein is the better match for Sup Forums.
2bh i always thought kirito was what kawahara wants to be/wishes himself as, while bizarrely kayaba is his actual self insert/author avatar
Because he has no flaws or depth beyond whatever's currently convenient to the plot.
Teleport crystal.
Also, Fairy Dance Kirito > Jotunheim Kirito. Why did he choose to make himself uglier on purpose?
the only thing that changed was his hairstyle
>risks his life to save others
There's no semblance of risk conveyed by the story
>loyal to his gf
That's the default behavior expected of people in a relationship, bravo
>easy to get along with
You realize that's a bad thing right
>wants to help random people including NPCs and an AI
Just hammers that he's vidya jesus
>fun around his friends
Also the default for friendships
>raises his child on his own
Well if he's going to go have a child he's supposed to raise it
4000 People died in Aincrad which is a higher death toll than most other action anime. Aincrad had critical moments.
People who aren't vidya jesus.
His real body does
Imagine masturbating after a 2 year hiatus
Your weakened muscles can't even properly grip a cock that is about to burst with so much stored up sperm
Good thing his sister is probably willing to give a helping hand
Because this gun is a walking Deux Ex Machina that can literally do no wrong. They describe him as loner while everything he do is socialize with hot chicks and collecting them (because they are just a pack of tits without any personality) to his harem. On top of that everybody in SAO franchise is a fucking edgelord who can't shut up about "being strong".
you dont actually endlessly store up sperm if you dont masturbate man
He's success and I'm not.
He is boring as fuck. If you want to make a Gary Stu, at least make it entertaining like Sasamaki 'Tanoshi' Izayoi or Shiba 'Sasuga Onii-sama' Tatsuya.
That might be, but he's still gonna cum harder than he ever came in his life
>accidentally makes a female character
>hit on by loads of guys
Poor Kirito
>entertaining like
entertaining as a meme maybe
came here to post this
Entertaining for a wrong reason but it's still entertaining anyway.
It's the virtual world.
Maybe the designer forgot to set a limit on the amount of simulated semen that can be stored over time so when the lost chapter says he poured two years worth of cum into Asuna's cunny, it means two years worth of cum.
If there's a cooking skill, I wonder if there's also a housecleaning skill.
>randos dying is the same as the main characters being at risk of dying
Main characters hardly ever die anyway
Thanks, i like blackswordsman even moar moew.
I'm hyped for the ending of the first arc of Progressive. Kawahara has already indicated in some of the side stories that it's going to end in a real disaster for all parties involved.
Silica is so fucking cute. Can we talk about how cute and adorable little Silica is?
>Klein is the better match for Sup Forums
Klein isn't a loser though, except in the anime adaptation. He starts off as a clueless noob but ends up becoming one of the best players in the game AND manages to turn his circle of real life friends into a raiding guild that cleared the game without casualties.
>but what about in the real world
He's apparently a responsible adult with a good job. The silly stuff he does in game, like hitting on cute female NPCs, is just his way of blowing off steam.
Silica is a silly cat!
Silica is a cute nerd.
>risk his life to save others.
Only applies to those with a pussy.
>loyal to his gf
Except he isn't. He plays around with other women.
>easy to get along with
Not when you have all the girls lusting after his dick.
>wants to help random people including NPC and an AI
Again only those with a pussy apply.
>fun around his friends
Indeed he does have "fun" with his "friends". in bed
>raises his child as his own
Playing happy family in a death game? What a creep.
I remember someone in a thread before say it was PoH
>raises his child on his own
Let's get one thing straight, the child is an AI program which is born already as a toddler. Do you know what raising a kid from when they're a baby entails? Waking up every hour, feeding it milk (preferably breastmilk in the first 18 months), cleaning its shit, making sure it shits everyday, gentle exercising (ie. teaching it to stand by holding it up), speaking to it so it learns how to speak, teaching it social ques, taking it to the doctors if it gets sick, dealing it all the crying and resisting the urge to shake it, watching it 24/7 so it doesn't decide to swandive off a sofa or something, among many other things.
