Because /vp/ has an hateboner for this series I thought to make a thread here hoping to see if anyone is interested in discussing this manga.
Most of it can be read here:
In short Pokemon special uses the plot of the games as a starting point for its own plots, but keep the spirit of the world intact. The artstyle changes from the second to the hird generation because of a new artist, but I think it's better this way.
Because the author has to follow the release of new games the pace is a bit all over the place but it's a good shonen and not as hedgy as the memes would make it look.
Currently Black2/White2 and Sun/Moon are still ongoing.
Did you nkew this manga existed?
Do you like it?
Favorite arc? Character? Battle?
Pokemon Special/Adventures
Other urls found in this thread:
I like it, I remember that I started reading it about 13 years ago. But that was only the Viz-produced volumes so I didn't know anything past RBGY existed until they started publishing the whole series a few years ago.
I had no idea what was the situation with BW2 for a long while so I'm glad they're putting out new chapters again, even though it's been 5 years since the games came out.
I've collected all the VIZ volumes except for BW, XY, and ORAS. Was hoping they'd put out a box set for BW but I guess not. And I'm not a fan of the mini-volumes but if there's no other choice I guess I'll buy them eventually.
RS was my favorite games so that's probably my favorite arc, and Ruby is my favorite character.
>non-drizzle politoed
Why is Gold's team so shitty? He's got one good pokemon and that's it.
I hope that Moon is the "protagonist" of the arc. I like her serious attitude.
Also why does this little shit need all that money for?
They're his bros. They don't need to be strong.
/vp/ hates this manga because of two things
>tumblr fandom
>people referring to this manga as "the manga" just like how Sup Forums would flip their shit seeing other people say naruto is "the anime"
>Do you like it?
Yes but I'm not reading it right now because of inconsistent scans and underdeveloped plots. Not the author fault since the games are coming too fast now, every 2 years
>Favorite arc?
Mirage Kyogre
>"the manga"
I don't think anyone seriously refer to pokespe as "the manga". I mean, it's probably the longest non-gag pokémon manga so it's normal that people refer to it as "the pokémon manga"; but this doesn't mean that the others are shit or irrelevants.
>tumblr fandom
What's wrong with them? I follow some artists, but I don't see cancerous stuff like with SU that would make someone go "If these are the fans this series must be shit."
I love this jew
1000+ days!
Will Blake/Lack-two shows some imperfections or he will be a complete Gary Stu for the rest of the arc? Will he at least free ?
We can all agree thar Ruby/sapphire arc is the best arc right?
If you ignore the final deux ex machina sure.
I'm not even mad about Celebi saving the day , but if you wanted to return everything to the status quo avoid doing all that damage to main characters and use the power in a lower scale.
Why does /vp/ hate it?
I really loved the earlier arcs. Read up until Mewtwo vs Deoxys fight.
Has there been a Heart Gold / Soul Silver arc yet?
Hugh already unmasked whit2 as the plasma girl in the first try, lack2 is a failure.
kind of explains it.
>Has there been a Heart Gold / Soul Silver arc yet?
Yes, is where OP pic comes from.
It's basically "Stop Team Rocket from getting their hands on Arceus while covincing Arceus to not blow up the world."
Wrong, /vp/ hates the manga because is "not canon". They cannot understand the idea thay a franchise can have multiple canons that are only that to themselves.
But for the same logic the anime isn't canon too.
I think it's simply popular to hate it there.
If you had the chance to get away from the games' terrible balancing, you'd make a weird team too.
The ashnime is only canon to itself, just as the games and the manga are to themselves. /vp/ cannot understand this idea, they threat pokemon as a whole as just one big canon.
>By chance obtains the N's pendant
>Realizes that there is a plasma between the school girls
>Declares that he knows she is here and that he has her precious pendant
>Whit2 (that now knows that the pendant is important shit) panics and tries to KO everyone with spore
>She fails to KO hugh and blown her cover
Lack2 couldn't find her for shitloads of chapters, hugh does on his first try.
In the games I never got the impression that the Island Challenge amulet was rare or special.
He just assumes it is worth a lot, it is never actually stated how much it is worth,
Is not, Sun was tricked into thinking it is due to the normalfags commentaries about it (they mean it has a honor value).
Sun is a retard? Look at his fucking eyes.
Really? He's the most boring lead imo, Emerald is still the worst.
He is an annoying moneyfag, unless there is money, he doesn't give a shit.
He's part cat, part jew.
No I mean look at his pupils in the middle panel, they're at diffferent heights.
DP best arc
Ruby best girl
Red vs Deoxys best battle
Fuck, you're right. It's probably an unintended effect of the shading, but cannot unsee it now.
>Did you knew this manga existed?
Yes, I do
>Do you like it?
Yes, I like it
>Favorite arc?
RS and BW
Ruby and Black ;-;
Mewtwo vs Deoxys
>Because /vp/ has an hateboner for this series
Isn't that just one autist spamming "hurr edgy fanfic trash hurr durr"?
yes. they are also my favorite duo.
