Holy shit, that's low
Holy shit, that's low
That's what happens when you try to propagate Muslim vales amongst the asian youth.
I didn't follow this at all, what's this now?
somebody better load up nuke #3
Nips having shit taste as usual.
gr8 shitpost m8
I liked it but that was to be expected.
I already knew it was gonna have low sales but it still hurts to look at that number.
Underrated master piece
This is in units of hundreds or thousands, correct? Not literally two hundred and sixty three copies?
I don't recall a scene with MC driving a car through a mall though.
In all seriousness, what's the Muslim thing in the show?
I've honestly never even heard of this show until just now. Too bad. It looks fun. Sort of has a Punch Line vibe to it.
Well shit, I always assumed it was literally numbers, but now I don't know. Anyone else know?
The big bad was literally motivated by "I dont agree with how these people live so they must die"
It is 263
Flop Dragon has 3k+sales and people called it a flop. Ponder this, this one sold less than 10% of flop dragon.
That's just because they're contrarian or baiters.
flop dragon also had a much bigger budget and kyonaus brand name behind. Still a mega flop.
>roughly same sale as phantom sale
Citation needed.
Unlike other studio, Kyoani doesn't use freelancer contractors.
It was good, and I did enjoy it. I'm just saying it's lower than I expected
Now wait till some retard tries to defend Japanese taste by mentioning MLP Friends.
Reminder that the stalker numbers are just from sales on Amazon.
>"If you care so much about the sales, why didn't you buy it?"
>they don't count foreign purchases
At least it charted at all. Some shows sold so poorly they didn't even chart, like Mayoiga.
>this means no S2
>this means no more "Moi"
It's sad.
Japan hates it because it hits too close to home
>big budget
Unless Maidragon differed in some way from the usual KyoAni production, it should have an average budget.
Stalker just makes estimates. The sales number come from Oricon and they take into account both web purchases and physical sales. I don't know if sales to oversea are taken into but I see no reason why they wouldn't be.
It was kind of a shitty show anyway.
>Half of each episode dedicated to shilling for whatever business is willing to pay them
>Finnish-in-name-only American with an obnoxious verbal tic and that's it, absolutely no distinguishing character traits
>Overbaked stereotypes for the rest of the cast
>Contrived plot
>Not funny
>Doesn't follow the plot of the games at all
>Didn't even hit that many fetishes, despite the premise
It was my least favorite show of the season, and I watched One Room.