None of this shit happened in SAO. Why? Because it presents the ideal state a child should be and every virgin NEET sucked it up.
kawahara is a flamboyant half korean half jap mercenary working for an american company with a murder fetish?
How can Kirito become a pro enough AR fighter to beat a guy with a combat computer, but he can't beat Johnny Black with dual umbrellas?
Well youre not Sup Forums either if you couldn't see the quotation marks around friends,
delet this
silica is pure
Pure cat litter?
Must have missed that one but it sure doesn't seem to exist.
it's clearly fake
he wants to kill me
Because he is the worst example of a Garry stue there is.
I've only lurked Sup Forums occasionally but man he IS hateable.
All his jokes are cheap and not funny at all.
He is only liked for his looks and skills.
Then he bites a girl's finger and gets away with it only because... because oh surprise, the girl was already falling for him. Because of his skill and looks.
That's it.
He is no fun.
And not easy to get along with unless you are one of those who talks all the time and asks questions like Klein.
Or unless you're a girl and insult him for 6 episodes, which will undoubtely make you close to anyone.
That's it.
He is not easy to get along with.
As for the rest of the items.
I think those are a standard in the population.
>loyal to his gf
>has a peculiar with a woman in another game
>has better chemistry with her
>when introducin his waifu to the new girl he called her his friend, not his girlfriend
he's only not at risk of dying because it would end the story prematurely. It's only no risk because it's a fictional tale. Logically he has plenty of risk of dying, and almost does so multiple times.
Well tbf he didn't say "friends" per se, he said comrades-comrades in arms, fighting in SAO and such
Also japs are beta esque reclusive about relationships
>Get the impression that Kirito is some gary stu from Sup Forums crying about him for years
>Finally decide to watch the Aincrad arc to see what all the fuss is about
>Barely kills Kobold Lord and requires the help of an entire party to do so
>Get the entire Black Cat's Guild killed due to his incompetence
>Haunted by Sachi's death with PTSD years into the game
>Dual Sword Deus Ex Machina isn't enough to let him solo anything past Gleam Eyes
>Gets BTFO by Heathcliffe and only wins because Heathcliffe wanted to die
>Only gets to such a high level because he literally doesn't ever fucking sleep and just grinds 24/7
Sup Forums was fucking wrong and I will never listen to you fags again.
That's called a "Gary Stu", op
>ywn be his bff
He's a dual wielding, skinny faggot, wearing all black and tight clothing
You've only just scratched the surface of the Sup Forums hyperbole. Kirito wins one real life fight and loses three others. In the later arcs and side stories, he actually loses almost every single duel or PVP encounter he gets involved in.
Clear victories:
1.) Sinon round one (changed from the webnovel, where he actually lost this encounter)
2.) PoH (Kirito's stats and items are way, way stronger, and his knowledge of how UW works is far superior)
Heavily contested victories:
1.) Administrator
2.) Gabriel (Kirito wins via spirit bomb)
Clear losses:
1.) Red Eyed Xaxa
2.) Zekken (at least twice)
3.) Sortiliena
4.) Alice
5.) Administrator's golem
6.) Morte
nice spoiler tags you got there friend
>1.) Red Eyed Xaxa
how does he lose?
>2.) Zekken (at least twice)
anime ruined the second one making it look like he was just about to kill her before the timer ran out though
>4.) Alice
It's a tie
Because he's a shit noob who plays RPGs and not city builder master race.
Eugeos, or Kiritos?
Xaxa was kicking the shit out of Kirito until PHANTOM BULLET saves his ass and one-shots with a lightsaber.