>Because /vp/ has an hateboner for this series
I don't go to /vp/ very often but last time I looked they loved the manga.
It's a decent series. I prefer the earlier stuff, as I started reading it during the Yellow arc, but can't be helped. I think I dropped it during Daimond and Pear because terrible fucking scans.
The Emerald arc was crap though: crappy crap.
I agree, Ruby really is the best girl!
>favorite arc
ice mask arc
GOLD, too swag. Yellow because she reminds me of Arthurian knight.
at platinum arc where a bunch of legendary pokemon smash eachother
Have a bonus pic related
I always say pokespe isn't that edgy, but it has its moments.
Pic realted is one of the cooler ones.
I still don't understand what the author wanted to do with this scene. Those are the legendaries that appears in DPP, but what happened to the original ones? Did the first Dialga, Palkia and Giratina die long time ago and only new Arceus decided to replace them?
Those ARE the original creation trio, is a stable time loop: arceus create them at that time, after all ended they went back in time and ended in sinoh.
Are you sure?
I think the chapter implies that HeartGold/SoulSilver is a prequel to the Diamon/Pearl arc and that those are newborn legendaries.
Is a prequel, but not in the way you think.
So you're saying that the Shinjou Ruins are in a temporal bubble at the beginning of time? So how does this work with what Price said about it collapsing the space-time once?
>We will never see poor little White get thoroughly BLACKED
It hurts
White will be blacked at the end of BW2.
> /vp/ has an hateboner for this series
why its literally just edge mon and more faithful to the video game rules then the anime.
Which one is the best on I've read from red to the middle of gold but I know there connected somehow is this the case with the rest of them if you read all of them please rank them.
also have any of you heard of pic-related for years I've wanted this translated but it'll probably never happen.
Man pokemon really has one of the best character designs(games and Manga) in all the anime I watched and the plot is amazing too, too bad they wont write the anime seriously, we could have had amazing storylines, real character development and a good power ranking discussions if they took the pokemon anime seriously and different MC every region.
I actually cleared Heartgold with this team, wasn't too difficult. Ambipom is surprisingly good PvE
the sad thing is that it'd be really easy but the format they have now has been going on so long maybe they think its more marketable.
forgot pic-related apologies
>I don't think anyone seriously refer to pokespe as "the manga"
You haven't been to reddit and tumblr then. Purists in /vp/ and Serebii are mad that most Pokespe readers don't acknowledge or read the other Pokemanga titles.
I like Diamond because he's serious when it needs to be yet retains a fun outlook in life. Quite different from edgemasters like Green, Blue, and Silver.
That's how he defrosted the ice queen Platinum and reined in the hothead Pearl.
Ruby might have been my favorite character if he didn't turn into a flaming faggot in ORAS.
Why a flaming faggot? He "tamed" Sapphire.
Most of /vp/ doesn't even know about the other pokeman mangas.
Power Rankings:
>Top tier
>Good tier
>Average Tier
XY Yellow FRLG
>Mediocre tier
>Shit tier
He means that he continued to do his "protect her by keeping her away and in the dark" bullshit.
>>Shit tier
Still got the best moment in pokespe history though
Too bad there's no chance of everyone ever getting together
Red's Pikachu must be legendary by now. Can't wait for him and Green to show up on the Battle Tree.
Doesn't excuse how shit everything else is
I'm over it now though. Emerald was decent in ORAS. Long past the disappointment of it not being Wally.
Yes it was a very shocking improvement for him
Too bad Ruby and Sapphire dropped in quality
Red and Blue came back in ORAS and Green in XY, the only one missing from the Kanto kids is Yellow. Maybe she's with Red in the new arc and will teach Moon new healing techniques.
I haven't read the Sun and Moon arc yet, is she from Viridian too?
Most Johtomons are shitty, and he needed an iconic Johtomon team that doesn't cut into the aces of other important Johto characters.
Contrasts with Red's Poliwrath to show that they're alike in being main characters, but take vastly different paths.
Typhlosion is a fire type, which works perfectly with Gold's color scheme, and picking it means his edgy rival Silver has the menacing Feraligatr. Meganium is a fag.
Happy-go-lucky like Gold, and it rounds out the grass-fire-water core of the team.
Unorthodox trickster, much like Gold.
These go without saying, since they're iconic parts of gen 2 that most players will add to their team.
Moon is from poké-Korea, but she's a pharmacist and Yellow is "the healer" so I'm sure she could teach her something.
Where's my best boy Black?
I never read pass gen 3. The hair looks so stupid in gen 4.
Yellow best girl.
But it would help
In a rock
>Still got the best moment in pokespe history though
The team up at the end of crystal was far more hype than the one in emerald.
I've been trying to find an active torrent for years anyone have a working link
Why though? How can they hate the Pokespe manga, flawed as it is, and like the ashnime? How can a board have that much of a shit taste?
you know how bakabt torrents work right?