>He forgot about Satania already
He forgot about Satania already
Fuck off with your meme girl
Never liked her in the first place.
>He doesn't know we are occupying ourselves with blue Satania
Literally who?
Not enough bullying
I didn't because I'm hearing her voice every single time in Tsugumomo.
>Not enough bullying
I refuse to watch this show because of the shit subs.
Hey at least now she's not bullied anymore, she is the bully, finally some healing.
Why would I forget one of the funniest characters of Winter season.
>same seiyuu as Inari
How nice.
I still haven't forgotten her.
How could i forget?
>there will never be more Satania
This is the worst kind of feel.
It hurts too much to remember that there won't be any more new episodes.
Garbage meme girl
Good, worst girls deserve to be forgotten.
is it the same voice actor?
HAHA holy shit
is this VA type cast?
No need to remind us of your shit taste on every single thread.
>Go from being the future ruler of Hell to being a towel
>typical 'waifu for a season' character is forgotten as soon as the next season starts
what a shocker
I fucking hate that author.
He gave literally everyone a happy ending accept the yuri girl.
What are you talking about?
I've already given my heart and soul to Sataniaism.
Watched from 1 to 8 yesterday night. Actually funny show with likeable characters.
A lot of reaction potentials, but you guys probably already made them so I'll just lurk this thread saving them.
Satanichia > Raphi > Tapir > Vigne > Gab
>my wife vigne that low
>go from chuuni bakers daughter to literal belt goddess
Abhorrent taste
What was this show called? Gabriel Flopout?
Sachiel voluntary discontinuation of education
Satanichia the best indisputable. It's actually the girl that moves the show.
Raphi has HanaKana so she's practically cheating her way on my top.
Tapir is middle ground, I'm neutral.
Vigne tries to fucking hard and is just annoyingly """perfect"""
Gab is just a cunt
Put the fucking melonpans in the bag
I want to hold hands with Satania.