Dunno how the anime adapted it, but in the LN, Xaxa's actual skill as player with his improvised estoc is way higher than Kirito's. Xaxa tells Kirito that while Kirito was being a normalfag in real life/playing harem master, Xaxa dedicated himself to preparing for their eventual rematch--and it shows. If Xaxa had been using an actual weapon and not just a ramrod that had been crafted to resemble an estoc with incredibly low base damage, he would have emerged the victor.
I've read the LN, but he still won in the end, is the point, calling it a 'clear loss' is just bizarre
>It's a tie
I was referring to when he fights her inside the Central Cathedral, where he can't even slow her down for more than a few seconds.
after he releases his swords recollection they're even in power and both get blasted out without concluding their match
Clear loss was referring to the 1v1 situation before Sinon bails him out.
I just finished Mother's Rosario and his loss against Yuuki is debatable. Asuna (or whoever) debated that he never actually fights seriously anymore and Yuuki had the advantage of being hooked up to a better machine with much more experience in ALO anyways.
This describes me too 100%, except the hair thing because i got a new haircut not long ago
To add onto this:
Kirito loses his first fight against Eiji, but after about a day of training in AR he wins the rematch pretty clearly. It should be noted Eiji was using a powered exoskeleton and still lost to the regular human out-of-shape Kirito.
From what I remember, Kirito himself concedes that her skill is greater than his ever was and that she would have gotten the unique skill and not him if she had been stuck in SAO. Unless I am remembering incorrectly, I don't think that's very ambiguous.
This is in the recent movie, I assume? I haven't seen it yet.
its better than most of the franchise 2bh
Alicization Human World>>>Alicization War>Mothers Rosario>>>Ordinal Scale>Phantom Bullet>>>Aincrad>>>Fairy Dance
rating ln arcs and not anime obviously
not true
Because Digibro told them to
not remotely possible or plausible
Because he's main character of a popular show, same goes to why people hate alot of shounen main characters
>Heavily contested victories:
>1.) Administrator
>Clear losses:
>1.) Red Eyed Xaxa
I'm not sure why these two are on different lists. Xaxa was eventually defeated in the end, even if it was with Sinon's help.
On the other hand, Administrator effectively won that battle, considering the losses Kirito endured, and the fact that in the end, Kirito still couldn't kill her—even with Dual Blades or Incarnation he only managed to severely injure her. He needed the Deus ex Machina that is Chuddlekin to kill her.
Everyone here is just jealous
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't it go something like
>Eugeo takes off one of her arms but gets mortally wounded in the process
>Kirito takes her on and finds out that she's better with the sword than he is and knows all of the skills
>Kirito uses an incarnation attack to do a dual blades attack and mortally wounds her
>She starts running to the logout console
>The last bit of her HP gets taken off by the flaming fat dude that she had left for dead
Eugeo takes one of her arms, and gets "mortally wounded".
Kirito also takes one of her arms, but also loses an arm.
At this point, Kirito isn't able to fight anymore, Alice is outcold, and Eugeo is in literal pieces. Administrator grandstands, as she opens up the console, and gets ready to leave, which is when the giant flaming clown hugs her to death.
I don't remember how much Life she had left by that point, but if it weren't for Chuddlekin, she could have easily restored herself to full Health once she retreated. (Like she did when "Cardinal" was still part of "Quinella", and she tried to "kill herself", only to immediately restore herself to maximum health.)
If that's the case, that should probably just go under "Clear losses" then.
Is anyone going to mention the Asuka Empire arc?
>doesn't care about having things like cell phones
He lost me there. I used to have a shit computer for a long time so I reoriented myself towards J2ME games and phoneshit in general.
You mean the "Clover's Regret" spin-off?
I don't think that's on anyone's radar. Unlike with Alternative GGO who has Sigsawa writing it (who is also well known for Kino's Journey), I don't think CR's author is well known at all. Not to mention that there seem to be a lot of Japanese culture references to the point that there are several TL notes.
Basically it's too obscure, an not interesting enough.
What kind of flaws do you even want him to have?
People have pointed out flaws.
Where is this being translated?